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Thread: Lesson 2

  1. #1
    GrnEyedDvl's Avatar Liberalism is a Socially Transmitted Disease
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    Default Lesson 2

    In this lesson we will be covering counters, event_counters, historic_events, and spawning armies. Some of the commands we wil be using are as follows:

    This command tells the game to ignore this monitor after it has run. This is useful if you have a piece of script that you only want to run one time.

    This is a variable name where we store a number. You can name your counters whatever you want, but be aware that the name is CaSe SenSiTiVe.

    Similar to a counter, the difference is that when you use this with the EDB file it is used as a true/false flag. 0 is false, anything else is true. Event counters do not have to be declared.

    You use this in the beginning of your script to set the name of your counter, and give it an initial value of 0.

    This completely ignores the current value of your counter and sets it to the number specified. To use this with an event_counter the command is set_event_counter.

    This moves your counter up or down by the number you specify. If you use inc_counter CounterName 10 then it will increase by 10 every time the script runs this command. Similarly if you use inc_counter CounterName -10 it will decrease by 10. To use this with an event_counter the command is inc_event_counter.

    Use this to spawn a new army on the strat map.

    Use this to call an event from the data/text/historic_events.txt file.

    The first thing we are going to do is create a new historic_event and then call it from the script. I often make several events called test_event1, test_event2, etc, so I can see exactly when certain parts of a large script are firing. You should already be somewhat familiar with converting the string.bin files but if not then you need to download and install Alpaca's string.bin convertor and convert historic_events into a text file so it can be modified. Add this to the bottom of your file, make sure to use your own name, not mine

    {TEST_EVENT1_BODY}This is a test event created by GrnEyedDvl for testing scripts.
    {TEST_EVENT1_TITLE}Test Event

    And then put this in your script:
    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionIsLocal
     historic_event test_event1
    You should now get a pop up in game that says Test Event the first time you click EndTurn, and has the description you entered. Since we included the terminate_monitor command it will run once, and then never run again. It should look something like this:

    Now we are going to use our first counter, and we are going to use it to keep track of what turn number it is. I know there is a built in command to check turn number, but for this class we are going to do it like this because it is an easier concept to grasp when you know exactly what it is supposed to be. You will be able to look at the turn number display in game and know if your script fired properly immediately. First we have to declare our counter name, then we have to set it to 1 because when the game starts it is turn number 1, and then every time the end_turn button is clicked we have to increase it by 1. At the top of your campaign_script, outside the montiors, put this:
    declare_counter TurnNumber
    set_counter TurnNumber 1
    The build a monitor that increases the TurnNumber counter by 1 every time you click EndTurn.
    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionIsLocal
     inc_counter TurnNumber 1

    Now we need to check the counter, fire an event if it has been 10 turns, and then reset the counter so it will fire again 10 turns later. Create a new historic_event named ten_turns in your historic_events file, and put this in your script.
    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionIsLocal
     and I_CompareCounter TurnNumber == 10
     historic_event ten_turns
     set_counter TurnNumber 0
    When you hit turn number 10 your event should fire. You will know it fired on the right turn by looking at the turn number indicator in game, circled in red in my example.

    If your script worked then you did everything right. Congratulations. However our script can be optomized. We are currently using two monitor_events to run our TurnCounter script, and we can condense that into a single monitor by using an IF statement. The fewer monitors we have running, the faster our script will run. Since we are only using a few monitors for this class you wont notice a difference, but when you start building scripts that contain several thousand lines of code you can really notice. The way I usually work is to put everything in a separate monitor when I am building it, so I can check the system logs and see that each monitor fires the way I want it to, and then go through and try to get things condensed. For simple scripts using that process is a bit of a time waster, on huge scripts I find that it actually ends up saving time debugging. Compare these two scripts, both do the exact same thing, but the second one is the better way to do it.
    ;count turn numbers
    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionIsLocal
     inc_counter TurnNumber 1
    ;if it has been 10 turns, fire event and reset counter
    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionIsLocal
     and I_CompareCounter TurnNumber == 10
     historic_event ten_turns
     set_counter TurnNumber 0

    ;count turn numbers
    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionIsLocal
     inc_counter TurnNumber 1
     if I_CompareCounter TurnNumber == 10
      historic_event ten_turns
      set_counter TurnNumber 0

    But what do we use this for? The answer is simple, anything you want. Lets say that every 10 turns we want to have a random event. Sometimes it will happen on the 10th turn, sometimes it will not. So create a random event in your historic_events file. I will call mine random_event since I am so creative. Then we will call the RandomPercent condition, which simply generates a random number between 1 and 100. First we will just test our random_event by creating a new monitor that gives us a 50 percent chance.
    ;random event
    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionIsLocal
     and RandomPercent > 50
     historic_event random_event

    When you run the game you should get your random event approximately every other turn. It wont be precise, sometimes you will get it 2 or 3 times in a row, sometimes you will go 2 or 3 turns without getting it at all. But now we need to run that command every 10 turns instead of every turn. We do this by inserting it into an if statement and comparing the TurnNumber counter. This is where things start to get a bit tricky because we are stacking one condition inside another one, and if you dont do things in the proper order your script will not run. Remember that our TurnNumber counter resets to 0 when it hits 10, but we also want our random_event to fire when TurnNumber hits 10. If we reset TurnNumber to 0 before we call the RandomPercent, then it will never fire, so we have to do this in a specific order. Sometimes its best to make yourself a little note, like this:

    Turn end
    check the TurnNumber counter
    if it = 10 then call RandomPercent
    if RandomPercent is over 50 then call random_event
    reset TurnCounter to 0
    end monitor

    Now we can do all of this with separate counters, but we are going to include it all in a single counter. This is the last full piece of script that I am writing for this lesson that you can copy and paste into your own script, so make sure you understand what it is doing.
    ;count turn numbers
    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionIsLocal
     inc_counter TurnNumber 1
     if I_CompareCounter TurnNumber == 10
      if RandomPercent > 50
       historic_event random_event
      historic_event ten_turns
      set_counter TurnNumber 0

    Now that we have our random_event firing every 10 turns with a 50 percent chance, we need to keep track of whether or not it has fired. We know the event runs when we see it pop up on screen, but we need a way for the script to know whether or not it has fired, so we can do some more stuff. So we use an event_counter and set it to 1 when the random_event fires. For this we use the set_event_counter command, again you can name your event_counter whatever you want. Put this right after the historic_event line:
    set_event_counter RandomFired 1
    Now we can check the EventCounter condition to determine whether or not the event has happened. The direction I am leading you into here is spawning an army when a settlement is under siege, but in the case of a long siege you dont want to spawn an army every turn. We will get there in a bit but first we have to learn to manipulate an event_counter from a counter and vice-versa.

    Ok so we set our RandomFired event_counter to 1, now we have to check it so that we dont fire the random_event again. To do this we use the AND statement along with our other conditions, and if everything is true then the RandomPercent will trigger. So we change the line that has RandomPercent in it to look like this, remember I am not pasting full code anymore this is an excerpt:
     if I_CompareCounter TurnNumber == 10
      if RandomPercent > 50
       and I_EventCounter RandomFired == 0
       historic_event random_event
       set_event_counter RandomFired 1

    Now every 10 turns the script will check if RandomFired is equal to 0, and if it is there is a 50 percent chance that our random_event popup will show in game. Once it does it will set RandomFired to 1, and this part of the script will not run again. However the difference between doing it this way and using terminate_monitor is that we can enable this piece of script again by setting RandomFired back to 0 in another monitor or when another event someplace else in the script fires. Basically we can enable this anytime we want to by using anywhere in our script that we want to:
    set_event_counter RandomFired 0

    Now we will get into spawning armies. The command for this is pretty simple, but first we have to know what kind of units to spawn, and where to spawn them. Since we will be using this as a form of garrison script pick a settlement you want to attack, and pick a few units. I am playing vanilla M2 as England and will be attacking the rebel town of York since its close to one of my starting armies. Looking in descr_strat for rebel armies I found this entry for York, so I will just use the same units and make a few more of those:
    character sub_faction england, Arthur of York, general, male, age 31, x 106, y 164 
    unit  Peasants    exp 1 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit  Spear Militia    exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit  Archer Militia    exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit  Peasants    exp 1 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit  Peasant Archers    exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0

    First we want to make sure we can create the army, so just build a monitor that runs when you click EndTurn and include the create_unit command. York starts with a total of 5 units, I will just add 5 more. You could also use the spawn_army command, but then you have to specify a general/captain and x,y location. For spawning an entire army in the field that is the best way, to just add units to a city or even to a named general then do it like this. Build your monitor and run the game, the units should be created.
    create_unit York, Peasants, num 10, exp 1, arm 0, wep 0

    Now that we know we can create our units, we have to know two other things: Whether or not the settlement is under siege, and whether or not the army has already been spawned. I will not be writing any code for this, you need to write it yourself, but I will tell you what conditions to use for a simple garrison script and what the general order of the commands is. We will be running this at FactionTurnEnd FactionIsLocal, and we will be using an event_counter named York_army_spawned and you will be creating a new historic_event that tells you the settlement has reinforcements.

    Use the I_SettlementUnderSiege condition, check the docudemons for syntax.
    Check the value of York_army_spawned, if it is 0 set a RandomPercent of 50 to spawn the army
    If the army spawns, fire your historic_events that tells you the settlement has reinforcements.

    Set the event_counter to 1 so that the units will not be created twice.
    When the settlement is no longer under siege, reset the event counter to 0 so that the next time the settlement is sieged the units can be spawned again. This will require a separate monitor and the use of the NOT condition along with I_SettlementUnderSiege.

    Pop a historic_event that lets me know you reset the counter. If you are not careful here this event will fire every turn that York is not under siege, so you need to check the event_counter to see if it is 1 before you reset it to 0.

    I want these screen shots, and I also want the code that tells me what units you are spawning. Not the entire script, just the create_units line:
    Player besieging settlement BEFORE the units have spawned. Make sure you Maintain Siege so the script has a chance to run since it fires on TurnEnd. Also dont add so many units that the AI decides to come out and attack you instead of sitting out the siege. The events will still fire but things will be out of order for taking screen shots.

    A screen shot of the historic_event that tells you York has been reinforced.

    A screen shot of the settlement with the new units in it.

    A screen shot of the event that says you reset your counter.

    Finally I want your script posted in SPOILER tags. We are working on the honor system here so please do NOT view other peoples code until you have yours working. I am expecting a lot of questions on this lesson, but I also expect you to try and get it to work several times before you look at someone elses code.

  2. #2
    ♔Jean-Luc Picard♔'s Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: Lesson 2

    If we create a new historic_events.txt file it will create a new strings.bin file, correct?

    EDIT: Actually, are we using the historic_events.txt from the original folder or making a new one to put in the mod folder?
    Last edited by ♔Jean-Luc Picard♔; June 26, 2009 at 09:39 PM.

    It is my great honour to have my poem Farmer in the Scriptorium here.

  3. #3
    GrnEyedDvl's Avatar Liberalism is a Socially Transmitted Disease
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    Default Re: Lesson 2

    Yes but you should get in the habit of deleting the strings.bin version. Some of the regenerate on their own, some of them seem to have to be deleted first, there are conflicting reports on that so I always delete.

  4. #4
    ♔Jean-Luc Picard♔'s Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: Lesson 2

    hmm... I got an error when it tried to fire my test event. Any idea what I did wrong?
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    23:01:39.297 [game.script.exec] [trace] exec <historic_event> at line 135 in mods/barebones/data/world/maps/campaign/imperial_campaign/campaign_script.txt
    23:01:39.351 [system.rpt] [error] Medieval 2: Total War encountered an unspecified error and will now exit.
    {TEST_EVENT1_BODY}Congrats!!! You finished turn 1.
    {TEST_EVENT1_TITLE}Test Event I
    {TEST_EVENT2_BODY}Congrats!!! You finished turn 2.
    {TEST_EVENT2_TITLE}Test Event II
    {TEST_EVENT3_BODY}Congrats!!! You finished turn 3.
    I assume we were supposed to trigger events from the campaign_script.txt so here is what i added.
    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionIsLocal
     historic_event test_event1
    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionIsLocal
     historic_event test_event2
    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionIsLocal
     historic_event test_event3
    Last edited by ♔Jean-Luc Picard♔; June 26, 2009 at 10:19 PM.

    It is my great honour to have my poem Farmer in the Scriptorium here.

  5. #5
    GrnEyedDvl's Avatar Liberalism is a Socially Transmitted Disease
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    Default Re: Lesson 2

    Well it tried to execute the script, so your campaign_script runs properly. Usually when I have a historic_event that crashes its because of a typo, using a ) instead of a } or something like that. Yours seem to be ok unless I am blind, so delete historic_events.strings.bin then restart the game.

    When you are testing this remember that anytime you make a change to the strings.bin file you have to completely exit the game and then restart so the file can rebuild.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Lesson 2

    I'm also having a CTD (and i don't have an error_log file ..) , even though i deleted historic_events.txt.strings.bin file ..

    I used the vanilla campaign_script file , but i didn't do something wrong (I used vanilla , no modfolder , as barenbones had no historic_events.bin file ..)
    Last edited by Killerbee; June 27, 2009 at 09:53 AM.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Lesson 2

    I've get this log, when i try to start the game after insert the firt test event.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    11:36:17.875 [system.rpt] [always] CPU: SSE2
    11:36:17.875 [system.rpt] [always] ==== system log start, build date: Feb 25 2008 version development ===
    11:36:17.890 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_0.pack
    11:36:17.890 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_1.pack
    11:36:17.890 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_2.pack
    11:36:17.890 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_3.pack
    11:36:17.890 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_4.pack
    11:36:17.890 [] [always] mounted pack packs/localized.pack
    11:36:23.734 [script.err] [error] Script Error in mods/Bare_Kingdoms/data/descr_walls.txt, at line 234, column 24
    Unable to find building_battle localised string 'gatehouse'

    I've nothing changed in the descr_walls.


  8. #8
    Hesus de bodemloze's Avatar The Gaul
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    Default Re: Lesson 2

    Where do i find Alpaca's string.bin convertor?
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  9. #9

    Default Re: Lesson 2

    Google is your friend :

    You'll need Python first , thoguh

  10. #10
    Hesus de bodemloze's Avatar The Gaul
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    Default Re: Lesson 2

    Oke new question how do i reconvert it to a bin file? Yes i searched the internet but this is all Chinese for me.
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  11. #11

    Default Re: Lesson 2

    The game will automatically re-convert it, Hesus, you don't need to worry. At least it did that back when I was working with quotes files.
    Son of PW

  12. #12
    Hesus de bodemloze's Avatar The Gaul
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    Default Re: Lesson 2

    No it did n' t convert it
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  13. #13
    Augustus Lucifer's Avatar Life = Like a beanstalk
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    Default Re: Lesson 2

    Quote Originally Posted by WikkeD View Post
    I've get this log, when i try to start the game after insert the firt test event.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    11:36:17.875 [system.rpt] [always] CPU: SSE2
    11:36:17.875 [system.rpt] [always] ==== system log start, build date: Feb 25 2008 version development ===
    11:36:17.890 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_0.pack
    11:36:17.890 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_1.pack
    11:36:17.890 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_2.pack
    11:36:17.890 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_3.pack
    11:36:17.890 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_4.pack
    11:36:17.890 [] [always] mounted pack packs/localized.pack
    11:36:23.734 [script.err] [error] Script Error in mods/Bare_Kingdoms/data/descr_walls.txt, at line 234, column 24
    Unable to find building_battle localised string 'gatehouse'

    I've nothing changed in the descr_walls.

    You're using the kingdoms.exe without adding a new descr_walls.txt. In Kingdoms there is a "gatehouse", that's how the boiling oil is produced. A Kingdoms modfolder is different from a Medieval 2 modfolder. I recommend if you plan to use Kingdoms then you use either of the two Kingdoms folders listed in the Course Materials. The folder in the Basic Modding class is made for Medieval 2.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hesus de bodemloze View Post
    Oke new question how do i reconvert it to a bin file? Yes i searched the internet but this is all Chinese for me.
    Once you have run the bat file and generated the text files for the strings.bin files, you need only delete the old strings.bin files and the game will generate new ones from the text files once it loads.

    Quote Originally Posted by KingTheoden1 View Post
    I'm also having a CTD (and i don't have an error_log file ..) , even though i deleted historic_events.txt.strings.bin file ..

    I used the vanilla campaign_script file , but i didn't do something wrong (I used vanilla , no modfolder , as barenbones had no historic_events.bin file ..)
    Did you make sure to include the log section in your cfg file?

  14. #14
    Hesus de bodemloze's Avatar The Gaul
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    Default Re: Lesson 2

    Nope it' s not working game just runs but doesn' t generate a new bat file.
    Horum omnium fortissimi sunt Belgae :
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  15. #15

    Default Re: Lesson 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Hesus de bodemloze View Post
    Nope it' s not working game just runs but doesn' t generate a new bat file.
    That is strange. What I always do is delete the old bin file and it generates a new one off the text file. Should work like a charm.
    Son of PW

  16. #16
    Hesus de bodemloze's Avatar The Gaul
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    Default Re: Lesson 2

    well i deleted the history event bin file but it does not generate a new one.
    Horum omnium fortissimi sunt Belgae :
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  17. #17
    ♔Jean-Luc Picard♔'s Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: Lesson 2

    Well... I tried to delete the historic_events.strings.bin and the game produced a new one and i got the same error. I am going to try to add a turn condition and see if that helps.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Here is my new script, pretty much copied from your example. Instead of an error message, i get no event at all.
    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionIsLocal
     and I_CompareCounter TurnNumber == 10
     historic_event test_event1
     set_counter TurnNumber 0

    EDIT2: In case you need them, my campaign_script and historic_events in their entirety.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    ; Campaign script
    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionType england
     and not FactionIsLocal
     and CampaignDifficulty = easy
     and Treasury > 10000
     and FactionIncome >= 2000
     console_command add_money england, -1500
    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionType england
     and not FactionIsLocal
     and CampaignDifficulty = easy
     and Treasury <= 1000
     and LosingMoney
     console_command add_money england, 1500
    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionType england
     and FactionIsLocal
     and CampaignDifficulty = easy
     and Treasury > 50000
     and FactionIncome >= 7500
     console_command add_money england, -6000
    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionType england
     and FactionIsLocal
     and CampaignDifficulty = easy
     and Treasury <= 1000
     and LosingMoney
     console_command add_money england, 5000
    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionType france
     and not FactionIsLocal
     and CampaignDifficulty = easy
     and Treasury > 10000
     and FactionIncome >= 1000
     console_command add_money france, -4000
    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionType france
     and not FactionIsLocal
     and CampaignDifficulty = easy
     and Treasury <= 1000
     and LosingMoney
     console_command add_money france, 1
    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionType france
     and FactionIsLocal
     and CampaignDifficulty = easy
     and Treasury > 50000
     and FactionIncome > 5000
     console_command add_money france, -6000
    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionType france
     and FactionIsLocal
     and CampaignDifficulty = easy
     and Treasury <= 1000
     and LosingMoney
     console_command add_money france, 5
    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionType spain
     and not FactionIsLocal
     and CampaignDifficulty = easy
     and Treasury > 10000
     and FactionIncome >= 2100
     console_command add_money spain, -1100
    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionType spain
     and not FactionIsLocal
     and CampaignDifficulty = easy
     and Treasury <= 1000
     and LosingMoney
     console_command add_money spain, 1000
    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionType spain
     and FactionIsLocal
     and CampaignDifficulty = easy
     and Treasury > 50000
     and FactionIncome > 6500
     console_command add_money spain, -5000
    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionType spain
     and FactionIsLocal
     and CampaignDifficulty = easy
     and Treasury <= 1000
     and LosingMoney
     console_command add_money spain, 3000
    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionType hre
     and not FactionIsLocal
     and CampaignDifficulty = easy
     and Treasury > 10000
     and FactionIncome >= 3000
     console_command add_money hre, -2500
    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionType hre
     and not FactionIsLocal
     and CampaignDifficulty = easy
     and Treasury <= 1000
     and LosingMoney
     console_command add_money hre, 2500
    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionType hre
     and FactionIsLocal
     and CampaignDifficulty = easy
     and Treasury > 50000
     and FactionIncome > 6500
     console_command add_money hre, -5500
    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionType hre
     and FactionIsLocal
     and CampaignDifficulty = easy
     and Treasury <= 1000
     and LosingMoney
     console_command add_money hre, 3000
    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionIsLocal
     and I_CompareCounter TurnNumber == 10
     historic_event test_event1
     set_counter TurnNumber 0
    ; keep script unfinished until last monitor termination
    {TEST_EVENT1_BODY}Congrats!!! You finished turn 1.
    {TEST_EVENT1_TITLE}Test Event I
    {TEST_EVENT2_BODY}Congrats!!! You finished turn 2.
    {TEST_EVENT2_TITLE}Test Event II
    {TEST_EVENT3_BODY}Congrats!!! You finished turn 3.
    Last edited by ♔Jean-Luc Picard♔; June 27, 2009 at 12:39 PM.

    It is my great honour to have my poem Farmer in the Scriptorium here.

  18. #18
    GrnEyedDvl's Avatar Liberalism is a Socially Transmitted Disease
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    Default Re: Lesson 2

    Quote Originally Posted by KingTheoden1 View Post
    I'm also having a CTD (and i don't have an error_log file ..) , even though i deleted historic_events.txt.strings.bin file ..

    I used the vanilla campaign_script file , but i didn't do something wrong (I used vanilla , no modfolder , as barenbones had no historic_events.bin file ..)
    Copy the vanilla M2 file INTO the barebones/data/text folder, then convert and make changes.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Lesson 2

    Alright , gonna test it out now .. i deleted the whole barebones campaign_script , and - in sake of being sure- copy-pasted your first (simple) script .. Don't worry , I'll edit it later on

    EDIT : yay , it worked ! Can finally start the real scripting

    EDIT2 : Here's the script and all stuff related to it :

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    The principle is rather simple .. It's nothing more but a simple "Jihad" ..

    Script :
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    declare_counter jerusalem
    monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal
      and I_SettlementOwner Jerusalem = england
    set_counter jerusalem 1
    monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal
      and I_SettlementOwner Jerusalem = hre
    set_counter jerusalem 1
    monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal
      and I_SettlementOwner Jerusalem = france
    set_counter jerusalem 1
    monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal
      and I_SettlementOwner Jerusalem = venice
    set_counter jerusalem 1
    monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal
      and I_SettlementOwner Jerusalem = sicily
    set_counter jerusalem 1
    monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal
      and I_SettlementOwner Jerusalem = scotland
    set_counter jerusalem 1
    monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal
      and I_SettlementOwner Jerusalem = denmark
    set_counter jerusalem 1
    monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType egypt
      and FactionIsLocal
      and I_CompareCounter jerusalem = 1
    historic_event jerusalem_captured
    create_unit Cairo, Desert Archers, num 10, exp 1, arm 0, wep 0
    create_unit Cairo, Desert Archers, num 10, exp 1, arm 0, wep 0
    create_unit Cairo, Desert Archers, num 10, exp 1, arm 0, wep 0
    create_unit Cairo, Desert Archers, num 10, exp 1, arm 0, wep 0
    create_unit ME Spear Militia, Desert Archers, num 10, exp 1, arm 0, wep 0
    create_unit ME Spear Militia, Desert Archers, num 10, exp 1, arm 0, wep 0
    create_unit ME Spear Militia, Desert Archers, num 10, exp 1, arm 0, wep 0
    create_unit ME Spear Militia, Desert Archers, num 10, exp 1, arm 0, wep 0

    Images :
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Event message :

    Army recruited in Caïro

    For testing's sake , i gave Jerusalem to england in descr_strat , and it worked all nice and smooth .. need to add entries for all other islam factions , and add some "Jerusalem recaptured" events

    Plans :

    I'll gonna make an extra script with counters : if the islams haven't captured Jerusalemn in 15 turns , they'll all get a penalty of -15000 money i'll also give more units at about turn 7/8 or 10

    but it's half midnight here , so i'm not in the mood for scripting Will update probably tomorrow
    Last edited by Killerbee; June 27, 2009 at 04:25 PM.

  20. #20
    GrnEyedDvl's Avatar Liberalism is a Socially Transmitted Disease
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    Default Re: Lesson 2

    Thats not bad, but you can condense those monitors for each faction into a single monitor.

    monitor event
    if i settlement owner france
    set counter

    if i settlement owner england
    set counter


    Since you are terminating the monitor after the army is created, the next time Jerusalem is taken by someone the units will not spawn. I want to make sure you know how to re enable the spawning of units.

    With your create_unit lines you are creating 80 units, and the max the city can hold is 20, and you have no location set for the spear militia units. If you check your log there is probably an error related to those.

    Skand and Hesus, are you using a vanilla file copied into your mod folder?

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