Usually some of the first mods for a TW games are new or additional loading screens. I see that some mods, that I am not interested in, have their own new loading screens, and I see there is a mod with dead links by Captain Cox, but that's it.

So how about a load screen co-operative, where we get a mod with a load of new screens from the various mods, to replace/add to the very few that the game seems to have?!

It's only a small thing, but sometimes small things can make a big difference. For example, who gets annoyed that games like ETW and Oblivion, etc, leave the cursor on-screen when playing movies (and in Oblivion when you are having a conversation!)? It would be such an easy thing to 'switch off' the cursor during these moments, and having to move the cursor 'out of the way' breaks immersion. Games of 10 years ago never did this, this is just another sign of programming sloppiness.

So having a dozen or more new loading screens, rather than the vanilla 3 or 4 may only be a small thing, but I feel would make a big difference to the game!