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Thread: Diplomacy

  1. #1
    Jom's Avatar A Place of Greater Safety
    Content Emeritus spy of the council

    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Default Diplomacy

    Does setting the campign difficulty to very hard make the AI players irrationally reluctant to accept peace with the player, playing as France? During the period, Napoleon used the tried and tested theory of "After the war is over, make alliances", hence why there were Saxon, Austrian, and Prussian troops in the Grande Armée that marched on Moscow. At the moment, however, the only way I've managed to make peace with one member of the coalition is by capturing Vienna as part of the mission. For the record, Austria re-declared war on me about 4 turns later after refusing to even countenance an alliance, despite offers of returning Vienna to them.

    I recently wiped out the entirety of Prussia's armies in a battle that took 45 minutes and saw me withdraw one and a half shattered armies so that fresh reinforcements could make it onto the field. Is Prussia ready to accept peace now? Not on your life, not even after I sacked Berlin.

    I realise this is a bit of a rant post rather than offering anything constructive but has anyone managed to have effective diplomatic manoeuvering? Do I need to office a substantial cash bribe or soften them up with state gifts first? While I love the innovation of liberating nations and establishing protectorates just as Napoleon did, the lack of forced alliances with beaten Coalition members is rather depressing. Furthermore, I was under the impression that your protectorates were meant to obey you diplomatically and yet I can't get a single one to declare either a trade embargo or break off alliances that they may have. Diplomacy was, I daresay, somewhat better in ETW when you could get a very favourable peace after taking an important town from another nation.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Diplomacy

    Yeah there have been a few bugs with that there was a thread not long ago about giving territories and how thats buged tbh im sick of it.

    And how many of you actually use Trade embargoes? it seems like such a useless thing but a great idea

  3. #3

    Default Re: Diplomacy

    I always offer Peace Treaty first, just by itself... If they decline that then I offer Peace Treaty and Trade Agreement. (if you can) If they decline that then I give Peace Treaty, Trade Agreement and Indefinite Military Access to my lands... If they decline that then they are just es. And I slaughter them like pigs!!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Diplomacy

    The thing that annoys me about ETW and NTW diplomacy is the generous/demanding writing at the bottom so you know whether they might accept the offer or not, at the moment diplomacy just seems really annoying because I can't do anything at the moment.

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