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Thread: For a Fun AI....

  1. #1
    penquin11's Avatar Biarchus
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Appalachian State University

    Default For a Fun AI....

    Go ahead and edit the descr_campaign_ai_db and change the invade priority values under defualt and catholic to around 1000, then sit back and watch the fireworkds!

  2. #2

    Default Re: For a Fun AI....

    there is alot of invade when im searching the descr_campaign_ai_db
    which one do you meen ? =) cheers

  3. #3
    penquin11's Avatar Biarchus
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Appalachian State University

    Default Re: For a Fun AI....

    lOl i jacked em all up, now, instead of this you may just want to raise the ones that say "If I have 3 times the stregnth on the border, and I have superior production then I wll invade"

    Or you can just edit the ones that talk about the AIs want to conquer the Slave factions, as this will make the AI still participate in diplomacy, but also expand enough to encounter one another.
    Also try to make the Action points higher for all characters by going to the descr_Characters text. Overall there are other things that you can do, however they are a bit more advanced and Im a bit lazy to type em up. Now, if you want the best experience in Custom Campaign, then jack up the aggression of Factions toward Slave Factions, but create a new AI called "Agressive_AI" and make them much more prone to invade by immediate invasion.
    Good Horde AI: defence (in all or most cases) = "Defend_raids" invasion "invade immediately" plus some "invade opportune",
    Good Defender AI: Up the priority number for "defend deep" to the maximum number, this type of faction wont expand, but will have at least 4 stacks around its cities at all time.

  4. #4

    Default Re: For a Fun AI....

    hehe i just get confused when i look in the descr_campaign_ai_db instead. damn.
    Can you upload yours so me and others can have a look maybe? =)

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