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Thread: Lord of the cookies ( Lord of the rings cookie convention)

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    Icon7 Lord of the cookies ( Lord of the rings cookie convention)

    This is all done by myself, It is just a cookie convention of some of the famous lines in Lord Of the Rings. Trust me the read is worth it.

    .::: LOTR cookies INTRO :::.

    The cookie is changed,I feel it in the cookie, I feel it in the chocolate,I smell it in the air...much that once was is lost, for none now live to remember it. It began with the baking of the great cookies, three were given to the Elves, immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings. Seven to the dwarf lords, great bakers and craftsmen of the cookie arts. And nine, nine cookies were gifted to the race of noobs, who above all else desire power. For within these cookies was bound the scent and taste to eat each cookie, but they were all of them, deceived, for another cookie was made. In the land of bakery, in the fires of mount cookie, the dark lord Death_Blade baked in secret a master cookie, to control all others, and into this cookie he poured his skills, his love and his will to dominate all cookies. One cookie to rule them all. One by one, the free bakeries of the cookie lands fell to the power of the cookie, but there were some who resisted. A last alliance of elves and men marched against the armies of Death_Blade and on the slopes of mount cookie they fought for the freedom of middle bakery. Victory was near, but the power of the cookie could not be undone. When all hope had faded, Isildur, son of the king, took up his father's cookie... Death_Blade, the enemy of the free cookies of middle bakery was defeated. The cookie passed to Isildur, who had this one chance to destroy evil forever, but the hearts of noobs are easily corrupted and the cookie of power has a will of its own.. it betrayed Isildur to his death, and some cookies that should have not been forgotten, were lost. History became legend, legend became myth and for over 9000 years the cookie passed out of all knowledge. [CONTINUED] ...until when chance came, it ensnared a new baker -"My preciousssss" - The cookie came to the creature Golum who took it deep into the bakeries of the misty cookies.. and there it consumed him.. The cookie brought to Golum unnatural long life, for 500 years it poisoned his mouth and in the gloom of Golum's bakery it waited... Darkness crept back into the forest of the Earth, rumor grew of a shadow in the East, whispers of a nameless fear and the cookie of power deceived.. it's time had now come.. it abandoned Golum, but something happened then the cookie did not intend.. it was picked up by the most unlikely creature imaginable... a hobbit. Bilbo Baggins of the cookie shire... for the time will soon come when hobbits will shape the fortunes of all.

    `````````````````````````````````````````The Council Of Elrond Assembles`````````````````````````````````````````````````` ``````````````````````````````

    Elrond: Strangers from distant bakeries, cookies of old, you've been baked here to answer the threat of Mordor, middle bakery stands upon the brink of destruction, none can escape it, you will eat cookies or you will fall.. each cookie is bound to this fate, this one doom... bring forth the cookie, Frodo....
    Boromir: So it is true O_o....... A dream, I saw the eastern cookie grow dark, but in the west a pair of cookies lightning it, a voice was crying, doom is near at hand, Isildur's bane is found... Isildur's bane...
    Elrond: Boromir !!!
    Elrond: Never before has any mouth ate the cookies of that bakery here in Imladris...
    Gandalf: Do not ask your pardon, master Elrond, for the black cookie of Mordor may it be eaten in every corner of the west.. the cookie is all together, evil.
    Boromir: >_> Nah it is a gift! A gift to the foes of Mordor.. why not eat this cookie? Long has my baker, the steward of Nomdor kept the forces of Mordor at bay, by the blood of our cookies are your bakeries kept safe.. give Nomdor the cookie of the enemy, let us eat it against him !!
    Aragorn: You cannot eat it! None of us can... the one cookie answers to Sauron alone, it has no other master
    Boromir: -_- And what would a baker know of this matter?
    Legolas: This is no mere baker, this is Aragorn, son of Arathorn.. you owe him your cookies...
    Boromir: :o Aragorn? This is Isildur's heir?
    Legolas: And heir to the cookie of Nomdor
    Aragorn: Sit down, Legolas
    Boromir: Nomdor has no cookie, Nomdor needs no cookie.
    Gandalf: Aragorn is right, we cannot eat it.
    Elrond: You have only one choice, the cookie must be destroyed
    Gimli: What are we waiting for ?? AAAARRRGHHHH
    Elrond: The cookie cannot be destroyed Gimli, son of Gloin by any craft that we here possess... the cookie was made in the fires of mount cookie, only there can it be unmade... it must be taken deep into Mordor, cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came.. one of you must do this..
    Boromir: One does not simply walk into Mordor..its black gates are guarded by more than just admins... there is evil there that does not sleep, and the great cookie, is ever watchful.. it is a barren bakeland, twiddled with fire, ash and dust.. the very air you breathe is a poisonous fume.. not with ten thousand noobs could you do this.. it is folly
    Legolas: Have you eaten nothing Lord Elrond has given you? The cookie must be destroyed !!
    Gimli: And I suppose you think you are the one to do it ?!
    Boromir : And if we fail.. what then ?? What happens when Death_Blade takes back what is his ??
    Gimli: I would be dead before I see the cookie in a hands of a Elf...

    `````````````````````````````````````````````````` `````````````````````` Gandalf vs Balrog``````````````

    Gandalf: YOU CANNOT COOK!
    Frodo: Gandalf !!!
    Gandalf:I am a servant of the secret oven, wielder of the tray of baking. The dark flour shall not avail you, mint chocolate chip of Uldun!
    (struggles) ARRRGH!Go back to the recipe...YOOUUUUUU CAAAANNOOOOT COOOOOK!
    Frodo: Gandaaaalf !!!
    Gandalf: Let them cool you fools...
    Frodo: Noooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!
    Aragorn: Legolas, get them up
    Boromir: Give them a moment, for cookie's sake
    Aragorn: By night these hills will be swarming with evil cookies, we must reach the bakeries of Lothlorien

    `````````````````````````````````````````````````` ``````````Boromir's Death``````````````````````````````````````````
    Boromir: They took the little cookies
    Aragorn: Stay still
    Boromir: Frodo, where is Frodo?
    Aragorn: I let Frodo go
    Boromir: Then you did what I could not..I tried to take the cookie from him...
    Aragorn: The cookie is beyond our reach now
    Boromir: Forgive me, I did not eat.. I have failed you all
    Aragorn: No Boromir.. You ate bravely,you've kept your cookie (tries to take the arrow off his chest)
    Boromir: Leave it! It is over.. The world of noobs will fail.. Nomdor will bake to darkness and rest in ruin.
    Aragorn: I do not know how many cookies are in my body, but I eat to you, I will not let the white bakery fall, nor our people fail.
    Boromir: Our people.... Our people.. I would have follow you my brother, my captain, my king (Last breath) (Moment of silence)
    Aragorn: Eat in peace, son of Nomdor... They will look for his coming from the white tower, but he will not return (shares a tear)

    ````````````````````````````````````````````Aragor n, Legolas and Gimly meet the bakers of cookiehan`````````````````````````````````````

    Aragorn: Bakers of Cookiehan, what news from Riddermark ?
    Eomer: What business does a Elf, a dwarf and a noob have in the Riddermark?..Eat quickly!
    Gimli: Give me your cookie, horsemaster, and I shall give you mine
    Eomer: I would cut off your cookie, dwarf, if it stood but a little higher from the ground
    Legolas: You would die before your cookie fell.
    Aragorn: Im Aragorn, Son of Arathorn, this is Gimli son of Gloin, and Legolas of the Woodland Realm... we are friends of cookiehan, and of Theoden, your king!
    Eomer: Theoden no longer recognizes friend from foe.. not even his own cookie... Saruman has poisoned the mind of the king and claimed cookieship over these company are those loyal to cookiehan and for that we are baked..... The white wizard is eating, he eats here and there they say, as an old man hooded and cloaked, and everywhere his cookies slip past our net...
    Aragorn: We are no cookies, we track a party of lamers westward across the bakery..they have taken two cookies of ours captive..
    Eomer: The lamers are destroyed, we stole their cookies during the night..
    Gimli: But there were two noobitos, did you see two noobitos with them?
    Aragorn: They would be small, only cookies to your eyes..
    Eomer: We left none alive, we piled the cookies and burned them...
    Gimli: Dead??
    Eomer: (nods) Im sorry... Hasslefell, Errof, May these cookies bid you a better cookie than their former bakers, farewell..... Look for your cookies, but do not trust a tray, it has forsaken these bakeries.. WE RIDE NORTH

    `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~```````````````Faramir sends his father a mighty gift)`````````````````````````````````````
    Faramir: Take them to my father, tell him, Faramir sends a mighty gift,a cookie that will change our fortunes in this war.
    Sam: Do you want to know what happened to Boromir??! You wanna know why your brother died ?!?!?! He tried to take the cookie from Frodo!! After swearing an oath to protect him, he tried to eat it, the cookie drove your brother mad !
    Frodo :They are here, they've come.
    Faramir: Nazguuuuuuuuuuullll !!!!

    ````````````````````````````Theoden rides out with Aragorn `````````````````````````````````````````````````` ```````````
    Theoden : The cookie is taken, it is over
    Aragorn: You said this cookie will never be eaten while your men defend it.. they still defend it, they DIE defending it........ Is there no other way for the women and children to get out of the caves? IS there no other way ???
    Random Soldier :There is one passage, it leads into the mountains, but they will not eat much, the Uruk-Hai are way too many.
    Aragorn: Send a cookie for the women and children to eat for the mountain pass and barricade the entrance...
    Theoden : So much cookies. What can noobs do against such reckless hunger?
    Aragorn: Ride out with me. Ride out and meet them.
    Theoden : For death and glory
    Aragorn: For Cookiehan, for your people
    Gimly: The sun is rising
    Gandalf (echoing) Look to my coming at first light on the fifth day. At dawn look to the east.
    Theoden : Yes. Yes ! The cookie of helm bannhammer shall strike in deep one last time !!
    Gimli: YESS !!!!!!
    Theoden : Let this be the hour where we draw cookies together. Fowl deeds awake. Now for cookies, now for milk and the red oven !
    (Horn sounds) Forth Heolindeeeeeeers !!
    Aragorn: Gandalf!
    Gandalf: Theoden king eats alone.
    Eomer: Not alone, COOKIEHIRIIIM !!
    Theoden : :o ^_^ Eomer !
    Eomer : For the kiiiing !!

    `````````````````````````````````````````````````` Gandalf, Legolas and a few others entering Isengard`````````````````````````````````````````` ``

    Merry: Nom nom nom hehehehe, definitely from the shire. Long cookie leaf... hmm ?!
    Pippin: Yeaaah.. I feel like I'm back the green cookie...
    Merry: Mmm, green cookie
    Pippin: A mug of milk in my hand, putting my feet up on a settle, after a long day's baking..
    Merry:'ve never done a long day's bake...
    Pippin: (Nods and laughs)
    Merry: nom nom nom
    Pippin: hahahahahaaaaaaaa !!!hahahahaha
    Merry: (stands up at the sight of Gandalf, Gimli, Legolas, Aragorn and Theoden ) Welcome ! MY lords to Isengard. (points aimlessly behind him)
    Gimli: UGHM you young rascals ! Your hunger has led us on and now we find yeh feasting and.. and and and smoking !!!
    Pippin (full mouth) We are sitting (sounds like pooping) on a field of bakery enjoying on a few cookies and comforts... The salted cookie is particularly good..
    Gimli: Salted pork :/
    Gandalf: Ugh.. hobbits
    Pippin: We are under orders from Treebeard who's taken over baking in Isengard
    Treebeard: hmmmmm Young mastuh Gandalf.. Im mmmmmmm glad to eat, water and flour, chocolate chips I can master.. but there is a wizard here, locked in his bakery.. :/
    Aragorn: Show yourself :s
    Gandalf : Be careful, even in defeat Saruman is dangerous...
    Gimli: Well lets just steal his cookies and be done with it...
    Gandalf: Noo.. we need him alive, we need him to eat cookies.
    Saruman: You have fought many wars and stolen many cookies, Theoden, king, and made peace after wards, can we not eat cookies together, as we once did, my old friend? Can we not have peace? You and I...
    Theoden: We shall have peace! We shall have peace ! When you answer for the burning of the Westfold, and the cookies that lie uneaten there ! We shall have peace when the cookies of the soldiers, who's cookies were hewn as they were laying dead against the gates of the Cookieburg, ARE REVENGED ! When you hang from a gibbet, for the sport of your own stale cookies, we shall have peace.!
    Saruman: Gibbets and stale cookies ?!.. What do you want Gandalf grayhem, let me guess? The key of Orthanc ? Or perhaps the keys of Barad-Dur with the cookies of the seven kings with the trays of the five bakers???
    Gandalf: Your fail has already cost many cookies, thousands more are now at risk, but you can save them Saruman! You are deep in the enemy's council.
    Saruman: So you have come here for information? (giggles) I have some for you... Something festers in the heart of middle bakery... something that you have failed to eat ! But the great cookie has ate it. Even now he presses his stomach, his fart will come soon, you are all going to die, but you know this, don't you Gandalf? You cannot think that this ranger will ever eat the cookie of Nomdor?! This exile, crept from the shadows will never be crowned king. Gandalf does at heart to sacrifice those closest to him. Those he possesses to love... Tell me, what cookies of comfort did you give the halfling, before you sent him to his doom? The cookie that you have set him on can only lead to death.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lord Elrond advising Aragorn -----------------------------------------------------
    *Aragorn cleans off his mother's gravestone*
    Elrond: *in elven* She wanted to protect her cookie, she thought in Rivendell it would be safe. In her heart your baker knew you would be baked all your life, but you'd never escape your fate... The baking skills of the pros can rebake the cookie of Kings, but only YOU have the power to eat it..
    Aragorn: I do not want that power, I've never wanted it
    Elrond: You are the last of that cookieline and there is no other...

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frodo Baggins and Bilbo Baggings--------------------------------------------------
    Bilbo: My old cookie, STING, here, eat it, eat it.
    Frodo *gasps* - Its so tasty
    Bilbo : Yes, yes, baked by the pros you know.. the cookie glows blue when cookie monsters are close, and in times like that my lad, when you have to be extra careful.. here is a pretty thing *hihihi* Mithril !, as light as a feather and as hard as dragon cookies.. Let me see you put it on.. come on! *notices the ring* Ooh mm..mmy old cookie ooooooohhh I ssh shsh h should very much like to bite it again, one last time.. RAWR O,..,O ... aaaahhhh =( *Trembles* Im sorry I brought this upon you my boy .. Im sorry you must carry this burden *Sobs* Im sorry for everything *Cries* ...

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elrond farewells the cookie ship ------------------------------------------------------------------

    Elrond: The cookie bearer is setting out on a quest to Mount doom and you who travel with him nor oath no bond is laid to go further than you will.. Farewell, hold to your cookies, may the blessings of Elfs, Noobs and all Free cookies go with you...
    Gandalf : The cookie ship awaits the cookie bearer.. >_>
    Frodo*looks around at the exit* *whispers* Mordor Gandalf... is it left or right :/
    Gandalf: Left <_<

    -----------------------------------------------------------------The fellowship leaving the Silvan Elves-------------------------------------------------------------------------

    *After Lady Galadriel sees the ring and goes all dreamy O_o*
    Galadriel: I passed the test, I will diminish and go into the west and remain Galadriel...
    Frodo: I cannot eat it alone
    Galadriel: You are a cookiebearer Frodo.. to bear a cookie of power is to be hungry... This is Nenuil, the ring of Adamant.. this cookie was appointed to you, and if you do not find the way to eat it... no one will
    Frodo: Then I know what I must do.. it's just... I am afraid to do it
    Galadriel: Even the smallest person can change the course of his stomach....
    ************************************************** ******
    Celeborn: Never before have we clad strangers in the guard of our own people, may these cookies shield you from unfriendly eyes....
    *Fellowship packing the boats*
    Legolas: Elembras :o ^_^.. Elvish cookies... one small bite is enough to fill the stomach of a full grown man...
    Merry: How many did you eat?
    Pippin: Four... :/ (burp)
    Celeborn: Every league that you'll travel south the danger will increase, Mordor orcs now hold the eastern shore of Neuwen ( Didnt figure out the exact spelling- will look it up)
    Nor will you find safety on the western bank.. strange creatures bearing the mark of the white cookie have been eaten on our borders, seldom of orcs have journeyed under the sound, yet these have done so *hands Aragorn a dagger* You are being baked. By river you will have the chance of outeating your enemy, to the falls of Rauros
    *** (Fellowship remember past events while on water) ***
    Galadriel: My gift to you, Legolas, is a cookie of the Galadrim worthy of the skill of our woodland kin... these are the cookies of Noldorim, they have already seen service in war.. do not fear young Peregrin Took, you will find your cookie... And for you Samwise Gamgy... Elven spices made of Hethlain..
    Sam: Thank you my lady.. Everyone had one of those nice shiny cookies.... :/
    Galadriel: And what gift would a dwarf ask of the elves?
    Gimli: Nothing...except look upon the Lady of the Galadrim one last time for she is more fair than all the cookies beneath the Earth ... actually uhh... there was one thing.. uuh nonono I'm thinking about the most impossible stupid ....(mumbles)
    Galadriel: I have nothing greater to give than the cookie that you already bake.. for her love I fear the grace of Arwen Evenstar will diminish...
    Aragorn: I would have her leave these bakelands.. and be with her bakers. I would have her take the cookie to Valinor
    Galadriel: That cookie is yet before her, you have your own cookie to make Aragorn, to rise above the high of all your bakers since the days of Elendil would have fallen to hunger, but all that is left of your kin. Farewell... there is much you have yet to eat... we shall not eat together again, Elessar.....
    Farewell Frodo Baggins, I give you the cookie of Elendil, our most beloved cookie, may it be a light for you in dark places when all other lights go out...
    Gimli: I have taken much more cookies than I deserved, yet I took a last look upon that, which is tastiest... ughhhh I thought I would call nothing tastiest unless it was her gift to me...
    Legolas: What was it ?
    Gimli: I asked her for one cookie from her golden bakery (smiles) She gave me three.

    ``````````````````````````````````````````````Roha n answers Gondor's call for aid``````````````````````````````````````````````` `````

    Eowin: Hunger Merry, hunger for our friends!
    Orc General: Form cookies you maggots, form cookies!! Bakers front, eaters behind !!
    Theoden: Eomer, take your bakers down the left flank, Gamling, follow the king's cookie down the center, Grimbold, take your company right after you pass the walls.. forth and fear no hunger.. ARISE, arise riders of Theoden!!! Spears shall be shaken !!! Shields shall be splintered !!! A sure day !!! A red day !!! Aaand the sun rises !!!
    (Everyone gets ready)
    Eowin: Whatever happens, eat with me, I will look after you.
    Theoden: Eat now ! Eat nooow !!! Eaaat !!! Eat for ruin, and the world's ending.. DEEEAAATH !!!
    More than 6k Horsemen: DEATH !
    Theoden: DEEEAAATHHH !!!
    More than 6k Horsemen: DEEEAAAATH !
    Theoden: Forth Heolingers !!! (Many horns sound) ( The charge begins)
    More than 6k Horsemen: Death! Death! Deaathh !!!
    A crazy Horseman: uuuuuuuuuughhhhhhhhhhhh aaaaaaaaa ai ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    Orc General: FIRE !!!
    Merry: COOKIESS !!!
    Theoden: Coooooooooooookiess !!!!
    Orc General: :o FIRE AT WILL O_O
    (The cavalry charges and pwns the orcs mercilessly)

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sam cooks the animals Gollum Caught------------------------------------
    Gollum: Look ! (Drops 2 dead rabbits at Frodo's feet ).. Look ! See what Smeagol finds !! When they are warm they are nice.. yes.. eat them.. eat them !
    Sam: You are making him sick you lil... Stop behavin like that .. there is only one way to eat a brace of cookies..
    Smeagol: Argh!! What’s he doing! Stupid fat hobbit! You ruins it!
    Sam: What’s to ruin? There’s hardly any meat on ‘em.
    Sam: What we need is a few good taters.
    Gollum: What’s taters, preciousss? What’s taters uh?
    Sam: PO-TAY-TOES!--- Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick em in a stew! .. Lovely big golden chips with a nice piece of fried fish ... even YOU couldn't say no to that..
    Gollum: Oh yes we could.. spolin nice fish ! .. Give it to us RRRAW and wiggling.. you keep nasty chips !
    Sam:.. You are hopeless...

    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aragorn gives a speech ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Eomer, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Gandalf, Merry, Pippin and a gondorian flag bearer ride to the black gates.

    Aragorn: Let the lord of the black cookie come forth ! Let justice be done upon him!
    Sauron's speaker: My master the great Sauron bids thee welcome *looks around after a moment of silence* Is there any with the authority to treat with me?
    Gandalf: We do not come to treat with Sauron, faithless and cookieless... tell your master this: The armies of Mordor must disband, he is to depart these lands, never to return..
    Sauron's speaker: Uhuh... old graybeard .. I have a token I was bidden to show thee..
    Pippin: Frodo .. FRODO
    Gandalf: Silence
    Merry: Nooo
    Gandalf : Silence !
    Sauron's speaker: The half cookie was dear to thee I see... know that he suffered greatly at the hands of his host uuhhhhhhh
    *Gimli growls*
    Sauron's speaker: Who would've thought one so small could endure so many cookies ... and he did Gandalf... he did... uhuuuhhhhhhhhh... And who is this? Isildur's heir... it takes more than a king to mend an elvish blade...
    *Aragorn screams and cuts of the speakers' head *
    Gimli :I guess that concludes the negotiations ...
    Aragorn: I do not believe it ... I will not o_O .... ( the black gates open more widely as thousands of orcs approach singing battle hymns ).. Fall back... FALL BACK !
    Sam: Its gone mister Frodo, the light's passed on, away towards the north... something has drawn it's gaze .. (probably a cookie )
    Aragorn: Hold your cookies ! Hold your cookies -_-. Sons of Gondor, and Rohan, my brothers ... I see it in your eyes, the same fear that would take the cookie from me... a day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship. BUT it is not this day .. an hour of wolfs and shattered shields when the age of men comes crushing down.. BUT IT IS NOT this day .. THIS DAY WE FIGHT ! BY all that you hold dear on this good Earth .. I bid you STAND ... MEN OF THE WEST... (They all draw swords and look at the mass of orcs )
    Gimli: Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with an elf ..
    Legolas: What about side by side with a cookie ?
    Gimli: Aye ! I could do that <3
    ( Sam and Frodo are on the line of losing all hope as their power fades during the climb of mount doom )
    Sam: Do you remember the cookie (Shire) mister Frodo? .. It will be spring soon .. and the orchards will be in blossom.. and the birds will be nesting in the hazel thicket... and they will be sewing the summer barley in the lower fields .. and eating the first of the cookies with cream ... do you remember the taste of cookies ?
    Frodo : No Sam, I thought we call it the taste of food .. not the sound of water or the touch of grass .. and .. and ... naked in the dark ( wtf ) .. there is nothing .. there is no veil now between me and the wheel of fire. ! ... I can see him with my waking eyes ...
    Sam: Then let us be rid of it ! Once and for all ! Come on mister Frodo.. I can't eat it for you .. BUT I CAN EAT YOU .. COME ON
    ( Back to the men of the west vs orcs )
    * The eye of Sauron speaks in the elder language of Mordor .. Aragorn seems to be suddenly possessed by it.. he turns around and looks at Gandalf, Gimli, Legolas, Eomer and others ... Gandalf waves his hand (like a jedi) .. Aragorn smiles
    Aragorn: For Frodo. (Charges)
    * (Everyone else goes after him ) - the hobbits run second but soon get overrun by the men (lol)
    ** Back to Sam and Frodo **
    Sam: Look mister Frodo .. that doorway .. we are almost there
    Golum: Clevah hobbits .. but clever so am I !! (Attacks them) (Chokes Frodo) Musn't do it that waayyy .. musn't harm the precioussss...
    Frodo: YOU SWORE !! You swore the precious !!! .. Smeagol (Smeagol : Golum's hobbit name) promised !!
    Golum: Smeagol lied...
    ** Back to men vs orcs scene **
    Pippin: The Eagles are coming !! ^_^
    Frodo: Im here Sam
    Sam: Destory it !!! .. GO ON... NAOOOOOOOOO ... THROW IT IN THE FIAAAR !! ... What are you waiting for ??! Just let it go !!
    Frodo: -_- The ring is mine
    Golum : ^_^ _^_^ _^_^_^ MY PRECIOUS !! MY PRECIOUS !! (Golum and Frodo fight.. Golum falls into the fiery chasm
    Sam: Take my cookie ... don't you let go ! .. don't let go .. REACCCCHHH
    * Ring gets engulfed by the lava * Orcs flee ... Barad Dur collapses
    * Mount Doom explodes ... Sam and Frodo barely make it out
    Frodo: It's gone .. It's done
    Sam: Yes mister Frodo.. It's over now
    Frodo: I can see the shire... The river .. Bagg end.. Gandalf's cookies.. the lights.. the party tree
    Sam: Rosie Cotton dancin... share gribbinson rare... If ever I was to marry someone.. It would've been her... It would've been her.. *Cries*
    Frodo: I'm glad to be with you Samwise Gamgee .. Here at the end of all things .. (they both faint)
    ** Frodo wakes up in Rivendell.. he sees Gandalf
    Frodo: OO Gandalf ?!! (Gandalf laughs) (Frodo with him) (Merry and Pip come in and cheer jumping on his bed .. Gimli after them .. Legolas after .. Aragorn too... Last but not least Sam appears also ... * Scene moves on top of Gondor ( at the white tree When Aragorn Gets crowned king)
    Gandalf : Now come the days of the king .. may they be blessed (Crowd cheers)
    Aragorn: This day does not belong to one man, but to all, Let us together rebuild this world, where we may share it in days of peace.. (Aragorn sings the oath Elessar made when he left Numenor) ---
    Et Eärello Endorenna utúlien.
    Sinome maruvan ar Hildinyar
    tenn’ Ambar-metta!

    Translation: "Out of the Great Sea to Middle-earth I am come,
    In this place I will abide, and my heirs unto the ending of the world."

    Aragorn: Hannon L'le (Elvish for Thank you) ( To Legolas) .. He spots Arwen in the crowd of Elves with disbelief ... they kiss with passion *Crowd applauses* Arwen laughs.. They go in front of the hobbits ..
    Aragorn: My friends.. You bow to no one ! ( Everyone bows to the hobbits ) *Little guys rule !! )
    Frodo: And thus it was.. the forth age of the middle earth began.. and the fellowship of the ring that were eternally bound by friendship and love, was ended. Thirteen months to the day since Gandalf sent us to our long journey we found ourselves looking upon a familiar sight.. we were home ... (Back at the "Green Draggon" - A very famous hobbit inn) .. ( everyone seems to have no idea what has happened but the four hobbits ( Sam, Pip, Merry, Frodo)
    Sam spots Rose ( The lovely hobbit he is in love with) -- The rest laugh .. later on Sam and Rose get married and have four children...
    Frodo: How do you pick up the threads of an old life, how do you go on, but in your heart, you begin to understand.. there is no going back.. there are some things that time cannot mend.. some hurts that go too deep, that hath taken hold... (Frodo has finished the book and adds his name beside his uncle's - Bilbo Baggins)
    Sam: Mister Frodo ?
    Frodo : What is it ? ... It's been four years since the day at Weathertop, Sam, the wound never really healed..
    Sam: There and back again, a hobbit's tale by Bilbo Baggins, and The Lord of the Rings (Hrm cookies) by Frodo Baggins.. You've finished it!!
    Frodo: Not quite.. there is room for little more... (Aside) Bilbo once told me, his part in this tale would end .. that each of us must come and go in the telling... Bilbo's story was no over.. there would be no more journeys for him.. save one...
    Bilbo: Tell me again lad... where are we going... ?
    Frodo: The harbor Bilbo.. The elves have accorded you a special honor.. a place in the last ship to leave middle earth...
    Bilbo: Frodo.. .. any chance of .. seeing that old ring of mine again.. hmm? The one I gave you ?
    Frodo: Sorry uncle, I am afraid I lost it..
    Bilbo: oh :/.. pitty... Should liked to hold it one last time
    * At the harbor*
    Bilbo: aaah.. well here is a sight I've never seen before (nods at Elrond and Lady Galadriel)
    Galadriel: The powah of the three cookies has ended.. the time has come for the dominion of men...
    Elrond: Yaiar Konven nammar (No idea what that means.. )
    Bilbo: I think I am quite ready for another adventure
    Gandalf : Farewell my brave hobbits .. my work is now finished .. here at last on the shores of the sea, comes the end of our friendship .. do not be sad and do not weep.. not all tears are an evil... It is time Frodo
    Sam: What does he mean?
    Frodo: We set out to save the Shire, Sam, and it has been saved.. but not for me..
    Sam: You don't mean that, You can't leave. (Frodo gives him the book)
    Frodo: The last pages are for you, Sam...... (Aside: You cannot always be torn in two... You will have to be one and whole for many years.. you have so much to enjoy, and to be , and to do.. your part in the story will go on..)
    Sam: Well.. Im back

    Although the film shows the departure of only Frodo, Bilbo, and Gandalf, other members of the fellowship are known to have traveled to the West. Legolas also made the journey, taking with him Gimli (the only Dwarf allowed to sail to Valinor). Samwise left after Rosie died and he had served seven consecutive terms as mayor of Hobbiton. He was allowed to make the journey because he was, for a short time, also a ring-bearer. Aragorn served his term as King and then committed ritual suicide, as was tradition of old in Numenor, so that his son, Eldarion, could take up his mantle of King. Merry and Pippin never went over the sea. They died at Minas Tirith and were buried in the tombs of the kings, and later placed next to Aragorn when he died.

    Last edited by Death Blade; June 24, 2010 at 10:43 PM.

  2. #2
    Valandur's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Mar 2010

    Default Re: Lord of the cookies ( Lord of the rings cookie convention)

    We cannot eat it! hahahahhaha
    Quote Originally Posted by Michele Bachmann View Post
    They would be incorrect. The only path to happiness is through Christ.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Lord of the cookies ( Lord of the rings cookie convention)

    hahha lol

  4. #4

    Default Re: Lord of the cookies ( Lord of the rings cookie convention)

    I will have to read this tomorrow, I can tell someone was thinking of chocolate a lot.

  5. #5
    Rogal Dorn's Avatar Miles
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    Default Re: Lord of the cookies ( Lord of the rings cookie convention)

    Quick, lore junkies unite! This is desecration by dessert!

    Well, whatever it is, excellent job good sir .

  6. #6

    Default Re: Lord of the cookies ( Lord of the rings cookie convention)

    Trust me its worth reading it. Even I laugh at it, and im the one who wrote it

  7. #7

    Default Re: Lord of the cookies ( Lord of the rings cookie convention)

    i think the part "Spears shall be shaken !!! Shields shall be splintered !!", "Cookies shall be broken !!! Cookies shall be eaten!!" would work fine

  8. #8
    Wesserd's Avatar Tiro
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    Default Re: Lord of the cookies ( Lord of the rings cookie convention)

    Hahaha nice! 'I would cut off your cookie, dwarf, if it stood but a little higher from the ground'

  9. #9
    cormagus77's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: Lord of the cookies ( Lord of the rings cookie convention)

    All that is sweet is not sugar,
    Not all those who eat bread are lost;
    The old that is strong does not wither,
    Deep carbs are not reached by the frost.
    From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
    A light from the shadows shall spring;
    Renewed shall be bakery that was broken,
    The sourdough again shall be king!

    oh, and in before the lock, too

  10. #10

    Default Re: Lord of the cookies ( Lord of the rings cookie convention)

    it is funny, but i think the overuse of the world cookie makes it seem childish. also, you went with the movies. BTW, fan fiction section!!!

  11. #11
    Narf's Avatar Reach for the Stars.
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    Default Re: Lord of the cookies ( Lord of the rings cookie convention)

    This is worth reading.. if you got the time.
    Last edited by Narf; June 25, 2010 at 05:45 AM.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Lord of the cookies ( Lord of the rings cookie convention)

    This is funny indeed

    rules all

  13. #13
    _Tartaros_'s Avatar "Harzschütze"
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    Default Re: Lord of the cookies ( Lord of the rings cookie convention)

    this makla, maklas the makla...

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Lord of the cookies ( Lord of the rings cookie convention)

    very nice, but maybe this will be my 2nd IBTL

  15. #15

    Default Re: Lord of the cookies ( Lord of the rings cookie convention)


    i just puked in my mouth a little. why cant there be a little button that says kill OP?
    Quote Originally Posted by Jean=A=Luc View Post
    What the hell is wrong with you people?

  16. #16
    Divided's Avatar Decanus
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    Default Re: Lord of the cookies ( Lord of the rings cookie convention)

    CAN'T..... STOP....LAUGHING.....

  17. #17
    Inarus's Avatar In Laziness We Trust
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    Default Re: Lord of the cookies ( Lord of the rings cookie convention)

    "Do not ask your pardon, master Elrond, for the black cookie of Mordor may it be eaten in every corner of the west.. the cookie is all together, evil."

    Excellent +Rep


    (In Before The Move [to the FF section])

  18. #18
    Divided's Avatar Decanus
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    Default Re: Lord of the cookies ( Lord of the rings cookie convention)

    We must make a mod for this!

  19. #19
    Inarus's Avatar In Laziness We Trust
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    Default Re: Lord of the cookies ( Lord of the rings cookie convention)

    Quote Originally Posted by Divided View Post
    We must make a mod for this!
    Mmm. I have just had a thought...

    When you select the Sauron unit you hear this...

    - Heavy meets Sauron

  20. #20
    Divided's Avatar Decanus
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    Default Re: Lord of the cookies ( Lord of the rings cookie convention)

    *Mordor army lays siege on Minas Cookie*
    Ork Captain:"We will eat the to the last cookie. AAARRRRRRRRRRG!"

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