(Hey all! New to the forum but a huge fan of the mod and all things Lotr! This marks the beginning of my new FF series! Enjoy! )

The divide within the Anduin River gave way to the formation of a new land. This particular isle was shaped like a great ship, with a high prow pointing north, against which the white foam of Anduin broke on sharp rocks. Hence it was dubbed the 'Ship of Long-foam'. Beyond the western tree-line, an omniscient sun gazed down upon Middle Earth one last time before falling into shadow. As one followed the sun's path eastward, they could observe the vividly clashing streaks of pinks and oranges, as with many magnificent colors that conspicuously ebbed and flowed about the mid-afternoon's sky. Momentarily taken back by the pristine view, the High Elf let off an exalted sigh of relief. Peace, tranquility, and hope gleamed brilliantly with the day's end.

Unfortunately, darkness came all too soon. The same eastward gaze was soon met with thunderous clouds and bolts of lightning. Plummeting down to the ground in violence and anger, these apparitions were abundant and equally frightening. However, in spite of the waking evil that corrupted the beauty and mystique that often times otherwise befell the free lands of Middle Earth, the wizard stood unwavering. Cloaked in all whites, the wielder of magic radiantly glowed amidst the dark haze that crept out from Mordor. Contradictory to the smoke and fog that choked the very lungs of peace and freedom, a pure and ecclesiastically triumphant silhouette abruptly threw off the previous dark and malevolent scene of pain and death. Although this Elf was not in any rush to charge into Mordor with his sword drawn and staff at the ready, he would hold his ground. Cair Andros was a key position in Middle Earth, as to get to those free peoples of Middle Earth; one would have to cross this particular position.

After contemplating all this and more upon the shores of Cair Andros, Arithien turned back and headed towards the small village that lied at the island's center. There was not much to the town that was substantial in importance or notability; merely, it was a humble and comforting place in its entirety. This was what made this location so inviting to the wizard. Despite the fact that Mordor was looming overhead, there still was a welcoming aurora about the place that appeared immune to even the most vile and foul stenches that elsewhere fumigated in weakness and darkness.

The caretaker of this place, Arithien was looked favorably upon by the natives of the island. For this, the Wizard was struck with a keen sense of humility and pride. There was no way that he would ever leave this land, for the people loved him and he equally loved them so. He would not abandon them…even unto pain of death…