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Thread: mod which i made doesn't work

  1. #1

    Default mod which i made doesn't work

    hello everyone i made several changes in etw with dbeditor but i seems doesn't work. For example i 've changed nizam-i cedit line inf stats but in the they arent seem. everythng like the old one how can i save the changes??

    NOTE: I also tried modmanager but i cant do again?

  2. #2

    Default Re: mod which i made doesn't work

    You can not change db/tables with DbEditor by default. You have to make a new mod.pack which is very easy with DbE. Just go in units stat table form File menu choose to create new table, choose in a new mod in the upcoming pop up, copy the units you want in your new table, make the changes, save and your new mod.pack will be in place (ETW/data).

  3. #3

    Default Re: mod which i made doesn't work

    yes i do it all like said JİNERİK but i didn't work Here is my mail adress please tell me more clearly and detailed

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