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Thread: Insert Generic Title Here

  1. #1

    Default Insert Generic Title Here

    A Series of Decidedly Somewhat Unfortunate'ish Events That Might or Might Not of Taken Place Upon Middle Earth

    Chapter One: A Prologue of Sorts
    Once upon a time the heroic ranger Aragorn was born, a man who brought peace and prosperity to a dying world, who loved and laughed a man of loyalty and courage... this is not his story. This is the story of a hobbit, a hobbit named Bilbo the kleptomaniac who is about to set out on a journey... a journey to steal a precious jewel which is not his, in the name of justice of course.

    OOC: Very short intro just to give me some drive... I decided to write a satirical parody of the Hobbit instead of LOTR for now... well whatever. I hate you people. Good Night. Or stuff. Yeah. Why are you still here.. get lost....

    GO AWAY!!

  2. #2
    Muffer Nl's Avatar Praefectus
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Sommelsdijk, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands

    Default Re: Insert Generic Title Here

    I gotta say...
    WRITE MORE!!!!
    Pretty, pretty please?
    With cherries on top?
    And a € 500,- bill on a cord next to it?

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