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Thread: Battles in Middle Earth - Short Stories

  1. #1

    Default Battles in Middle Earth - Short Stories

    These are the stories of Middle Earth, the stories of the battles, the victories and the defeats throughout the Third, Second and First Age.
    I will try to go into detail of key parts of the battles, but the passages will be short and of eye-witness account. They will always be done from the *good* guy's point of view. They will be done at random/ so no timelines or... bla bla bla. Some characters will die.

    These are the first few and put in suggestions of what you want to see.

    Battle of the Camp

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    Battle of the Camp, 1944 Third Age.
    Gondor's Southern Army vs Wainriders of Rhun
    Summary of Battle: In 1944 Gondor's army split into two armies, South and North to counter the threat of Harad and the Wainriders. In the North, King Ondoher and his two sons awaited the Wainrider's army on Dagorland, the Wainriders ambushed them from the flank and behind and the army was routed, Ondoher and his sons were killed. The remnants of the Northern Army retreated south into Ithillien, although the Southern Army defeated Harad and Khand at the Poros and moved north to counter the Wainriders while they themselves celebrated in the woods. The Southern Army, under Earnil, a distant relative of Ondoher, came upon the Wainriders at unawares and destroyed them.

    Eye-witness account from Aranil, soldier of Gondor.

    The night seemed to darken.
    We were all in awe of what we were seeing, even though I had just seen giant Mumakil and strange men do battle with us.
    I looked down upon the entire Wainrider army, camping in a field amidst the woods of Ithillien, they could not see us though, the Hill of Emyn Arnen heavily wooded and among those woods, waits us, the Southern Army.
    We number nearly thirty thousand, ten thousand died at the Poros or were sent back to Minas Tirith suffering wounds. From what I could see, the Wainriders numbered at least double our number and I'm sure more are on there way.
    "Remember, these men are trained fighting from those Wains", announced Earnil to our battalion of two thousand or so. The man still inspired me with his confidence and tactical intelligence, I was honoured to be so close to him. "The idiots think we are destroyed. The drums of Harad will never reach their ears in this land".
    This group numbered two thousand, three thousand more soldiers were camped on this hill, twelve thousand would cross the Anduin and hit them on the flank, seven thousand would attack them from the Minas Ithil and the rest would attack straight from the south.
    Suddenly my eyes were drawn towards a popping noise and I was witness to a spectacular flare blast into the air. It exploded in a red light and suddenly I could hear a great sound develop from the northwest, like a giant murmur.
    "The soldiers have crossed the Anduin!" shouted Earnil. The man knew his tactics, the Wainriders were sure to try and find higher ground, which meant Emyn Arnen and I'm sure they don't know we are here. I peered over a large set of boulders which concealed our position from the forest. I scrambled up a small outcropping and had an even clearer view of the lands below. In several places, fire was burning through the woods, and while I could not see any of our allies fighting on that large field below us, I could see the Wainriders scurry around, getting ready for a fight.
    Suddenly a wave of Gondorians emerged from the trees and the Wainriders were thrown into chaos. Some tried to mount the wains, others engaged the Gondorians and a handful fled. I could hear more sounds of combat coming from the northeast and immediately realised that the men attacking from Minas Ithil had met the enemy. Hours passed.
    Suddenly a cloaked figure emerged in front of me. I instantly put my hand to my sword, but then I heard the reassuring words, "friendly!". The man walked past me and slowly leapt down from the boulders and reported to Earnil.
    "How goes it?" asked Earnil, his tone failed at concealing signs of worry.
    "Well, my lord", replied the cloaked men. "The Wainriders have been taken at unawares and a number of their soldiers already flee north. The men crossing the Anduin have driven them right back to that field", I was certain he meant the field I was watching. "The men from Minas Ithil have met heavy resistance but are keeping enemy reinforcements from hitting our main force, I think we will win". The man grinned.
    "We win when every single one of those bastards are dead".
    Another hour or so passed by. Our men were still fighting on the field, but we were starting to gain the upper hand. A number of there soldiers were fleeing into the forests, some of them were fleeing towards us...
    "Wainriders!" shouted a look out. My heart suddenly started to beat quicker, I would finally meet the enemy, or even death...
    "Where!?" cried Earnil
    "The north! They are fleeing up the slop!".
    "It's time", hissed Earnil, I could barely hear him myself. "Send runners to the other two forces, tell them to make their way halfway down the slope and then to both head towards the foot of the hill. I want the enemy funneling up "this ridge!"
    A dozen men, dressed in light cloaks immediately obeyed his orders and set off either east or west.
    I could hear distant shouting and the thuds of thousands of feet, feet that were carrying angry Wainriders up the slope towards us.
    "Pass the word", whispered Earnil to his nearest assistants. "I want men on the ridge, ready to cut down anyone who climbs it. The rest of the men are to take position along the line and hold it. If they break through, close the gap, let them go. I want to find fifty thousand dead Wainriders on Gondorian lands in the morning.
    Men immediately scurried up onto the rocks, others dispersed into the woods. Earnil himself appeared next to me. I tried to act calm in the face of my commander but it was simply impossible.
    "It is alright", said Earnil, "we are all afraid". I knew he was talking to me.
    The boulders were now crowded with men. I was near the edge and would face the first wave of attackers. I wanted to slip away, deeper into our lines but I could not, for the sake of my country. I could make out dark figures running up towards us, they didn't know we were here.
    Until we let them know.
    A flight of arrows emerged form the trees to the left and right, screams and shouts filled my ears, which was actually quite reassuring...maybe the archers would kill them all before they got close.
    My hopes were dampened as a shadow suddenly appeared in front of me. I leapt to my feet and awkwardly stabbed the man in the stomach. He didn't make a sound as he fell back down the seven metres he had climbed to reach me. Sounds of combat sprung up all along the ridge and a number of Wainriders were thrown back off the rocks before they could react. But eventually their numbers were unbearable and I was soon fighting two foes who had firm footing on the stony ground.
    One man slashed at my head, but I ducked under the wickedly forged blade and drove my sword into his stomach. As I yanked it free by pulling it the left, I nearly ripped the dying man in half and managed to cleave my way into the second man who fell back with a cry. I savoured my short victory before two more men appeared in front of me. I cut down one before he could prepare to defend, but the second man was aware and swung at my chest while I was pulling my blade from his friend's chest. I was barely able to parry but the force of the blow knocked me to the ground and I instantly felt helpless from the hacking blades. One man stepped towards me and held his blade in the air, as if he was displaying the weapon that would kill me. I closed my eyes but the blade never cut into my flesh. I opened my tear-filled eyes and was immediately awed by the figure of Earnil standing over my fallen foe.
    "Ha! They are surrounded", shouted my saviour. "Come men, let us drive these wretched back into the dirt of which they came!". A great war-cry rose from the Gondorian soldiers and the Wainriders were immediately driven back towards the edge of the ridge. Those that had just climbed the rocks were pushed back down into the darkness.
    Earnil stepped over me and offered his hand. I took it and he easily pulled me to my feet. His strength was amazing.
    "Come, lad", laughed Earnil, "lets avenge our friends".
    And with that he reached into his cloak and pulled forth a mighty horn. The sound it made was loud and clear, the Wainriders fled into the night and the victorious Gondorians followed them, driving them into the Dead Marshes or avenging those fallen on Dagorlad by making its enemies suffer in the same place.
    Gondor was victorious once again!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Battles in Middle Earth - Short Stories

    The Fall of Amon Sul

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    Fall of Amon Sul, 1406 Third Age
    Soldiers of Arthedain vs the Armies of Angmar and the Evil Men of Rhudaur
    Summary of Battle: In 1356, Angmar made it's first appearance in aiding Rhudaur in an attack on the Weather Hills, an attack which slew King Argeleb I. In 1406, 50 years later, the armies of Rhudaur and Angmar assaulted Amon Sul, the chief fortress in the Weather Hills. The battle was fierce and costly to Angmar, but eventually Arthedain was driven back to the citadel. Arveleg I fell in the rearguard but his bodyguards managed to escape with the palantir, the Witch King's real goal.

    Eye-witness account of Tarcil, citadel guard of Amon Sul.

    The evil of Angmar bashed at our very doors. The fortress has fallen, the entire garrison of nearly ten thousand men has been destroyed, captured or driven away into the night. Fewer than two hundred of us remained in the dome like citadel.
    Angmar bashed again at our doors. The hinges bent slightly but remained in place. It was only a matter of time.
    Men around me were praying to the Valar, or were writing down letters of sorrow on whatever parchment they could find.
    And yet again the evil of Angmar bashed against our doors. The giant hinges were clearly bending.
    The citadel was only one giant room, shaped in a circle. It only had two entrances, the enemy were only assaulting from one. The other was cleverly concealed by overgrown shrubs and bushes. However, it's importance was unmatched as Arveleg's bodyguards had escaped through that exit, taking the Palantir with them. Arveleg himself was with us. Vowing to fight to the end.
    The door shook yet again, so did the long spear in my hand.
    And the door shook again. The hinges were on the verge of snapping. I knew it. The door was bending inwards, ready to shatter.
    They smashed against the door again.
    And again...
    and then it broke.
    Splinters of steel and iron blasted it out in all directions and a wave of ragged men carrying giant axes hurled ran towards us, followed by endless waves of Orcs.
    The shock troops of Rhudaur hurled themselves at our line. My spear rattled as one irrationally threw himself at the sharp point. The line held easily and the shock troops were annihilated without causing any major damage. The Orcs crashed into our ranks. I felt one land on my spear, but the spear wall started to fall apart and they were soon passing through small gaps to engage us in hand to hand melee. I grunted in anger as one found a gap and ran towards me. I slid my hands down the grip of my spear and flicked it up, the Orc fell back as the point cut his throat. With my spear no longer blocking their paths, the Orcs charged towards me, all screaming in their foul language. Their sickening stench nearly overwhelmed me as they came closer.
    I dropped the spear and pulled my sword from its leather sheath.
    "So the butchery begins", I said to myself as I beheaded an orc that came to close.
    Still more came and soon found myself covered in black blood, which seemed to burn my very skin. The line was holding but our casualties were slowly mounting. We only had two hundred, they had thousands and even though we were taking down five for every one of us, weariness would be our destruction.
    "Keep fighting! Soldiers of Arthedain! Think of your friends they have slaughtered! Think of the woe they have inflicted upon you and our nation! Fight if you ever wish to know, that your children could walk on the green grass, with the fear of war gone upon the wind! FIGHT SOLDIERS OF ARNOR! RESTORE OUR KINGDOM! KILL THE ENEMY!". The voice was of Arveleg's. Though he was a young man, he inspired us all.
    Rage took control of my senses and within seconds I was blocked by a pile of bodies at my feet.
    "Too bad we don't personally get to restore Arnor", murmured a nearby soldier.
    The Orcs started to waver and then as one they all started to fall back towards the broken doors. "Do not advance, soldiers of Arthedain", shouted Arveleg.
    "But we have them on the run, sire", said a blood covered soldier.
    "You really think so", said Arveleg.
    And at that moment a massive troll stumbled through the doorway, and upon seeing ranks of blood-covered men, it bellowed in rage. It bumbled forward on its massive legs and I suddenly felt helpless. A sword could not deflect a massive club of that size.
    And then I remembered the spear I had dropped earlier. I reached down and found it blunted by the foul vapours of orc blood but it would do. I lfted it and threw it into the air, above the masses of charging Orcs. The spear found its mark and the giant troll bellowed in outrage as the long weapon punched a hole in its right eye.
    The stupid creature then begun to swing its club wildly in any direction, sending Orcs to the roof and beyond. However, the troll quickly regained its sense and advanced, seeing the men of Arthedain through its one good eye.
    There was little we could do as the as the giant swung its club into our ranks. Unlike the Orcs, we absorbed the blows on our shields but they could offer little protection as arms broke and shoulders were shattered. Our ranks were broken but we did not flee, we could not flee.
    I found myself being pushed back by a endless tide of orcs. In the centre of the room was a round altar which was meant to hold the Palantir. Arveleg stood upon it. The troll stood next to him.
    My King deflected the troll's first blow on his shield, but the shield broke and the King fell back onto the cold floor with no protection. I dispatched an Orc and turned my back on them, and rushed towards my King. I found myself behind the trolls and took the moment by driving my sword into his lower spine. The troll stiffened and then fell backwards, I nimbly leapt aside and finished the beast with a slash to the throat.
    I helped the King to his feet. "My thanks, good soldier, may my blessings follow you to what fate awaits you". Being thanked personally by the King, I swelled with pride. But the blessings would only last a few more minutes if I was lucky.
    "Sire, please go, our nation needs a King in these dark times", I said, "we will hold them here for as long as we can".
    Arveleg stared at me for a brief moment and then quickly nodded his head. "You are right soldier, what is your name?".
    "Tarcil, my lord", I said.
    "Named after my great ancestor", said Arveleg and he smiled, "a name well earnt, a name equal to that of the King itself".
    And with that he disappeared into the thinning throng of Arnorian Soldiers.
    I sighed in resignation and turned to the bloody work ahead.
    "To me, soldiers of Arthedain", I cried. The soldiers turned and could not see anything of Arveleg. With no other option, they turned and slowly backed towards the altar. I could barely count thirty of us left, but we were still determined to fight it out to the end.
    I leapt atop the altar and started hacking away at the Orcs who stepped towards me. Time seemed to pass slowly and all strength was gone from my limbs.
    I last alone, of the entire Amon Sul garrison, stood alive, with an army of orcs and hillmen blocking any chance of escape.
    Suddenly my visioned darkened slightly as an arrow punched through my twisted and dented breastplate, finding its mark deep in my chest. I gasped in pain.
    A nearby orc screamed in delight and charged at me. I beheaded that screaming head, and two more after it.
    Suddenly a sharp pain punched through my back and I fell foward into the mass of Orcs which attacked me, taking two to the ground with me. I quickly snapped their necks with what little strength I had left and then I rolled to face my fate.
    The axe of a Hillmen dropped through the air, and the bodies of my fallen friends was the last thing I saw.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Battles in Middle Earth - Short Stories

    Nice Will you also do the Battle of Pellenor Fields/Siege of Minas Tirith? Anyway good luck

  4. #4

    Default Re: Battles in Middle Earth - Short Stories

    Quote Originally Posted by Elessar Ancalimon View Post
    Nice Will you also do the Battle of Pellenor Fields/Siege of Minas Tirith? Anyway good luck
    Well now that you suggested it, yes I will.
    I'm aiming to give some detail to those battles that are described in a few sentences.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Battles in Middle Earth - Short Stories

    Battle of the Fords of Isen I

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    First Battle of the Fords of Isen, 25th of February, 3019
    Westfold forces under Theodred and Grimbold vs Saruman's Uruk Hai and Dunlendings.
    Summary of Battle: On the 25th of February, 3019, Saruman let loose his vanguard of Uruk-Hai and Dunlendings upon the Rohirrim forces guarding the Fords of Isen. The Fords were a strategically bad place to defend, however, Theodred, son of Theoden insisted the Fords be held. Battle was joined along the Fords and despites suffering huge losses, the Uruk-Hai drove Theodred's forces to the centre of the Ford. Theodred was slain by an Uruk-Hai and Grimbold would've died if it had not been for Elfhelm's arrival. The Uruk-Hai were driven back but the Rohirrim would only hold the Fords temporarily before the Second Battle.

    Eye-Witness Account of Aldyu, man of the Westfold.

    I waited nervously.
    I could hear them advancing, thousands of Uruk-Hai and hillmen, set to kill us all. I am used to fighting on horse, but right now I stand on foot, in the centre of the Fords, six hundred men of my country surround me.
    "Look!" whispered a nearby soldier. I glanced over the heads of my conrades and my eyes widened as I saw our doom approaching. Hundreds of Uruk-Hai strode through the ford, water kicking up as they took their long strides. Crudely fashioned weapons gleamed with some sort of dark substance.
    "Form up", said Captain Regnal. I took my position in the centre of the formation. I wouldn't fight immediately at the front, but I would fight, that was inevitable.
    We had three positions along the Fords. One on the west bank, held my Theodred, son of my King. On the east bank was Grimbold, one of his favourite Generals. All up, nearly two thousand of us, and we were meant to hold back the fury of Isengard?
    Some of the Uruk-Hai split off from the main group, turning east or west into the sparse woods. We knew they would try to engage the forces we had on the banks of the river, though the majority of them continued towards us. I raised my shield needlessly. I probably wouldn't need it but the extra protection gave me confidence.
    The Uruk-Hai came closer, thirty metres, twenty metres, ten metres. And we were suddenly surrounded by a sea of hatred and evil. The Uruk Hai swarmed around our position. On the outside our shield wall held and we killed any Uruk Hai that came close. The wall held for a few minutes and then melee combat ensued. All order was broken and I found myself face to face with a snarling Dunlending, even though I was in the centre of the small island that we held. He raised his axe and screamed, "Die Horsemen scum!"
    His efforts were too focused on his scream and I awkwardly stabbed him in the stomach. He groaned and then fell backwards out of sight.
    Hours passed and eventually I found myself tired to the point of falling into a long slumber even though I was in the midst of a battle. "To me", cried Captain Regnal and I stumbled towards the location of the voice.
    I found myself next to him within a few seconds and I was lucky enough to hear the current situation. "We've lost the eastern bank", said a voice, "we have to retreat south". Why not west I thought?
    "No", said another, younger sounding voice, "we hold here until Elfhelm gets here!"
    "And how long will that be!?" said the first voice, "he's riding from Edoras, boy, if we're lucky he'll get here by sunset, and thats in another two hours. You know we can't hold that long".
    "We have to try".
    I cut down an Uruk-Hai and stepped away from the conflict, another soldier took my place. I turned towards Captain Regnal and surprisingly, standing next to him were Grimbold and Theodred. Grimbold and Theodred? That can only mean....
    My knees felt like buckling as I realised what had happened. The west and eastern banks had fallen, only us, on this small island remained.
    I looked around, soldiers who were not with me from the start were fighting nearby. There seemed to be more of us but also more of the enemy. It also seemed very crowded. So, we all fought for this one island?
    Suddenly a glimpse of movement caught my eyes, I turned towards it and was witness to a giant orc cut down Theodred where he stood. I gasped as if struck by a dart and immediately ran towards my leader. Two Uruk-Hai intercepted me and I found myself being pushed away from Regnal's rallying point.
    Regnal? I heard a cry and barely had enough time to see Regnal fall to the ground, a large wound in his chest. Despair nearly overwhelmed me. We are now leaderless! And then I remembered Grimbold. I frantically looked in any direction I could while parrying the Uruk-Hai's blows in a frenzy. I spotted the General fighting two Uruk-Hai, large ones.
    I suddenly attacked with ferocity and one of my obstacles, a grinning Dunlending, fell to the ground. Two more Uruk-Hai fell to my onslaught and then the road between me and Grimbold was free. I bolted towards him, charging past several confused enemies.
    And then a large boot filled my vision and I fell to the damp sand of the island. A dunlending stood above me, and was just about to end me when a familiar horn blew through the trees. A Rohirrim horn.
    The sound of two thousand hooves drummed against my ears and I leapt to my feet, hacking down the Dunlending who was responsible for my sore face.
    Elfhelm cut down one of the Uruk-Hai attacking Grimbold and Grimbold disposed of the other.
    The area around me started to become less crowded and I nearly laughed when I realised that Isengard was fleeing. Horsemen were running down those that fled and within minutes the only remaining Uruk-Hai and Dunlendings were the dead ones.
    I sat down in exhaustion. A victory, but a temporary one.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Battles in Middle Earth - Short Stories

    This one was the best one so far imo Good work

  7. #7

    Default Re: Battles in Middle Earth - Short Stories

    Nice stories

  8. #8

    Default Re: Battles in Middle Earth - Short Stories

    Fall of Gondolin

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    Fall of Gondolin, 510 First Age.
    Elves of Gondolin under Turgon vs Forces of Morgoth under Gothmog
    Summary of Battle: A few years earlier, Morgoth had finally learned the location of Gondolin from Maeglin, the King's Nephew. In 510 he unleashed armies of Orcs, Balrogs and Dragons upon the city while the Elves were celebrating a festival, they were taken at complete unawares. The battle for the city was long and hard, Tuor son of Huor managed to slay Maeglin and Ecthellion slew Gothmog in the very courtyard of the King's Tower. Turgon refused to leave the city and fought until he was killed in the fall of the tower. Tuor and Idril, the King's daughter, were able to lead a portion of Gondolin's population away from the city and into the mountains. There, Glorfindel and a mighty Balrog slew each other and the Tuor led all of the survivors away to the Mouths of Sirion.

    Eye-witness account of Anthaldil, defender of Gondolin

    Smoke and fire.
    The fumes and ashes seemed to burn my eyes and I could barely see the approaching wave of Dragons, Balrogs and Orcs.
    "Everyone down!" shouted Lord Ecthellion and all along the ash-stained walls, the remaining Elven defenders ducked behind the merlons as a scorching wave of fire burned the entire length of the wall.
    The city had been under attack for two days. We had held them outside the city for one day, and then they had broken through. We had spent all of today fighting in the first level of the city itself and scores of Balrogs and Dragons littered the streets but they kept on coming. An evacuation had begun into the mountains and we were the last defenders of Gondolin. The second level had fallen and now only the King's level remained. It would be over soon.
    I stood and barely had time to cut down a bloodthirsty Orc which had just mounted the wall.
    "Ladders! Ladders at the wall!" warned Ecthellion. Dozens of Elven reserves ran foward into the fray carrying giant pole-arms, used to push back the ladders. One appeared beside me and was halfway to removing the ladder when another Orc leapt over the merlons. I impaled him and he fell back into the smoke and fire of the Second Level. The Elf thanked me and successfully pushed the ladder back over the wall.
    "Burning oil!" ordered Ecthellion and several Elves along the walls obeyed him immediately. In a number of places, small platforms held huge pots of boiling oil, if the rope hold the pot was pulled back, the pot would tip forward, releasing its deadly contents. The order was complied and the black liquid was rained down upon the masses of Orcs swarming under the walls. The screams and shouts of hundreds of burning Orcs erupted below me as the oil burned their flesh. Some torches were dropped over the walls to set them alight and soon most of the Orcs standing below would be dead from the fire or the smoke.
    Suddenly spurts of fire were released from the thick columns of smoke and creatures from a nightmare strode over their burning lessers.
    "Balrogs!"several Elves shouted. The larger of the creatures unfurled huge wings and leapt into the air, safely landing on the wall. The lesser ones did not have wings but were still able to climb the wall with ease. Behind them followed wingless dragons who started to slither up the walls or make themselves useful by scooping up masses of Orcs and dropping them onto the walls.
    A lesser Balrog emerged in front of me and I drove my sword deep into its left eye while it was vunerable. The lesser Balrogs stood about 5-7 metres high while the largest ones could reach up to 20 metres. The Balrog screamed in pain and outrage, released its grip upon the merlons and fell back into the masses of Orcs, crushing them and causing others to catch on fire as the burning embers of its tough hide spread out upon the oil.
    Suddenly the ground shook and I was thrown to the ground. Luckily, nearly half a dozen Balrogs and Dragons scaled the wall where I was just standing and mistook me for dead. But they had gained the wall!
    I stood up and looked around, several enclaves of defenders on the wall still held but the majority of us were being driven back towards the King's Tower.
    "Gothmog!" shouted an Elf and terror instantly seized my heart, but then slowly subsided. Then the biggest Balrog I had ever seen landed in the Courtyard of the Tower, which was very large so it nearly took up the entire King's Level. The Balrog was 10 metres taller than the larger ones I had seen and it was encased in black, smouldering armour. It held a giant sword in one hand and an evil looking axe in the other.
    Gothmog pounded upon the doors of the tower and yelled, "Turgon thy craven! Come out and meet thy doom! You shalt see how Kings fall under the hand of thy Dark Lord!".
    I tried to ignore the hulking menace but it seemed to take no notice of those who still defended the wall. I ran towards a group of Elves who were trying to take down a large Balrog. I arrived just as two of my comrades were smashed aside by the giant demon. It turned on me and I absorbed a blow from its massive mace, but it left me shaken and weak. Luckily, one of my companions hacked off the Balrog's foot and it fell to the ground, two more Elves leapt atop it and started stabbing away at its chest.
    I was about to offer my aid to another group when my vision was seared by flames and I fell to the ground in utter shock. I looked around and noticed all my companions were dead or dying, flames had killed others, and some had been knocked down by the heat. A dragon stood nearby, but it left us and began assaulting the mass of Elven Warriors defending the courtyard. Gothmog still pounded upon the doors.
    Suddenly a silver helmed warrior, which was tipped at a spike emerged from the mass of warriors and threw a spear the the Balrog's Lords back. The steel shaft bounced off the Demon's armour but he turned and looked at the one of his annoyance. "Ha! Little Elf! Have you not heard my name?!? The slayer of Mighty Kings, Feanor and Fingon, and here, is but a fool warrior on a quest for glory!" And with that he stepped forward and brought his axe down upon the warrior who nimbly leapt aside and slashed at Gothmog's arm which carried the sword.
    The Demon Lord roared in outrage and dropped the massive sword and held the axe with two hands. "You do not understand the power I wield, fool! I will make your pain and agony eternity!". And with that he brought down the axe but the Elf Warrior parried with amazing strength and hacked at Gothmog's leg.
    There fight continued for minutes while I lay there but finally Gothmog brought his axe down upon the Elf Warrior who was stunned and he fell back against the King's Fountain, an extremely deep and wide decoration.
    Gothmog cried out in victory and leapt forward to kill the warrior. However his axe stopped in mid-air as the Elf slashed at the Gothmog's feet which caused him to stumble forward and fall upon the spike of the warrior's helm. The Balrog roared in agony as it stumbled free, but the Elf was not finished yet. He slid under Gothmog's legs and leapt atop the Lieutenant of Morgoth's back and drove his sword deep into the beast's chest. Gothmog fell backwards into the fountain and slowly sank beneath the water as he was too wounded to escape. The elf stood atop of him triumphantly. "Behold Ecthellion, bane of Gothmog!" But suddenly a clawed hand reached up from under the now murky water and gripped Ecthellion's legs. Ecthellion cried out and frantically stabbed into the water but soon hje disappeared under it, unable to escape. And so ended the great Elven Lord!
    I slowly pulled myself to my feet. Fires now raged in the Palace Gardens and only a few scattered bands of outnumbered and outmatched Elves remained.
    Suddenly the Tower Gates burst forth and Turgon, followed by a swarm of Tower Guards who immediately started dealing death to any of the enemy. At Turgon's side ran Tuor, the human warrior and on the other side strode Glorfindel. The Balrogs and Dragons were driven back over the walls.
    But suddenly another wave of Balrogs and Dragons, followed by a sea of Orcs mounted the walls and the warriors of the King were driven back. I cut down two orcs who neared me and then dealt a death blow to a Fire Drake who foolishly ran forward in front of the rest of his evil brood.
    "Lord", said Tuor, "we have to flee, we cannot hold them here for long".
    "If Gondolin falls, the Noldor fall, and if the Noldor fall, I fall with them", sighed Turgon.
    "I know the words my father said at the Fen of Serech at the Nirnaeth", replied Tuor, "from me and you a star shall rise. The star will rise, we will not fail. All shall be avenged soon".
    "I am not destined too see that star", said Turgon, "I have done my part. Now, I bid you fare well son of Huor. You have done the Noldor a great deed and your name shall always be remembered in the archives of the Elves".
    And with that the King and the remainder of his warriors charged into the approaching mass of enemies, while Tuor and Glorfindel turned away with a few and ran back into the Courtyard. I stood there, not knowing what to do.
    Suddenly an Elf cried, "The tower is falling!"
    Indeed the mighty tower had broken at the base and was starting to fall. I ran back into the Courtyard and found Tuor and Glorfindel ushering many Elves into a tunnel which led out of the city, into the mountains. Our only hope of escape. I followed, only metres in front of Tuor and Glorfindel. The endless tunnel was kept alight by blueish-white globes kept alight by powerful magic.
    "With the fall of the Noldor, shall come the fall of Morgoth!" I could hear Turgon's voice from the courtyard. "Savour the victory Morgoth! The swords of the Eldar and Edain shall be upon you soon! You will see my face again!"
    And then the ground shook and the entrance to the tunnel suddenly became blocked my the tumbling of many fallen stones. The Tower of Turgon had fallen. Turgon had fallen in its ruin. The Noldor had fallen in its ruin. But I have survived, and perhaps I will witness the Star in the Western Skys.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Battles in Middle Earth - Short Stories

    I like this one, but aren't Balrogs not supposed to be very strong and hard to kill? I mean Gandalf had a hard time fighting one and he is a Maia.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Battles in Middle Earth - Short Stories

    Quote Originally Posted by Elessar Ancalimon View Post
    I like this one, but aren't Balrogs not supposed to be very strong and hard to kill? I mean Gandalf had a hard time fighting one and he is a Maia.
    Tolkien said Balrogs in the First Age were still young and were easier to kill. The Elves were also stronger in the First Age, espeically the Noldor.
    I read the Fall of Gondolin, the book, and it states that the King and his guards sallied out from the Tower and slew a score of Balrogs.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Battles in Middle Earth - Short Stories

    Ok, I haven't read any other books from Tolkien except the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit so I didn't know that

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