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Thread: [SS AAR] The Legacy of Skantarios - Restoration of the Roman Empire **COMPLETE** (With Compilation)

  1. #121

    Default Chapter 13 - Efthymios Rampant and Decision in the East

    Chapter 13 - Efthymios Rampant and Decision in the East (1548 AD)

    The war against France is nearing a tipping point. The scattered response from the French army has slowed down the offensive but our forces continue to be triumphant in every encounter. While the French have thrown together some sizeable armies, they have consistently failed to provide effective leadership for them. It is telling that neither the French King Gerard or his son (and son-in-law to Emperor Vasileios) Prince Evrart have taken the field against us. The result has been the slaughter of a great deal of French peasants and the depletion of their professional soldier corps.

    Although the French have been floundering, they have managed to detach another army from the German Front in order to lay siege to Metz.

    This is a repeat of their previous tactic from last year which Diadohos Efthymios managed to blast his way out of before heading east. Now it is up to his lieutenant, General Kalamodios, to rush to the relief of the beleaguered fortress.

    Relief of Metz - April, 1548 AD.

    Spoiler for Relief of Metz

    From Battle Report Filed by Kalamodios Kymineianos to Emperor Vasileios and the Imperial Archives - 1548 AD.

    At the request of the garrison commander of Metz and under my own initiative, I have postponed the push north and diverted back to Metz in order to break the siege of the fortress. This is the second siege I have had to break in as many years as the French keep streaming sizeable armies against us in order to blunt the force of our attack. Thus far (at least in my own case), their strategy seems to be working.

    The French force laying siege to the garrison was strong enough that the depleted garrison that Diadohos Efthymios left behind could not hope to cope with it on their own.

    It was another hastily levied army consisting almost entirely of conscripted peasants equipped with pole arms, the so-called "Voulge Militia" (eight full companies worth). They had also levied some Merchant Cavalry to provide a mounted arm to match their general's bodyguard.

    Their commander was another captain lifted up to the nobility due to the attrition in their officer ranks.

    General Foucard carried a reputation as a fearless man who had some skill in leading soldiers. Unfortunately for him, he brought very few "real" soldiers with him.

    Our garrison of Metz was fairly sizeable but was ill-equipped to fight off an assault on their own.

    They had but three companies of professional infantry and two of them were mercenaries. They had one company of heavy Roman spearmen, one company of the German Zweihanders, and one of the Free Companies hired on in the Alps. Efthymios left behind four companies of his wild Magyar horse archers as well as a large portion of his siege train consisting of three units of Bombards and one of Mangonels. The infantry would have been serviceable in a defense of the fortress but the Magyars would have been slaughtered in the narrow streets with no room to maneuver.

    My army was a diverse group consisting of some veterans from the Imperial Army fresh off raising new recruits to fill out their ranks as well as some new soldiers and some mercenaries.

    I had a good sized cavalry contingent with two companies of Stratiotae, one of heavy Pronarii, and one of Cavalarii horse archers. My infantry consisted of one company of mercenary Dismounted German Knights, one of Scutarii swordsmen, one of Roman archers, and one company of Siphonatores (recently arrived from Constantinople).

    Upon our approach, the French left their siege lines and hastily formed up for battle. Their slow and ponderous infantry took quite a long time to complete their movements. This delay allowed me time to make contact with Captain Niphon and coordinate our attacks. At my urging, he sent out his Magyars and they did what they do best, harass the infantry without mercy.

    The French were quickly surrounded and started to fall by the dozen under a hail of arrows. The French army had started to move against my men but now countermarched back toward the fortress and against the garrison forces as they formed up.

    The Mangonel and Bombards opened fire when the mass of French infantry came into range and added their own iron and fire to the missile assault on the Frenchmen. As I sped forward with my own cavalry, I noted with not a little satisfaction that the French General and his mount were an early casualty of the liquid fire descending on the packed French ranks.

    I do believe that the screams of Foucard as he was consumed in flames significantly demoralized the French peasant infantry even as they continued to press forward.
    Spoiler for Foucard Killed

    As the French infantry closed the distance to the garrison, the cannons switched from solid shot to grape and unleashed many deadly volleys.

    The cannons and Mangonels pounded away again and again as the slow moving blocks of infantry flailed around looking for orders which would never come. Our gunners were excellent and continued their attack even as the French closed in close enough so that our boys could smell their dirty, unwashed bodies.

    At such close range, they simply could not miss.

    Once the guns were virtually overrun, I gave the order for our own infantry to charge. This simply proved too much for these French conscripts and they fled after only the briefest moments of resistance.

    My cavalry seized on the moment and added their own attack on the retreating Frenchmen.

    The French polearms were of no use against a lance in the back.

    Those that were not killed in the first rush threw up their hands in surrender.

    We took over 250 prisoners to the loss of barely 40 of our own.

    I offered the French soldiers up for ransom to the French king.
    Spoiler for Prisoners
    I expected just a curt note of refusal from the French leadership, instead I received over a thousand florins!

    I must confess that it was a pleasant change to pay my soldiers with French money as opposed to giving them the order to slaughter more peasants. I doubt it will happen again.

    I shall tarry in the area for a few days in order to set up the garrison to hold the area on their own. We have more reinforcements marching north out of the Alps from Italy and I should be able to put in place a significant garrison as well as a capable field army to resume my march north. The new garrison should be able to stand on their own.

    If the French cooperate and allow me freedom of movement, I should make it north to Antwerp before the year is out.

    - Kalamodios.

    While General Kalamodios has been busy securing the flank of our advance into France, Diadohos Efthymios has been busy moving down the Rhone River Valley against some of the richest cities in the French kingdom.

    His first report comes from Lyon. It was also accompanied by grisly souvenir which is now on display outside the palace.

    Assault on Lyon - May, 1548 AD.

    Spoiler for Assault on Lyon

    From Battle Report Filed by Diadohos Efthymios Laskaris to Emperor Vasileios and the Imperial Archives - 1548 AD.

    The news from my scouts was almost too good to believe. By interrogating some local peasants, we discovered that none other than King Gerard was ensconced in Lyon with nothing but his bodyguard for protection!

    I smelled a trap and soon discovered that my suspicions were mostly correct. A professional army was, indeed, encamped just a few days march from the city. However, like most things the French have done, their "trap" was both poorly executed and poorly manned. By making haste down the road, I was able to attack before the supporting army outside of Lyon could even move to respond. I think Gerard was hoping that we had come ill-equipped for a siege and would have to spend a great deal of time building towers and rams and such. I trust it was a great surprise to him that my initial scouting party had spent their time wisely and were able to construct just a single ram to force the way into the city.

    When we began our assault, I was happy to note my scouting reports proved true as to the full extent of the garrison. King Gerard was completely alone save for his own bodyguard.

    In the past three years, Gerard had conscripted every peasant with a pitchfork and sent them to their doom against our professional armies. Now, he had none left in the city to defend himself. It was almost laughable.

    No, I was incorrect, it was laughable.

    Gerard was the same man who had made peace and an alliance with Emperor Skantarios and then broke both with Emperor Vasileios in favor of his alliance with the Spanish. He has even refused to allow my sister, Efsevia, to return to us. She who had acted as the guarantor of the peace which he so shamelessly broke.

    He was a man completely without honor. I suppose that is why he was held in such high esteem by his people...

    His evil machinations had led to this war and it was now time to pay the price. I was literally salivating to kill this dog myself.

    My army was completely overwhelming for this assault.

    We were made up almost entirely of cavalry with a great host of horse archers, heavy cavalry, war elephants, and one company of mercenary infantry. The bulk of my army was eight companies of Magyars and five companies of Cavalarii. I also had one company of mercenary German horse, one of Serbian Hussars, and one company of Scholarii (under the command of my able second-in-command, Captain Maggiados).

    As soon as my mercenary infantry had battered down the gates, my horsemen poured through with me in the lead. I was disgusted that King Gerard did nothing but flee at our advance.

    Gerard was pathetic. He called to every home that he passed to "Rally to me! Protect the King!!" It shows how much this man's star has fallen that not a single peasant from the town answered his call. Every door stayed shut and not a single person was seen in the street.

    He even attempted to abandon the city entirely!

    It was only the fire from my horse archers that drove him back inside the city walls. This poor stunt cost him nearly half his bodyguard.

    All in all, it was a pathetic showing from someone of noble blood.

    After Gerard was forced back inside the walls, I led my own bodyguard against him. We met in the narrow streets of the city in clash of armored horsemen. What few of Gerard's bodyguard that still held to this coward were quickly dispatched. He was now surrounded, abandoned, and alone in the midst of my men.

    We all thirsted for his blood. Some of my men mocked him in the last moments of his life; calling him a general without an army, a king without a country, and a noble without nobility. We made sport of his desperate parries of our blows and easily brushed aside his feeble swings. At the last, Gerard fought like a caged, wretched animal.

    When at last this sport had run its course, I finished him with my own blade. He fell from his horse and died on the streets looking up to see only the masses of Roman horse standing above him.

    It was a fitting end for one such as him.

    We lost of few men to his bodyguard and from (yet again) the wild shooting of my Magyars when they drove Gerard back into the city.

    Some of my clothing was stained with the Gerard's blood. I have ordered it burned lest he infect me with his cowardice and treachery.

    I have also had Gerard's head encased in some strong wine and sent to Constantinople to accompany this report. I hope that the head of your long-time foe will give you some consolation for the loss of my sister and act as another payment for the enormous debt that the French owe us.

    - Efthymios.

    It seems Efthymios has now renounced any hold to chivalry which he once held. To take the life of an enemy in battle is one thing, to revel in the killing is another thing entirely. To send the head of a sovereign to our capitol goes even further still. There is no dignity or honor in something like this. It is simply...barbaric. What have our wars done to us?

    This was but the first report sent from Efthymios. He wasted no time and launched an immediate attack on the French army just to his east.

    Second Battle of Lyon - May, 1548 AD.

    Spoiler for Second Battle of Lyon

    From Battle Report Filed by Diadohos Efthymios Laskaris to Emperor Vasileios and the Imperial Archives - 1548 AD.

    The French had thought to ambush us as we lay siege to Lyon. Instead, I have taken the city with minimal effort and slain their king while they were powerless to do anything about it! We now marched against them to bring to a conclusion their ill-conceived trap at Lyon.

    The French army was fairly large and, in contrast to the forces they have sent against us in the previous two years, made up of mostly professional soldiers.

    The French fielded a balanced but diverse force with one company of Lancer cavalry augmented by two companies of Militia Cavalry. They also had a large contingent of professional infantry with two companies of Halberd Men-at-Arms, one of Dismounted French Nobles, one of Dismounted Knights, and one small company of mercenary Macemen. Rounding out their infantry were three companies of their Voulge Militia and one company of professional Voulgiers. For missile troops, they had but one depleted company of the Scots Guard archers.

    My army was the same that had taken down Lyon earlier in the month.

    The only additions were one company of mercenary Swiss pikemen and one company of Swiss halberds.

    Given my overwhelming advantage in horse archers, I sent my men out to shoot down the Frenchmen with a concentration on their cavalry.

    The strong armor of the Lancers proved impervious to our bowmen but we did succeed in killing many of the lesser Militia Cavalry.

    The militia cavalry knew they could not stand up to the barrage and spurred their horses forward at the gallop against our infantry. It was a foolish gesture as my infantry were specialists in killing mounted soldiers.

    What few made it to our lines died a quick and pointed death at then end of our pikes and halberds.

    The professional Lancers were not quite so stupid and tried to bring my own horsemen to battle. My war elephants had faced such men before and were not frightened at all by their charge. They met them head on in a battle of the finest mounted forces in Western Europe.

    When the impetus of the French charge was spent against the armored bodies of the elephants (to no effect), my mighty beasts now had the upper hand to gore and trample the excellent Lancers.

    The French commander, Captain Gibaud, was among those crushed under the hooves of the war elephants.

    The French army was now bereft of cavalry and could only march grimly forward without leadership and at the mercy of my masses of horse archers.

    They were surrounded in our own "Valley of Death" and a great deal perished before ever getting close to our infantry line.

    The few that did make it were met by the set pikes and halberds of my Swiss mercenaries.

    The same Swiss who had minutes before been busy killing French cavalry now turned their pikes against the scattered French infantry.

    The battle of infantry was brief but deadly. The dismounted French Knights gave a respectable showing but the fight was already over. What remained of the French infantry now did what they do best, flee.

    It was too bad for them that the path to salvation led them through the same deadly cordon of horse archers.

    Only a precious few made it out alive.

    Spoiler for Prisoners

    It was pointless to offer up the prisoners for ransom. Men such as these do not deserve our pity and we do not need their gold. They were executed on the spot.

    Now that Lyon is secure, I have left the bulk of my army in place to make sure the civilians know their place and accept our rule. Captain Maggiados will ensure there is no trouble in my absence.

    For myself and a few companies of cavalry, we shall continue south down the river and make link up with some forces coming from Genoa. The Spanish have been too long in control of Marseille. It is time to correct that situation.

    - Efthymios.

    Efthymios is making quite a name for himself; both in battle command and in cruelty. It seems as if I do not know the lad anymore. He always emulated father but it seems that he has only adopted his worst traits. I hope he shall find some of father's more noble characteristics before he becomes Emperor...if he survives that long.

    The next report from France comes after a few months of waiting. True to his word, he sped down the Rhone River all the way to the sea and has assaulted Marseille.

    Assault of Marseille - July, 1548 AD.

    Spoiler for Assault of Marseille

    From Battle Report Filed by Diadohos Efthymios Laskaris to Emperor Vasileios and the Imperial Archives - 1548 AD.

    Before I left Italy for France, I had given orders for our corps of spies to infiltrate the city and attempt to turn the populace to our side. They made great strides in the area but the Spanish garrison was able to maintain control by brutally putting down any uprising.

    Luckily, though, the Spanish did not bother to take ownership of the city's gates (no doubt believing such a mundane task beneath them). This was left to the townspeople and they were definitely on our side.

    There would be no resistance from the city's guard when we attacked.

    The garrison of the city consisted of two parts. The first was the one already in the city.

    These were mostly mercenaries with one of the "Free Companies" and one of Pavise Crossbowmen. There was also one company of spearmen raised locally by the Spanish but of both dubious ability and loyalty.

    The garrison was under the command of an old general named Hardeknut. A strange name for a noble but then I do not speak Spanish so perhaps the subtleties are lost on me.

    To live to be 74 and still have the mental and physical capacity for battle showed that he was, indeed, a "hard nut."

    The second part of the garrison was camped just outside the city for some reason.

    These seemed to be poor troops with one company of arbalesters, one company of Sword Militia, and one of mercenary spearmen.

    I had made successful link up with the forces from Italy and joined them to the cavalry I had marched down the valley.

    In addition to my horse archers, I had one company of mercenary German Knights, two companies of Pronarii, and one of Mounted Acritae. The infantry from Italy consisted of two companies of Scutarii spearmen, two of heavy Roman spearmen, one of heavy swordsmen, and one company of Swiss halberds. Most notably, I had one company of Siphonatores from Constantinople. Should the town guards of the city fail us, I had three units of Bombards to batter our way into the city.

    We were contemptuous of the Spanish forces guarding the city and made no covert advance. We simply marched straight up to the walls in perfect battle order.

    The small force camped outside of the city tried to make haste back inside the walls as soon as they saw us. I sent my cavalry crashing into them before they could get there.

    My own bodyguard led this charge. Dozens of Spanish infantry were obliterated in moments under the crush of my armored horsemen.

    In very short order, these leaderless infantry and mercenaries turned tail in a disordered rout.

    We rode down the cowards without mercy.

    The forces outside the city were destroyed before the alarm bells had even sounded in the city. When the Spanish garrison did finally rouse themselves and make a run to man the walls, I led more of my cavalry who (after being helpfully let into the city by the local guards) crashed into them in the narrow streets.

    The mercenary crossbowmen literally flew up in the air when our lances and armored horse hit them. They stood absolutely no chance.

    The Spanish spearmen tried to close the gates but my infantry were already inside and battled them under the shadow of the walls.

    The spearmen earned their Spanish gold but were heavily outnumbered and lost the fight without costing us too many casualties.

    Hardeknut rallied his mercenaries to him and made a stand in the city center.

    I brought the rest of my army up to the square in a leisurely advance that soon had us surrounding him.

    My cannons did the initial work for us and my infantry then advanced to clean up what remained.

    The old general fought well for a man of his years - which is to say he didn't put up much of a struggle.
    Spoiler for Hardeknut Killed
    The death of their general signaled the end of the battle. What few of the garrison left surrendered.

    The one hundred or so of the Spanish prisoners were executed. I let the townspeople perform that particular chore for us. They had been so helpful in getting us into the city and thereby lessening our casualties, I thought it a just reward to allow them to take out their frustrations on their former overlords.

    This was the first time I had met the Spanish in battle. I must say that I was not impressed. It is no wonder that my brother has found success against them in Africa. If this is the best the Spanish can do, I trust Zinonas will continue to do well. Perhaps one day we shall meet in Toledo?

    - Efthymios.

    This has been quite a year for our young heir. He has fought three battles and won them all. In doing so, he has not only taken two very wealthy cities for the Empire but killed the leader of our chief antagonist.

    He has also shown himself capable of casual cruelty that I would not have believed only a few years ago. He has shown that he is not only cruel but also brave and an able commander of troops. Although many men who have taken power had only those traits, they were not successful in the long run. Efthymios will have to also learn wisdom, balance, and humility if he hopes to one day lead our people to continued greatness.

    This was not the only action in the Western Theater of war. In Africa, our men have continued their long and slow progress along the coast. They have now made it all the way to Oran and attacked!

    Assault on Oran - August, 1548 AD.

    Spoiler for Assault on Oran

    From Battle Report Filed by General Isidoros to Emperor Vasileios and the Imperial Archives - 1548 AD.

    The long march across the coast of Africa has finally brought us to the city of Oran. We have suffered greatly during the march but have succeeded in our goal of reaching this city with enough men to take it.

    The city was not garrisoned with poor quality militia but with a thoroughly professional and veteran force.

    They had two companies of Feudal cavalry, two companies of swordsmen, two of dismounted Men-at-Arms, one of professional halberds, and one depleted Sword and Buckler Men.

    My desert warriors had come a long ways and showed the attrition in our previous battles.

    We had four companies of Scutarii spearmen, one of Andalusian spearmen, one of German pikemen, one of Swiss pikemen, and the depleted Varangian Guard. We were still quite strong in cavalry with three companies of Stratiotae, one of Scholarii, one of Archontopulae, and one of Italian Condetterotti. I also had two companies of Cavalarii horse archers and one of mounted crossbowmen but they would play no part. Significantly, my forces had now been joined by one unit of bombards landed on the coast by the navy. They would be our ticket into the city.

    As soon as the bombards had joined us, I ordered them to blast a way through the gates of the city.

    The garrison was slow to respond as they had previously not seen our cannon. This allowed my gunners to blast our way through before they could mount a proper defense.

    As soon as the gates were down, I ordered my infantry forward at the double so that we could gain entrance and establish a foothold before the Spanish could meet the attack.

    We won the race to the gates but only just. My men had just barely cleared the threshold of the gates when the first company of Spanish soldiers appeared.

    A combined attack by my spearmen and one of my companies of Stratiotae dispatched this first contingent in a matter of moments.

    The Spanish were not entirely asleep, though. In very short order, the mounted Spanish knights appeared to stem the advance.

    My masses of spearmen were well suited to fend off this attack and brought down the Spanish knights by the dozen.

    My pikes came up quickly behind the spearmen and managed to kill the garrison commander.

    Spoiler for Death Card
    Despite the death of their commander, the veteran Spanish infantry continued to throw themselves against us and a huge street battle ensued.

    My spearmen bore the brunt of the fighting in the close confines of the city. It was a brutal battle with no quarter asked or given. We had the numbers but the Spanish were veterans and well armed and armored. They took down many of our men before we were able to overwhelm them.

    Those few that sought refuge in the city square were attacked by my tired spearmen.

    It was another brutal stand-up fight that was only decided when the Varangians charged against their rear with their two-handed axes cutting down all in front of them.

    The Spanish fought well and cost us over two hundred lives to achieve victory.

    My men were rewarded for their long march through the desert and the tough fight at the end. I allowed them two days to thoroughly sack the city. Even as I write this, the inhabitants of the city are now being made to pay for their support of Spain.

    My casualties were significant but I still have enough men to continue the fight. When we have completed our rest here and recouped our strength, I shall continue on west; ever to the west until we reach Spain itself!

    I have received word that Lord Zinonas is moving by ship to join me. I hope he will bring some additional men with him as we have dire need.

    - Isidoros.

    Our men continue to slog it out in North Africa and make painful but steady progress. This is becoming the forgotten theater of war with thousands lost on either side for little gain. The territory is vast but the populace (and riches) are small. Until our men can reach Iberia proper, then this will continue to be nothing more than a sideshow (albeit a bloody one) in the vast stage of our Empire.

    Although we continue to have success in the West, the most troubling news comes from the East. Far away at Urgench, Lord Genessios has continued his siege of the city as more than a dozen armies of Crusading Catholics descends upon them. The Mongols have rallied two armies to the city's defense and even now they are moving against Genessios. However, it is not the Mongols that I am most concerned about in Urgench, it is the Hungarians. The reports from our officials there indicate that King Deszos, our most trusted ally and brother to the dowager Empress Maria (wife of Skantarios) and uncle to the current Empress Judit has appeared only a few days away from the city.

    Both Genessios and Vitos have stated that they would destroy any Catholic army that tried to interfere in the war with the Mongols. Could they really mean this to include the Hungarians? If they were to fight an army of the Hungarians (led by their king no less!), it would mean an all out war between our two peoples. This would not be a war fought at a distance as in Africa, France, or the far East. This would be a war fought in our own heartlands; perhaps even at the gates of Constantinople itself!

    The alliance between the Romans and the Hungarians has been the bedrock of the security of both nations for decades - stretching back even to the time of Emperor Thedoros. In fact, it was Skantarios himself who concluded the first treaty between us with his marriage to (then Princess) Maria when he was but a young man in his twenties. This was followed by the marriage of Vasileios to Judit and later of my own sister Vasilia to the current Hungarian heir, Simon. Not to mention the marriage of my late Aunt Anna to Lord Benedek. We are intertwined to a degree that makes it hard to see where one side begins and the other ends.

    Of all the diplomatic maneuverings Skantarios performed through the years, the alliance was the only one to stand the test of time. Can Genessios and Vitos seriously be considering throwing all this away only to preserve their dignity? I support my husband in all things but I am having a hard time reconciling all this.

    Perhaps there is a deeper plot here than what appears on the surface? Emperor Vasileios is a politician and schemer without equal and I know nothing is beyond him. Could Vasileios be using his "renegade" generals to break the peace with the Hungarians and thus satisfy his territorial ambitions close to home? Or, more likely, is he using the Hungarians to dispose of Vitos and Genessios and thus keep his own hands clean?

    If we fight the Hungarians, then we will truly be in a civil war that could tear the Empire apart.

    There are layers upon layers here that defy my own reasoning with the information available. I must seek counsel. Therefore, I shall write to (former) Empress Maria and see what she has to say about this. Her years of exposure to the political wrangling in the capitol are the only ones to compare to Vasileios's. If anyone can see a path clear through this predicament, it is she. Though Maria has shown a marked disinterest in the politics these past years, I pray that the scale of this impending disaster will be enough to shake her from her apathy to action.

    I only hope we have the time to forge a path before our entire world comes falling down around us.

    - Likenia Laskaris Vasilidis, Imperial Historian.

    World as we know it - 1548 AD.

    World as it really is - 1548 AD.
    Last edited by Skantarios; October 01, 2010 at 08:02 AM.
    Read the review of I am Skantarios! in the Critic's Quill here.

  2. #122
    Karnage's Avatar Centenarius
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    Gatineau, Canada

    Default Re: [SS AAR] The Legacy of Skantarios - Restoration of the Roman Empire (Updated as of 9/22)

    Victory on all fronts are always great news, good riddance to the persians and I hope your tactic in Iberia will slow them down. Great update as always but still. Even now more then ever, I believe a scorched earth campaign in Iberia wouldnt hurt your chances
    My work in progress AAR, come and have look.

    L'État c'est moi, The Monarchy of France

    Critic Quills review about my AAR.

  3. #123
    Valandur's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: [SS AAR] The Legacy of Skantarios - Restoration of the Roman Empire (Updated as of 9/22)

    On the French Front I'd advise you drive a wedge through France by capturing Normandy. I'd leave the French into the northeast as they are in a war with the Germans, and they can basically destroy each other while you pick up the scraps. Maybe just capture all of central and southern France and leave the French boxed up in the north against the Germans, whilst you launch a possible second front against the Spanish.
    How many field armies do you have?
    Quote Originally Posted by Michele Bachmann View Post
    They would be incorrect. The only path to happiness is through Christ.

  4. #124
    Indefinitely Banned
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    Default Re: [SS AAR] The Legacy of Skantarios - Restoration of the Roman Empire (Updated as of 9/22)

    heh, nice going there; love the cowboy style of the Generals to the East; good to see you've wasted the persians, now it'll just be the mongols gone and you've pretty much got the entire eastern portion of the map

  5. #125

    Default Re: [SS AAR] The Legacy of Skantarios - Restoration of the Roman Empire (Updated as of 9/22)

    Truly, madly, deeply epic update! (Please forgive the reference to Savage Garden...)

    The sheer scope of what you're writing is amazing. Covering so many events and battles, throughout your empire, and still keeping it focussed on what is important. The constant political edge gives the story that little extra topping. Once again, astounding, majestic, brilliant! Gifangreatical!

  6. #126
    Indefinitely Banned
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    Default Re: [SS AAR] The Legacy of Skantarios - Restoration of the Roman Empire (Updated as of 9/22)

    i've mentioend before how much i love the part of the map that is close to the caspian sea-how far it is from any sense of Roman civilisation.
    i imagine General Ioannis would sit there with his horse looking over the sea, wondering what Alexander would've conquered aeons ago...right before he saddled up for the march west of course.
    it's so epic, it reminds me of the timescale from the dune novels, people who lived in one's genetic past...

  7. #127

    Default Re: [SS AAR] The Legacy of Skantarios - Restoration of the Roman Empire (Updated as of 9/22)

    Hi, I simply had to register. Ive read all of the first Skantarios and all thats been up to this point and I have to say, it is simply unmatched.
    I definitely agree with Exarch. Although I don't believe even Alexander conquered so far north within Central Asia o.o XP
    Too bad that the map ends there. If only the Roman horde could go even farther and conquer China XD Those would be some entirely crazy fights. Then afterwards maybe you'd add a Skantarios-era Rome to Shogun.

  8. #128
    Dave Strider's Avatar Dux Limitis
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    Default Re: [SS AAR] The Legacy of Skantarios - Restoration of the Roman Empire (Updated as of 9/22)

    How did I miss this?!?

    It's great to see you in action again mate! Keep up the good work!
    when the union's inspiration through the worker's blood shall run,
    there can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun,
    yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one?
    but the union makes us strong.

  9. #129
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Nebraska, no: I DO NOT live on a friggin Farm

    Default Re: [SS AAR] The Legacy of Skantarios - Restoration of the Roman Empire (Updated as of 9/22)

    having looked at the map, i would say that splitting France in half would put it more in a battle with the Danes (Germany is completely dead in terms of power apparently).

    Also, i agree, a raid on spain would be interesting, although the requirements would be vastly harder in terms of geographic scope.

    I didn't make this account because of the AAR, but it is the reason i've kept coming back over the last week reading the rise of Skantarios part ^_^
    Last edited by mikalos209; September 30, 2010 at 12:55 AM.
    "So, you tell me that if I buy this you won't steal my limited edition Boba Fett statue?"

    • Proud Fourth-German ^-^
    • Proud Fourth-Irish
    • Hater of France (Not the people, just everything about them)
    • The above is only Joke-Hatred

  10. #130
    melkor1861's Avatar Libertus
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    Alabama, USA

    Default Re: [SS AAR] The Legacy of Skantarios - Restoration of the Roman Empire (Updated as of 9/22)

    I have an idea.... raid Spain, exterminating and destroying everything in the coastal (rich) cities as you go and work your way up to a backdoor attack on France, opening up 2 fronts! Sort of like a better planned and executed Gallipoli

    It's a plan full of risk and bravado that might be done by the New Emperor to try to one-up Skantarios.....

  11. #131
    Join Date
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    Nebraska, no: I DO NOT live on a friggin Farm

    Default Re: [SS AAR] The Legacy of Skantarios - Restoration of the Roman Empire (Updated as of 9/22)

    Quote Originally Posted by melkor1861 View Post
    I have an idea.... raid Spain, exterminating and destroying everything in the coastal (rich) cities as you go and work your way up to a backdoor attack on France, opening up 2 fronts! Sort of like a better planned and executed Gallipoli

    It's a plan full of risk and bravado that might be done by the New Emperor to try to one-up Skantarios.....

    but this leaves your second front surrounded by burnt out cities, somewhat far from reinforcements and surrounded by both spanish und french forces.
    "So, you tell me that if I buy this you won't steal my limited edition Boba Fett statue?"

    • Proud Fourth-German ^-^
    • Proud Fourth-Irish
    • Hater of France (Not the people, just everything about them)
    • The above is only Joke-Hatred

  12. #132

    Default Re: [SS AAR] The Legacy of Skantarios - Restoration of the Roman Empire (Updated as of 9/22)

    Post #121 has now been edited to a full update and brings us through the year of 1548.

    I have been terribly remiss recently about responding to feedback for reasons which I will get to in a minute.

    First, I should say that I greatly appreciate both your readership and the comments I receive. Knowing that the AAR is being read (and hopefully enjoyed) makes all the effort put forth worth it.

    @BeerMoney. I haven't changed my settings recently though I did increase the resolution some time ago. What I have been doing with some of the pictures is spending a few moments trying my very novice hand at editing the photos so they are clearer and more crisp and bringing out the color. I didn't do that much with the first AAR and I am not sure I will continue. So far, the feedback has been positive and so I will keep trying to do it as my time permits.

    @BarcaMartin - So glad to have you still reading and thank you for your very kind words (even if you are quoting a rock group!). I know getting to other's AARs is always a problem when you are trying to do your own. I don't mind you skimming the posts at all. The political intrigue with the Romans/Byzantines is something of a historical staple and I think it adds a great deal to the storyline. Now that I am focusing on several different characters, it is important to give them reason for their actions instead of simple blind conquest.

    @IPA35 - Thanks for the explanation of the crowns. I had always wondered. Now, if someone could just tell me what the deal is with all the "de Bodemlozes", I would be set!

    @Karnage - Thanks so much for your excellent input on future strategy. There are several things that I am contemplating about doing as far as grand strategy. A raid into Spain would certainly be interesting if I can free up the forces to do so. Also, I know what you mean with the losses to French. When I see an AAR where they are beating up my Romans/Byzantines, I can't help but feel the same way.

    @Radzeer - Thanks for the support. I haven't had a chance to read the latest updates on your Hungarian AAR but I hope to do so soon. Always love getting input from other writers. The Crusade is going to loom very large in the next two updates and how that plays out with the Empire. Vasileios definitely has some ideas along those lines. It is a nice benefit by having some of the best armies of both Spain and France out wandering the countryside while I am battling it out with those left behind.

    @Maltacus - Interesting about the AI vassalizing the Pope. I hadn't seen that before I did it myself but it stands to reason that it would happen. Hard to do so without getting a Crusade called down on you before you succeed.

    @Arkocento Pricos - I hope to get to a point where Vasileios can make a comparison to Justinian (just as he did with Solomon - caught that reference). In future updates, you are going to be seeing some direct conversations with Vasileios as he tries to explain some of his actions (and compare himself to past rulers). I haven't gotten there yet but it is coming.

    @Exarch - First, thanks for the input. I like to think I have a decent grasp of Roman history for a layman/amateur. Next, I too can sense the epicness in what Vitos and Genessios are doing. The "Orthodox Crusade" against the Mongols and the rest of the Muslims will continue and take the Romans where they have never gone before. Staring out into the open expanse of the Steppes is something that will come when they start tracking down the remnants of the Mongols. Going there, I think Alexander would be proud.

    @Thokran - Congratulations on the conclusion of your Makurian AAR! What an accomplishment! I hope you are very proud of what you have written. I will definitely get around to putting a post in there as opposed to hiding my praise for your AAR here in my own thread. The Spanish are still very strong and seem to breed new armies at the drop of a hat. I am sure there are many surprises awaiting when (if) I get to Iberia.

    @NotYetRegistered - I think the AI has gone turtle with the Teutonic Order, England, and Scotland. Scotland has limited options as they have pushed to the limit in a stalemated war with England. The Teutons are weak so aren't doing anything. I am interested to see what, if anything, the AI will do with England now that the French are weakened. Maybe they will make a play for a foothold in Europe?

    @Valandur - I hope the past couple of updates will get you up to speed with Ioannis/Genessios/Vitos. Ioannis is now moving back to the West but will take some time to get there and Vitos/Genessios are still on the brink of civil war while still trying to fulfill their vow to Skantarios to destroy the Muslims. I think the wedge through France is where I will go with this. Can't go wrong with the divide and conquer strategy. Having the French as a buffer between the us and the Germans and Scandanavians would make a great deal of sense.

    @SupremeTurkeyLord - I hope the last couple of updates have satisfied your taste for Byzantine politics. It only gets thicker from here!

    @Highi - The rebellion (if it comes) will mostly be talked about in writing. If it comes to direct battle, I will either represent through custom battle (disbanding the losers in the actual campaign) or some other way. I will have to cross that bridge when I come to it.

    @Lunchbox - Glad to have you back! The Reconquista will be something but we have a little bit to go before we get there. It should be epic.

    @DirtySmurf - Great reference to "Lost to the West." I have a copy myself. I bought it after listening to his great podcasts on the Byzantines. If you haven't listened to them, do it! They are great. I am always looking for stuff on this period and he has put out some great stuff. Glad to have a fellow reader of Brownsworth with us.

    @TaronQuinn - Thanks for the nice comments! There is definitely a great deal to go to reestablish the old borders - lots of blood to be shed and lots of intrigue to go with it.

    @LukeMurgatroyd - Thanks for the comments on the picture. That one turned out better than I thought. Sometimes the game gives you some great stuff and its usually unexpected.

    @desley - I've thought about playing the battles with less...skill. Can't seem to bring myself to do it. I am falling back on the Romans having a better military system and using only a few generals who display some real skill. I suppose it would be more realistic to throw in a few "bad" generals into the mix but I am only using about six at the moment. Maybe there will be a few who will end badly. Maybe.

    @Dofon - Thanks for registering to comment. I've said this before but it bears repeating. Having one of the "Guests" register just to comment on my AARs is one of (if not the) best compliments I could get. I hope you will continue on with the forums. As for the East, it is indeed somewhat tragic the map ends there. Going so far out East would be something akin to the great Mongol empire (or maybe Tamerlanes). It would be so epic.

    @Frederick/Vladimir Fred-nin - Glad to have you back (and with a new name). Good luck with your own AAR!

    @mikalos209 - Glad to have you join us. Like I said before, I think the splitting of France is the way to go and I am really trying to work out how to do a raid of some type into Spain. Just too interesting to pass up. When you are finished reading I am Skantarios!, I hope you will take up with this one.

    @melkor1861 - I wouldn't put it past Vasileios to try and one-up his deceased brother. Definitely in keeping with his character.

    *********First Announcement************

    I have decided to enter my tale in this month's Monthly AAR Contest (the MAARC). The voting thread should be posted in the next day or so. You can find it here.

    I would encourage you all to check it out and read some of the fine AARs presented there which span several different mods and games. Even if you don't want to vote for this one, I would encourage you to please vote for someone. These things are often determined by just a few votes so know that each vote really counts.

    *********Second Announcement************

    The reason I have been rather slow in both posting and (terribly) slow in responding to comments is that I have a major change in my real life coming up that has greatly restricted my time to write. It is all I can do to put together my updates and still take care of the things I have to do in real life.

    So, it is with some regret that I must announce that this AAR will be put in suspension for at least the next 20-30 days. I don't really want to go into the reasons behind it but suffice to say it has a great deal to do with both my job and my location. I am not sure what my internet access will be like in my new location but I doubt it will be as good as here. I fully intend on keeping this going as well as moving forward with my next AAR (working title: Pagan Vengeance), but to promise anything concrete would be disingenuous. If there is a greater delay then what I have stated before, I will be sure to post and let you know.

    I don't know when the next update will be posted but I hope you will join me when it does.

    As always, thanks so much for reading!
    Last edited by Skantarios; October 04, 2010 at 07:45 PM.
    Read the review of I am Skantarios! in the Critic's Quill here.

  13. #133

    Default Re: [SS AAR] The Legacy of Skantarios - Restoration of the Roman Empire (Updated as of 10/1)

    I just love your aar Great Update

  14. #134
    Concrete's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: [SS AAR] The Legacy of Skantarios - Restoration of the Roman Empire (Updated as of 10/1)

    Great update, I had a feeling the Hungarians would become entangled in the politics as well.
    And best of luck with your job problem, don't worry about not being able to update, we have patience. And when you do get back to us, I'm sure the update will be like all those before it; worth the wait no matter how long it takes.

  15. #135
    Karnage's Avatar Centenarius
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    Default Re: [SS AAR] The Legacy of Skantarios - Restoration of the Roman Empire (Updated as of 10/1)

    Awesome update as usual, victories on all fronts and the death of the French King. The last part of your chapter truly troubles me though and brings some suspense in the air. If the Hungarians are in fact attacked, it could be devastating, they have access to your heartlands and may hurt your Empire considerably. I only wish they will see reason and recognize their long time ally banners.

    Take your time my friend, come back when you can, we'll be there
    My work in progress AAR, come and have look.

    L'État c'est moi, The Monarchy of France

    Critic Quills review about my AAR.

  16. #136
    Indefinitely Banned
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    Default Re: [SS AAR] The Legacy of Skantarios - Restoration of the Roman Empire (Updated as of 10/1)

    thanks, skantarios, for the update!
    it made for great readin, especially the byzsantine politics of th eEmperor and his renegade Generals

  17. #137

    Default Re: [SS AAR] The Legacy of Skantarios - Restoration of the Roman Empire (Updated as of 10/1)

    Skantarios, I'm quite excited for the return. I like the idea of a rebellion/civil war. There was a really awesome AAR I read a while back that had an epic civil war that you might be interested in taking a look at. It's called The Pyrrhic Dynasty and it's on EB. Here's the link:

  18. #138
    Treize's Avatar Dux Limitis
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    Default Re: [SS AAR] The Legacy of Skantarios - Restoration of the Roman Empire (Updated as of 10/1)

    'de Bodemloze' = Dutch for 'the Bottomless'.
    People who where patronised as citizens by Hesus de Bodemloze adopted his surname.
    Miss me yet?

  19. #139

    Default Re: [SS AAR] The Legacy of Skantarios - Restoration of the Roman Empire (Updated as of 10/1)

    Excellent update, Skantarios! The Hungarian plot is really fascinating. And as others have said before, the support for this AAR will not go away. No matter how much time you'll need, we'll be here!

  20. #140
    Dave Strider's Avatar Dux Limitis
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    Default Re: [SS AAR] The Legacy of Skantarios - Restoration of the Roman Empire (Updated as of 10/1)

    Thank you both for the update AND your wishes of luck.

    And isn't my new name in?
    when the union's inspiration through the worker's blood shall run,
    there can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun,
    yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one?
    but the union makes us strong.

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