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Thread: [ETW AAR] The Republic Of Portugal

  1. #1
    Archimonday's Avatar Senator
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    Default [ETW AAR] The Republic Of Portugal

    :Authors Notes:

    The Campaign described in this story is an ever growing story, played over the course of almost 140 turns with a 1 month time scale. It is important to remember that there are 12 turns per year in this history of the republic, as not to become confused.

    -Chapter 1: Revolution-

    The year was 1700, and perched on the end of the European Continent, a new nation was being born out of old Imperialism. Portugal's introduction in the 18th Century was one of high taxes, a bi-product of economic recession, and an ongoing war far to the east. These truths however, were all that was needed to spark civil unrest in the small Monarchy, and slowly the seeds of Revolution began to take root in the nations populace.

    It was March 1700, and for the last three months the weary populace of Portugal, dreaded the arrival of letters from India. For off in that distant land east of the Euphrates, the young men of Portugal laid down their lives for old Imperialist claims, fighting a ruthless eastern war machine. The letters would detail the number of dead, the number missing, the number captured, and on the ships delivering the news would arrive thousands of beleaguered soldiers. Men who's lives were spared only by the lives of their comrades. Comrades who's lives were lost in almost feeble attempts to lift the curtain descending on the distant city of Goa and its naval facilities. Whilst the young sacrificed their lives in defense of Imperial Claims the people of Portugal sacrificed their freedoms in the form of taxes, high tariffs designed to pay for the deadly conflict, but in an exceptionable fashion where tearing apart the nation piece by piece.

    Six months passed, and finally after the better half of a year, news arrived on ship, that the garrison of Goa had been eradicated. Their bodies put on display as trophies to the Maratha Confederacy, and their allies Mysore. Out of 25 regiments to see combat in the region surrounding Goa, only two would return to see their families. Remnants of one final battle, a three mile thrust to a harbor town facing west, and escape by ship. The militia who had fought so hard fell back into line, their new assignment: Guard the capitol. However the few that came back would be all that was needed to tip the bucket, and spill the seeds of revolution. In November of 1700, Portugal erupted into chaos.

    The first to strike were the revolutionaries, they marched forth in a deep thrust through the heart of the nation, pillaging the farms and industrial centers. Then came the first encounter, Government troops marching north from the Capitol intercepted the rebel force near a farm and there next to a large herd of goats; a battle ensued. The Government troops marched swiftly onto the defenders, who during the night had erected breast works and were defending at the crest of a hill. As the Government troops marched forward, the distant thunder of Six Pounder Guns echoed across the hills. The revolutionaries watched in horror as Government cannon balls flew through the air and into the sides of their makeshift fortifications, but the revolutionaries were not totally defenseless. By now the Imperial Troops had broken into double-time, and the Revolutionaries brought forth their own fortified Six Pounder guns in response to the Government bombardment. The Revolutionaries were the first to draw blood, when a cannonball fired from one of the entrenched Six Pounders raked the Government artillery, knocking off the wheels and disembowling a horse. But as soon as the first government gun had fallen, a cannonball fired off to the left of the entrenched Revolutionists swept through the lines, arcing ever so perfectly over the breastworks and through a company of Militia.

    Five minutes had passed and the Government troops now neared the hill and its fortifications, as they came to the base of the defensive position, the first volley rang out. Revolutionist troops raked the Government lines with musket fire, nearly eradicating an entire Regiment of Foot. The Government was swift to respond however, with their own deadly volleys, which put an even higher death toll on an already weakened militia unit. The Government charge continued up the length of the hill, until the Government troops were pouring over the breastworks and into the ranks of the Revolutionists, it was at this time that the Government General, perched above his horse near the artillery was beheaded by a cannonball. From a distance the Government troops watched as their Generals headless body fell to the ground, his orderlies rushing to catch it.

    Under the fire harrassment of Artillery the Defensive positions were now consumed with Government troops. The Revolutionist militia fought hard against the Government Line Infantry, and despite the deadly hand to hand combat, the Government troops routed, allowing the Revolutionists to charge down the hill and slaughter any stragglers, and the remaining pieces of Artillery before declaring victory over the field. From the blood stained grass came a cheer, and a rousing chant "Viva a revolução!". This inspiring victory however was only the beginning, of an unforseen, and much deadlier conflict soon to encompass the Peninsula.

    -Chapter 2: "Viva a revolução!"- (WIP)

    Four months had passed since the beginning of the Revolution, and after three deadly battles both sides were feeling the effects of war. The Government, battered and beaten, was bankrupt; and the Rebels were in no better a situation. Two times the Capitol had changed hands, and now it lay back in Imperial Control. Government Generals refused to march out of the fortified city, knowing that their low numbers and strangled economy placed them in perhaps the worst position of all. The Rebels who sat to the east in and amoungst a college town out numbered them in artillery but fell short in numbers of infantry. The death toll of war had a great price you see, and rebel forces had dwindled since the beginning of the Revolution.

    In hesitation the Generals (Me) marched forth upon the Imperial Palace and its heavily fortified city, in one last attempt to break the Imperial stranglehold over the nation. From afar the faint sight of smoke on the horizon, shined an even brighter light on the cost this war had taken on the people. But as the sun rose on that January morning 1701, the final battle was poised to take place. Three hours later, The Imperial Regime was vanquished.

    But in a twist of fate, the power hungry generals of the revolution declared themselves the new kings over the land, sacrificing the old Constitutional Monarchy, for an even more tyrannical Absolute Monarchy. What had the war been fought for then? The values that had built it up and been its back bone for the better part of a year were washed away by greed. Some of the Generals however, wouldn't accept it, and despite the already deadly war and newly established government, another revolution broke out. In this revolution however there would be far different circumstances that took hold.

    The month was now February, the year 1701, and a fresh revolution sprouted out of the first. This new rebel force was fighting the old which reestablished itself as an even more tyrannical government who's high taxes were a sheer mirror of the old. But amidst these rivaling brothers, an old foe also came out of the wood work, not only was there a Republican revolution fighting for control of the country, but old Loyalists of the Constitutional Monarchy rose up in armed Rebellion to the north. These Loyalists created a third faction, and an even broader struggle over the new nation.

    The first few months were brutal, Constitutional Loyalists clashed in open field against Republican rebels while Government troops quietly replenished their numbers behind the safety of a wall. As June came around the Government was ready to make its move. The now large force of Government Militia sprang forth from the capitol, marching north along the coast. They engaged the Loyalist troops in combat near an old mill, now nearly destroyed from over a year of endless war. Despite the Loyalists' dwindled numbers, they managed to slaughter the Government army, leaving their bodies as old remnants of the past.

    Seeing their prime opportunity, Republican forces marched out of the east and into the city unattested, quickly establishing a new Republican government before setting up their own defenses against the inevitable Loyalist counter-attack. When it came however, the Republican forces were ready and over the course of only twenty minutes, the Republican army slaughtered the attacking force. The survivors retreated north and sought isolation in the far northern forests, quietly awaiting their next opportunity.

    So it came to pass that over the course of a year and a half that the old Monarchies were extinguished, and a new nation was born, The Republic of Portugal. The newly founded Republic wouldn't have much time to celebrate its recently hard fought victory, for just to the east an old enemy was lying in wait, poised to destroy what had taken so long to create.
    Last edited by Archimonday; August 19, 2009 at 09:34 AM.

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