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Thread: Changing corruption limits

  1. #1
    Boriak's Avatar Senator
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Changing corruption limits

    In Vanilla RTW I get corruption when my cash reaches 50k, 100k and 150k. I believe EB has the same limits. How can I change these limits?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Southampton, UK

    Default Re: Changing corruption limits

    I'm pretty sure it is hard coded.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Changing corruption limits

    Nah, it's just a trait. A lot of people skip replying to such things because they're tired of explaining how to understand/mod traits for the nth billionth time. But since you don't know, let me help you a little. Anything too detailed and I suggest searching for it, since it's all been explained already

    The file--

    C:\Program Files\Activision\Rome - Total War\EB\Data\export_descr_character_traits.txt

    Or wherever you put it.

    The format--

    The first half are entries that describe the different traits, the names for their levels, and their effects. The second half are triggers that affect the acquisition of these traits. For example, let's look at

    ;Mod: EBMod416 - 05/09 : new antitrait for boring gauls
    ;Trait: Epicurean
    ; o Gourmet_of_Life (2) -1 <Management>, -1 <BribeResistance>
    ; o Refined_Tastes (4) -2 <Management>, -2 <BribeResistance>
    ; o Rarified_Tastes (8) -3 <Management>, -3 <BribeResistance>

    Trait Epicurean
    Characters family
    ExcludeCultures barbarian
    NoGoingBackLevel 4
    AntiTraits Stoic, Continentia, Austere

    Level Gourmet_of_Life
    Description Gourmet_of_Life_desc
    EffectsDescription Gourmet_of_Life_effects_desc
    Threshold 2

    Effect Management -1
    Effect BribeResistance -1

    Level Refined_Tastes
    Description Refined_Tastes_desc
    EffectsDescription Refined_Tastes_effects_desc
    Threshold 4

    Effect Management -2
    Effect BribeResistance -2

    Level Rarified_Tastes
    Description Rarified_Tastes_desc
    EffectsDescription Rarified_Tastes_effects_desc
    Threshold 8

    Effect Management -3
    Effect BribeResistance -3
    Okay. So the trait name is Epicurean. There are three levels, named Gourmet_of_Life, Refined_Tastes, and Rarified_Tastes. These are not the display names. You need to check the EB\Data\Text folder for export_VnVs.txt (it means Vices and Virtues aka traits).

    For example:
    {Rarified_Tastes} Rarified Tastes

    Good taste in all things has become an end in itself for this man.

    -3 Management, 30% decrease to cost to bribe.

    So the entries in the traits file just reference these strings. What you see in the { } is the code name for it, and to the right is the text displayed to you. This lets people translate just this one file, and now all traits are in Polish, etc.

    One last thing: thresholds. Epicurean has three levels total, but it takes 8 points in Epicurean to reach the top level (notice: Threshold 8).

    Thus if you were doing give_trait name Epicurean 2, you'd have someone with 'Refined Tastes'. Don't confuse this with the fact that it takes two points in Epicurean to have the first level trait, Gourmet of Life.

    Okay, second half. What you want to do now is do a search for 'Affects Epicurean'. This will find all trigger lines that affect Epicurean, either up or down.

    ;Mod: EBMod866 - 02/05/2006 : Governor who spends a few years in a town develops affinity
    ;Section: Section2b - Loitering

    ;Trigger: corruption1
    ; o <Corrupt> 3, <Aesthetic> 3, <ExpensiveTastes> 3, <Epicurean> 3, <Embezzler> 3

    Trigger corruption1
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

    Condition EndedInSettlement
    and Treasury > 50000
    and Trait Selflessness < 3
    and Trait Loyalty < 2

    Affects Corrupt 1 Chance 2
    Affects Aesthetic 1 Chance 2
    Affects ExpensiveTastes 1 Chance 2
    Affects Epicurean 1 Chance 2
    Affects Embezzler 1 Chance 2
    Okay. So this says that when it's the end of a turn for a character, and the treasury is over 50,000 Mnai, and the character has less than 3 points (I think it's points here, not level) in Selflessness and less than 2 points in Loyalty, they have a 2 % chance of acquiring a number of unpleasant traits. Affects Epicurean X Chance Y means it has a Y percent chance of going up X points. So note that it would have to happen twice to get the two points required for the first level of the trait. But there could be other triggers that affect Epicurean in the file, so keep searching. Bottom line is, take that and Treasury > 50000 and up it to something else, so that your total funds has to be higher before it starts applying penalties. Same to all the other traits. You can also search for the word Treasury and find all triggers that depend on the treasury being low or high, and tweak those values as desired.

    >>>>I believe updating triggers require a new campaign to take effect.<<<
    Updating traits or trait descriptions does not, I think, but updating triggers does. Correct me if wrong.

    Hope that helps.

  4. #4
    Boriak's Avatar Senator
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Re: Changing corruption limits

    Thanks for explaining all this.

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