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Thread: Making Historical Battles

  1. #1

    Default Making Historical Battles

    I have hardly found info in the forums about the art of making playable Historical Battles. I'll try to place here some useful things I have learnt, and I hope people help to increase the info.

    0. Battle Editor

    Right-click your Rome shortcut, go to properties.
    At the end of the target line, type in: -enable_editor
    When you start up your game, You can launch the Editor from the Options menu.

    Official RTW Editor Documentation:
    Tutorial for MTW2 editor (similar to RTW editor):

    - Ctrl+Z does work in the Battle Editor (to Undo latest change).
    - You can change the text files and load the Historical Battle again without exiting the game. (Unlike campaign text files where you need to restart to test the changes).

    1. Related Folders

    Historical Battles (HB) are placed in the folder:

    And they load the map info from the files placed at the folder:

    In AlexanderTW, for Custom and Historical battles to work propely, the file:
    must fit the descr_regions.txt of the previously mentioned \base folder.
    And you need a descr_strat.txt file placed in this folder:

    The map image shown in the Battle Editor when you choose the battle location is:

    2. File map.wfc

    It is generated by the Battle Editor and it saves information about the landscape in the tile where the battle is fought: heights, terrain type (vegetation, rocks...), and custom feature models.
    The climate (weather and vegetation type) is read from the \base\ map, as well as the terrain that sourrounds the playable tile.
    If there is no map.wfc present, the terrain of the playable tile is also read from the \base\ map.
    So this file is not really needed unless you have changed the terrain with the Battle Editor, or you are using a different base map.

    If you place a settlement with the Battle Editor, the terrain is not smoothed arround the city and you can see rough gaps in the borders. And the smoothing tool does not work arround the city borders, so it is hard to adjust the terrain properly.
    I have discovered that, just removing the file map.wfc, the terrain arround the city appears in battle automatically smoothed (like it appears in custom or campaign battles). Better rename it because the Battle Editor needs the map.wfc file to open the HB properly.

    3. File descr_battle.txt

    The Editor uses to add "fe_non_playable" to all new Armies. Remove it if you want this Army to be playable.
    Also, the Faction must be placed in the "playable" section at the top of the file.

    You can force the climate and weather of the battle by using this command:
    constant_weather_and_time ( day_time 22.00, year_day 0, temperate_summer, rain_summer_shower, duration	24.00 )
    In stead of the default:
    variable_weather_and_time ( day_time 22.00, year_day 0, duration	24.00, weather_seed	0 )
    The allowed climates and weatherevents are those from the file descr_daytypes.txt. The main limitations I have seen using constant_weather_and_time are:
    - The sky clouds can not be selected so you will play always under the same sky.
    - The weather condition does not change along the battle.

    While using variable_weather_and_time, by changing the the weather_seed you can:
    - Set different initial clouds
    - Set the initial weather and random changes along the battle
    - But it is not possible to define the climate, and too much time consuming to find the apropriatte random seed.

    Reinforcing armies must be defined at the bottom of all other armies. And you can set the time delay until they appear:
    (6 minutes = 0.100 at "reinforcement_time")
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    reinforcement	carthage, 2
    reinforcement_time	0.100
    deployment_area_point	-150.419, -845.459
    deployment_area_point	-150.502, -750.647
    deployment_area_point	-285.924, -748.704
    deployment_area_point	-289.506, -843.962
    unit			0, -163.266, -801.528, 85, formation_type square, formation_width 20.882

    The reinforcement army is automatically set to non playable, and it does not seem possible to force them to be controllable by the human player.
    They appear placed in the defined deployment area as all other armies.

    The reinforcements sometimes stand still when they arrive (and they do not engage in battle) if the character is set to be a "general" in stead of a "named general".
    The reinforcements appear at the begining (no delay) when his alliance is set to be the "atacking" faction in a siege, while it works fine if they are set to "defending".

    By default they are OR conditions. You may use the code "and_conditions" to force the achievement of them all. For example:

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    alliance 0
    condition capture_major_settlement
    condition destroy_enemy_strength_percent 75 100
    alliance 1
    condition destroy_or_rout_enemy
    condition destroy_character Vercingetorix, gauls

    Reduce Strenght:
    The 2 values are the % of enemy army that you have to destroy to achieve the victory. In the example anything between 50% and 100% of the enemy must be destroyed.
    condition destroy_enemy_strength_percent 50 100
    Capture Location:
    This condition needs some extra editing to work properly.
    The battle editor will add the appropriate lines to descr_battle.txt, but you have to add manually the name of each location, between the word "location" and the X coordinate, separated by Tabs:
    location Name1 CoordX CoordY CoordZ ? ? MinuteCounter
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    location 			Name1	-64.000	32.000	10.000	1	0	5.0
    location 			Name2	64.000	32.000	20.000	1	0	3.0
    alliance 0
    condition capture_location 0
    alliance 1
    condition capture_location 1

    And the Editor will create automatically 2 new files, where you have to add manually the names of the locations, too:

    1) descr_locations.txt
    You have to manually write the name of each location in a different line
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    2) locations.txt
    You have to manually write the name of the location, a tab, and the name that will be shown in game. Each location in a different line.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Name1	Ford
    Name2	Plaza

    If there is a non-ambiental settlement in the map, the Editor automatically adds "sieging" at the end of each attacking army.
    I don't know why, but sometimes the battle can not be loaded (KTM) unless you delete this line manually. I think it is related to the type of settlement used.
    Anyway, the AI do not need this command to act properly in battle. You just need to:
    - give to the sieging alliance the "attacking" flag. Else, they will fight as a non siege battle.
    - give them the objetive "condition capture_major_settlement". Else, I'm not sure if the AI really tries to capture the settlement or it just attacks the factions inside.
    - give at least one siege equipment to each army in the attacking alliance. Else, this minimal equipment could appear in the middle of the map.

    AI behavior
    All alliances can be set to "defending". But only one of them can be set to "attacking".
    It seems this flag affects the behavior of the AI in battle, at least in a siege battle. But I have been unable to get the AI to stand still like he does in campaign when he is the defender.

    As soon as the AI takes control of the army, he is going to change the position of all his units to fit one of the formations defined in the file descr_formations_ai.txt.
    It seems the formation chosen by the AI is based on the number and type of units (as always), but I'm almost sure he also takes into account the initial position of the units. At least, just changing the position of some units, I have been able to force the AI to use a different formation with the same army.

    If his alliance is flagged as "can_deploy", The AI sometimes places his units automatically in the deployment area, ignoring the location you defined initialy. I'm still not sure exactly in which cases, but I think it is when the AI can't find a formation that fits the initial placement.
    - If the AI is the defender in a siege, it seems he always try to deploy personally his units.
    - If the AI is the attacker in a siege (with siege engines), be carefull while using "can_deploy", since it can cause a CTD, and it is not sure the AI will deploy the units.
    - In other cases, I have been able to force one full army to be automatically deployed by the AI by choosing a dissordered (and overlapping) initial position for the units. But it rarely works.

    Siege historical battles are a bit buggy in RTW, specially if the AI is the attacker. And the main reason is that You have deployed the units, not the AI.
    You will see there are no vanilla HBs where the AI controls the assaulting faction... But I'll try to add here some tips that allowed me to set up the AI for a siege assault:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    - When there are several units capable to attack the gates (rams and elephants), the first unit listed in the first army of the alliance will perform the attack. After that, I think the best elephant unit is chosen to attack the gates. (the distance to the gate is not taken into account)
    - When there are several units capable to assault the walls (towers and scales), the best units are chosen to attack the main walls. I thought each tower/scale would attack the closer wall... but it is not true.
    - If you have given the siege engines to the wrong units (units the AI do not consider the best ones based on the siege formation), then extra siege engines will appear in the centre of the map, and the chosen units will run to catch them at the start of the battle (spoiling completely the behavior of the AI).
    The type of these extra engines depends on the engines you asigned to the first attacking army.
    - If you don't want to give siege engines to some of the attacking armies, I suggest to convert them into reinforcements.
    In fact, I suggest not to give siege engines to reinforcement armies since I think it could cause CTDs.
    - Finally, if you find troubles to get rid of those annoying extra engines appearing in the center of the map for no apparent reason... try reducing to the minimum the type of siege engines used by the first army of the alliance, then try to asign those engines to the best units of the army (even if bodyguards).

    For the battle to be playable online you need to add "multiplayer" after the name of the battle. Optionally you can add "not_singleplayer" so it does not appear in the single player browser.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    battle		Chaeronea_MP_2v2 multiplayer not_singleplayer

    If you find some trouble to get the HB working online, I would suggest:
    - to check there are more than one faction playable: checking the factions are placed in the "playable" section, and removing "fe_non_playable".
    - to convert the reinforcements into standard armies.
    - to remove the "can_deploy" option if a siege battle.
    - to dissable the scripts. (I don't think scripts work online, though I never tested them)

    4. Scripts
    You can add a script to the battle, by adding these lines at the bottom of descr_battle.txt (and placing the script file in the same folder):
    descr_script.txt   ;write here the name of the script file
    Unit Label
    They are defined in the prepare_for_battle section of the script, and they are used by the rest of script commands to identify each unit.
    label_unit 1 0 18	UNITLABEL
    - First number is the Alliance
    - Second is the Army inside this Alliance
    - Third is the unit number inside this Army

    Docudemon Commands
    You can use into the script the commands from the docudemon file: Unofficial scripting documentation
    The problem is that once you give a order to a unit, the ai stops managing it. And when the unit finalizes the action, it becomes idle, waiting for another order from the scripts.
    If you want to release a unit back to AI or player control, you can use the command:
    (Note it also unlabels the specified unit)
    release_unit UNITLABEL
    It is hard to control the units (or groups) one by one along the battle, so I have hardly used those "order" commands. I have found much more simple, and usefull, these other commands:

    - unit_group_enable_automation GRP_NAME true
    When this command is called, the group move quickly his units to fit one formation from formation_ai.txt. Then they keep this possition waiting for more orders. Unlike other "order" commands, with this one the AI is still active, so they still fire proyectiles and use his special habilities like warcry, skirmish...
    (it is the same than when the player gives the control of a group to the ai)

    - unit_group_enable_automation GRP_NAME false
    This command restores the standard AI mode

    Between these commands, it is possible to use a couple of commands not included in the CA docudemon, that I have seen in Alexander TW scripts. (So they might work only under Alex engine):

    - unit_group_automate_attack GRP_NAME PLAYER_UNIT
    Note the difference with the standard command "unit_group_order_attack_group/unit"

    - unit_group_automate_defend_position GRP_NAME 194 83 100
    This one places the units of the group sourranding this location, with their back pointed to the position: X, Y, Distance.


    I place here an script that I have used succesfully to force the AI to play defensive.
    I also include a Script that makes a general invulnerable unless he is engaged in melee battle. Useful to protect him from arrows.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    	ai_active_set off   ;dissable ai
    	label_unit 0 0 0	ELF_0
    	label_unit 0 0 1	ELF_1
    	label_unit 0 1 0	NUM_0
    	label_unit 0 1 1	NUM_1
    	label_unit 0 1 2	NUM_2
    	label_unit 1 0 0	SAURON
    	label_unit 1 0 1	ORC_1
    	label_unit 1 0 2	ORC_2
    	label_unit 1 0 3	ORC_3
    	label_unit 1 0 4	ORC_4
    	define_unit_group GRP_ELF ELF_0 ELF_1
    	define_unit_group GRP_NUM NUM_0 NUM_1 NUM_2
    	define_unit_group GRP_SAURON SAURON
    	define_unit_group GRP_ORC ORC_1 ORC_2 ORC_3 ORC_4
    while ! I_BattleStarted		; Wait for deployment
    	ai_active_set on   ;re-enable ai
    	pause_battle	; The battle starts in pause mode
    	if not I_LocalFaction seleucid
    		unit_group_enable_automation GRP_ELF true	;Sets defensive mode
    		monitor_conditions I_IsUnitGroupEngaged GRP_ELF
    			if not I_LocalFaction seleucid
    				unit_group_enable_automation GRP_ELF false	;Release standard AI mode if some unit in the group attacked
    		monitor_conditions I_IsUnitGroupEngaged GRP_NUM
    			if not I_LocalFaction seleucid
    				unit_group_enable_automation GRP_ELF false	;Release standard AI mode if the other group in his alliance engaged
    	if not I_LocalFaction romans_julii
    		console_command invulnerable_general "Sauron"	;Character Name
    		monitor_event BattleEnemyUnitAttacksPlayerUnit not I_LocalFaction romans_julii
     			if I_IsUnitEngaged SAURON
    				console_command vulnerable_general "Sauron"
    				point_at_unit_pos SAURON
     			if not I_IsUnitEngaged SAURON
    				console_command invulnerable_general "Sauron"
    		monitor_event BattlePlayerUnitAttacksEnemyUnit not I_LocalFaction romans_julii
     			if I_IsUnitEngaged SAURON
    				console_command vulnerable_general "Sauron"
    				point_at_unit_pos SAURON
     			if not I_IsUnitEngaged SAURON
    				console_command invulnerable_general "Sauron"
    while I_InBattle
    ; this final bucle is needed so the "monitors" keep working all along the battle

    5. Linked Historical Battles for Alexander TW

    In Alexander TW it is possible to make series of historical battles where you need to win one battle to unlock the next battle. You just need:
    - to copy inside the folder of the custom battle the void file named "locked", if you want this battle locked by default
    - file unlock.txt with the name of the previous battle needed to unlock this battle
    - file order.txt with the order of this battle in the series

    6. Things I would like to know

    - Which is the effect of supporting_armies? (Num of Supporting Armies in the Editor).
    - If there is a way to give to the player the control of another army. For example, like the reinforcements that comes in campaign and they are added to the player units.
    - If there is a proper way to force the AI to deploy automatically his units.
    Last edited by Bardo; February 17, 2013 at 10:13 AM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Making Historical Battles

    Nice job !

    There is idd a lack of tuto's concerning HB's ..

    +rep (though i must spread some first )

  3. #3

    Default Re: Making Historical Battles

    i have made an historical battle,which works fine in single player.
    the problem is when i host the battle for multiplayer,i have player slots,but no one can join it.
    the problem seems to be the map is do i get this battle to work online so people can join it?
    any help would be nice

  4. #4

    Default Re: Making Historical Battles

    I'm sorry, I can't help you, since I'm also having problems to play my historical battles online.
    Maybe something related to scripts, or reinforcements, or the lack of map.wfc as you comment.

    I'll add it to the tutorial if I find the cause.

  5. #5
    Wundai's Avatar Artifex
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    Default Re: Making Historical Battles

    Hey Bardo, I've taken a look through your (great) tutorial.

    My problem with the Historical Battle is that I can make one (within a modfoldered mod) and save it without errors.
    But when I try to play the battle I simply get a CTD to desktop.

    I've taken a look at my His Battle and the other (vanilla) Historical Battles available and I've noticed I do not have a descr_script.txt, is this something the editor should create, or do you have to manually make this (kind of large über-coding-guru) file? Any Idea's?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Making Historical Battles

    The script file is not needed, it is an optional file that you can call at the end of your descr_battle.txt, using this code:
    descr_script.txt   ;you can use any name you want
    In fact, the only file needed for a historical battle to work is the descr_battle.txt. The rest are all optional:
    -map.wfc only needed if you modified the terrain with the editor
    -description.txt, movies (.mpg) and images (.tga) all optional
    -bookmarks.rcb is automatically regenerated when you play the battle.
    -order.txt and unlock.txt optional AlexanderTw files

    Do you know if someone has make a working historical battle for that mod?
    I would suggest to use the battle editor to create the simpler battle that you can: only 2 factions with 2 units, and to test if the battle works this way.
    If it crashes, then I guess the problem is not the battle itself, but the folder structure of the mod:
    ...they load the map info from the files placed at the folder:

    In AlexanderTW, for Custom and Historical battles to work propely, the file:
    must fit the descr_regions.txt of the previously mentioned \base folder.
    And you need a DS file placed in this folder:
    Is your mod for BI? or launched with Alex.exe?

    If you know the HBs can work, but the problem is just one of them, please tell me if it is a siege battle, because they are a bit buggy and I have found several possible CTD causes in those battles:
    -can_deploy option for a sieging faction sometimes cause CTDs at start
    -I think reinforcement factions with siege engines can also CTD
    -wrong city coordinates can cause CTDs

    Else, if you place here the content of the descr_battle.txt you are using, maybe I can help you.

    Quote Originally Posted by firstprime
    i have made an historical battle,which works fine in single player.
    the problem is when i host the battle for multiplayer,i have player slots,but no one can join it.
    the problem seems to be the map is do i get this battle to work online so people can join it?
    any help would be nice
    I have been able to get my historical battles working on multiplayer. I would suggest:
    -to dissable the scripts (last line of descr_battle)
    -to check there are more than one faction playable: checking the faction are placed in playable section at start, and removing "fe_non_playable".
    -to remove the "can_deploy" option if a siege battle
    -to convert the reinforcements into standard armies
    Last edited by Bardo; November 25, 2009 at 10:27 PM.

  7. #7
    Wundai's Avatar Artifex
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    Default Re: Making Historical Battles

    Ok the info you requested, + attached the decr_battle.txt:

    -Nope, no one before me has been able(or tried) to make a HB with the mod I talk about ( Ran No Jidai) the mod is for Barbarian Invasion.
    -I tested the battle with the minimum number of factions and units, still crashes
    -The battle is a skirmish between 2 Generals units at the moment (no siege)

    Thanks for taking a look!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Making Historical Battles

    Perhaps you should first try adding the -show_err comand in the location mod:

    "c:/Program Files/.../Rome - Total War/rtw-bi.exe" -modetc.) -show_err

    Try again to play the historical battle and when it crashes, it should show you an error report. Just attach it here so that we can have a better idea of what the problem may be.

    Hi again! How's everything there? I'm having some trouble with a hb script... the game does not recognise the end_script line... and if i remove it, it never finishes loading. Any idea?
    There are none so enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free

  9. #9
    Wundai's Avatar Artifex
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    Default Re: Making Historical Battles

    Quote Originally Posted by Mataputas View Post
    Perhaps you should first try adding the -show_err comand in the location mod:
    Had the show_err command on all the time already, it did not work.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Making Historical Battles

    Quote Originally Posted by Wundai View Post
    Ok the info you requested, + attached the decr_battle.txt:

    -Nope, no one before me has been able(or tried) to make a HB with the mod I talk about ( Ran No Jidai) the mod is for Barbarian Invasion.
    -I tested the battle with the minimum number of factions and units, still crashes
    -The battle is a skirmish between 2 Generals units at the moment (no siege)

    Thanks for taking a look!
    Your decr_battle.txt seems right. If you made it with battle editor I suppose characters and unit names are also right, I don't think the problem is the battle. But just in case, I would suggest to change the line:
    condition destroy_character Motonari, goths
    by the standard:
    condition destroy_or_rout_enemy

    And to remove ", fe_non_playable" from all armies.

    I guess your problem could be related to the folder structure of the mod. I have never modded BI, but I have heard similar problems from other modders who tried to use BI mods with AlexTW.exe. I think Makanyane was one of them, I wonder if he solved it:

  11. #11
    Salvo's Avatar Maréchal de l'Empire
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    Default Re: Making Historical Battles

    Nice tuturial
    I tried to make a battle with script some time ago, but I stoped after format of my computer
    I know not too many tricks, but You may find this info usefull enough to add it to the tuturial.

  12. #12
    Wundai's Avatar Artifex
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    Default Re: Making Historical Battles

    I think I might have found the problem here Bardo, I read the thread about Alexander.

    I found out the names in the Descr_Regions.txt and the Descr_regions_and_settlement_lookup.txt are not the same (the last is still a vanilla txt file) which means I have to change all the names and values (no idea how or what it all means, but I've asked my Mod Team to help out )

    Thanks for your help mate, I'll let you know how this works out

  13. #13
    Wundai's Avatar Artifex
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    Default Re: Making Historical Battles

    Nope that wasn't it, changed all names accordingly And checked, double checked.
    Regions file seems to be okay, something else could be triggering the CTD, when trying to start the His battle


    Hey, I've narrowed it down to the files.

    I created the exact same setup with conditions and everything in another modfoldered mod (simply a modfolder that only had buildings installed the rest was vanilla BI)
    This leads me to believe there is something wrong in the files from the "world" folder.


    Stupid... Why do errors always have to be so damn obvious afterward.
    I forgot to delete the map.rwm file. I did now and whaddayaknow, the Historical Battle WORKS

    Might wanna put it in your tut mate, to avoid other people making this kind of mistake, although I begin to doubt if it was really a HB problem, or a modfoldered one...

    Well... anyway I'm glad I can move on
    Last edited by Wundai; December 06, 2009 at 09:38 AM.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Making Historical Battles

    I guess it was not so simple
    Historical battles use the map.rwm from the base folder. You should be able to use any map.rwm from any campaign, and historical battles should not ctd... I think.

    I had one similar problem the first time I tried to make a historical battle for our mod, it crashed at start because there were no descr_regions.txt in our base folder, and still the map.rwm was generated.

    Maybe the map.rwm in the base folder of your mod was generated with some wrong region file. I don't know, but I'm glad you solved it.

  15. #15
    Wundai's Avatar Artifex
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    Default Re: Making Historical Battles

    Indeed, I'm moving on to the next step now

    Implementing a settlement.
    Last edited by Wundai; December 09, 2009 at 12:57 PM.

  16. #16
    Wundai's Avatar Artifex
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    Default Re: Making Historical Battles

    Okay walking in to the next problem.
    I am trying to add a custom settlement to a map, the problem is when I save and quit the map (and reload it again) the ground textures/units and everything else is fine.

    But all my buildings appear about 1 kilometer below the surface? This is displayed again both IN the editor as in the Battle itself + I have tried removing the map.wfc, which results in removing the entire settlement from the map.

    New thing to break our heads over ey? Any idea's mate?

  17. #17

    Default Re: Making Historical Battles

    Uf, I never faced any similar problem, I don't know if I can help here.
    I admit I always see the cities properly in the battle editor and my problems came only when I saw them in battle.

    I know it is possible to adjust the city height in the battle editor, but I guess not a solution if only the buildings are wrongly placed.
    You can also adjust the height manually in the line:
    (battle_pos coordX height coordZ rotation_angle)
    battle_pos -480.000 1050.192 -224.000	rotation_90	0
    If I keep the info of the city into the descr_battle.txt, I can remove the map.wfc and the city appears properly placed in the battle, exactly equal than in campaign.
    Note the city does not appear if you open the HB in the editor, but it does appear if you play the battle. You need to restore the map.wfc if you want to continue editing the battle.

    I'm curious to konw how do you know the buildings are placed "Below" the surface, how do you see them?
    I say that because when I try to use a custom city plan not listed in the default_settlement_plan list, I can see the ground and walls of the city, but I can't see the buildings, maybe your problem is the same.
    I suggest to try first with a city using a default settlement plan.

  18. #18
    Wundai's Avatar Artifex
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    Default Re: Making Historical Battles

    Well this is how I normally pick my settlement, I assume you mean it like this?


    Then the settlement appears on the map when lit green. (also a burden that you can't Delete the settlement because you delete the terrain with it )

    Okay so this is how the buildings appear below the surface:
    You know what I'm talking about when I say that in front of every gate in the settlement, there is patch of terrain that is deleted so you can look through it(you see the air and clouds), right? (this is fixed when the battle loads)

    Well here is a screenshot where you can look through that patch, and see the buildings 1 km below the surface of the map:

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Hey, I'll try altering the city height anyway to see its effect.


    Ok I do not have a battle_pos line in my descr_strat and after implementing yours I can't load the battle anymore, just a CTD
    Last edited by Wundai; December 13, 2009 at 06:29 AM.

  19. #19
    Wundai's Avatar Artifex
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    Default Re: Making Historical Battles

    Adding to this:

    When I remove the map.wfc the settlement also dissapears when I play the battle.
    And the editor ctd's when i try to create an ambient settlement.

    A question Bardo:

    I'm not sure how many settlement battles you have created, but on your experience so far, have you been able to make settlement battles work on any "HEIGTH" in the "Pick Location" screen?

    Some heights go up to 2- or 3000 meters, in such terrain its almost impossible to smoothen out the terrain around the settlement, and unfortunatly your method of removing the map.wfc to smooth out the terrain doesn't work for me, it just removes the Entire settlement in the play battle mode
    Last edited by Wundai; December 20, 2009 at 08:15 AM.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Making Historical Battles

    Sorry the late answer, I didn't notice your previous post.

    I have only made 2 historical battles with custom settlements, but I have changed the terrain so many times, that I have ended placing the cities at many different heights. You can see in my signature a screen from one of my HBs placed arroud height 1000. The other is Helm's deep placed in a narrow pass, and little changes to height map did changed a lot the height of the city, but the city is always placed propely and smoothed if I remove the map.wfc

    True, the glitch where you see a transparent square has happened to me, but only when I use a transparent texture for the ground of the city. As you say, it appears fixed in battle.

    The line "battle_pos" should be placed in the descr_battle.txt, and it is automatically written by the battle editor. I prefer not to change manually those values because then, sometimes the battle editor refuses to load the battle, or it CTDs.
    I have used succesfully this line "battle_pos" in descr_strat.txt to customize the location of the city in campaign, but I'm sure it does not affect the historical battles.

    When I add a city, this is what I do:
    1- Place the city in the green square as you say.
    2- Save the Historical battle and exit the battle editor.
    3- Delete the map.wfc and launch the historical battle.

    I have tested it with AlexanderTw, using both vanilla cities, and custom settlement plans made for our mod.
    I have just tested the same with vanilla RomeTw using Siege of Sparta vanilla HB, and the settlement appears properly in battle.

    I have a idea why the same could not be working for you:
    Once, I created a basic historical battle without adding any settlement in the battle editor. I placed this battle in a tile where do is placed a city in the campaign... and surprise... when I play this battle, there is a roman city present !!! Don't ask me why, but is seems the historical battles do read the campaign descr_strat.txt.
    I have seen vanilla RomeTW and AlexanderTW ALWAYS place his historical sieges at tiles where there are cities placed in the campaign map. So I did the same.
    I suggest you to test the battle at the same tile where the city is placed in the campaign.

    I warn you I needed a month of work until I got working my first historical siege battle. The siege battles are very buggy in RomeTW, there are a lot of random bugs, CTDs for no apparent reason, and the AI behave weird many times. I'll try to help you, but I used a trial and error method more than a scintific one

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