We've been lucky to have two EB countdown to beta releases in one week. Europa Barbarorum have given us a sneak preview of what we can expect from the Pahlava faction,

We are nomads, yet not for long. We live below the Amu-Darya River and around the grasslands of the Karakum, yet not for long. Our neighbours are few, but not to be trusted. To the north and west, the Sauromatae wander, kin to the Skythians. Their eyes are turned to their south and west, but they might find lands to conquer in the east too. Many times have we contested with them for grazing rights and they have not forgotten our sending them flying back across the Amu-Darya. To the south and east, the Seleukid Empire stretches along our border. Our young warriors have made many forays into the lands of the southerners, returning with much loot.Even out brothers, the Dahae wait for us to show weakness, ever ready to pounce. We will lead them to victory, but trust them? Never!

Some of the Pahlava units include,
Pahlava Dehbed Asavara
Pahlava Mada Asabara
Pahlava Mada Nizak Asabara
Pahlava Thanvare Payahdag
Pahlava Eransahr Nizagan
Pahlava Zradha Pahlavans
Pahlava Azad Asavaran
... and many more.

Make sure to check out their work at Countdown to Open Beta - Pahlava.

Until next week...
