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Thread: Diplomacy troubles...

  1. #1

    Default Diplomacy troubles...

    I'm playing the game with UK faction, and I found the when I conquer french regions and offer to my enemies/allies there's no way I can't make them accept my offers. Not for money, not for free.
    As an example, I conquered Bordeaux region, and then offered to the Spain crown, which refused my offer, even to take it for free. Even Austian faction refused my offer.
    Is there any way to give away these regions to enemy or allies and have also some money back?
    What should I do to get peace treaty with my enemies?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Diplomacy troubles...

    Well I always use the glitch and offer them the region and 7 gold. I know im probably crazy but, try it and tell me your results.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Diplomacy troubles...

    If there is heavy civil unrest in the region your are trying to offer, the AI will never agree to the deal no matter how much money,tech etc you include in the offer.
    Restore order to 0 atleast and try again.

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