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Thread: ==The Original Map Editing/VNVs/Squalor tutorials

  1. #1
    Burebista's Avatar Electro Artifacts AP
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Default ==The Original Map Editing/VNVs/Squalor tutorials

    About making new Provinces - This Reply is old Look down at Vorbis Reply Province Tutorial!

    Quote from Gaius Jullius :

    Old Tutorial - Makeing New Provinces

    "The list of files to be altered and their paths are as follows (make a back up of these):

    - Data/World/Maps/Base/map_regions.tga
    - Data/world/maps/base/descr_regions.txt
    - Data/world/maps/campaign/imperial_campaign (or your created provincial campaign)/descr_strat.txt
    - Data/world/maps/campaign/imperial_campaign (or your created provincial campaign)/descr_mercenaries.txt
    - Data/world/maps/campaign/imperial_campaign (or your created provincial campaign)/descr_regions_and_settlement_name_lookup.txt
    -Data/text/imperial_campaign_regions_and_settlement_names.txt (if adding to a provincial campaign, create a copy of this file, and replace 'imperial_campaign' with whatever is at the top of your descr_strat.txt file across from the campaign title).

    Step 1) Delete the maps.rwm file and the map_heights.hgt file in your Data/world/maps/base folder.

    Step 2) Open the map_regions.tga file in whatever photo editing program you use. Examples are Adobe Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro. On this image, each province in the game is coloured differently from the other. Zoom in, and with the pencil tool, re-colour a portion of the world map, wherever you want your new province to be, with a new colour. Make sure you keep the current land form intact (don't put a province on the water, in other words). Put a black dot wherever you want the settlement to be, and a white dot wherever you want the port to be. Make sure the port is alongside the water, and make sure, for land locked provinces, that there is NO port.

    Step 3) On the colour panel of whatever photo editing tool you're using, note the RGB values of the colour. In Adobe Photoshop, there should be three little sliders, and to the right of them, three boxes with seperate numbers. These allow the game to figure out where the new province is on the world map.

    Step 4) Open descr_regions.txt. Copy one of the current entries (such as the top Britannia_Inferior one) and paste it at the very bottom. Change the top name (Britannia_Inferior) to the name of the province that you want. Change the name below that (the city name) to whatever you want the settlement to be named in this province. Three lines below that you should see three groups of numbers (232 41 198 for Britannia_Inferior). These are those RGB values you noted earlier. Put in the ones for your province.

    Step 5)Go to your descr_strat.txt file. Copy a settlement that already exists, and paste it in the list of settlements for the faction that you want to own it. So, under the Romans_Julii faction, you would copy this:

    level large_town
    region Etruria

    year_founded 0
    population 4000
    settlement_tax 51
    plan_set default_set
    faction_creator romans_julii
    type barracks militia_barracks
    type core_building governors_villa
    type port_buildings port
    type defenses wooden_pallisade
    type hinterland_farms farms
    type hinterland_roads roads

    Then, paste that under the settlement list for whatever faction you wanted your new province to belong to. Edit the region name to be your new provinces name. Edit in or out any buildings you want this settlement to have, and slo the population you want it to start with. Make sure that's all in the correct format. Compare it to other settlements to make sure it's all in correctly and not missing anything.

    Step 6) Open descr_mercenaries.txt. Put the name of your new province next to the name of the other provinces you want the listed mercenaries recruitable in. For instance:

    "pool Cisapline_Gaul
    regions Cisalpine_Gaul Venetia Noricum Raetia NEW_PROVINCE_HERE
    unit merc barbarian cavalry, exp 0 cost 800 replenish 0.06 - 0.15 max 1 initial 0
    unit merc barbarian infantry, exp 0 cost 800 replenish 0.05 - 0.25 max 4 initial 0"

    Step 7) Open descr_regions_and_settlement_name_lookup.txt. At the very bottom of this list, put the name of your province, and below that, the name of your settlement.

    Step 8 ) Finally, open the name_of_your_campain_regions_and_settlement_names_lookup.txt in the Data/text folder. Copy one of the extisting names (such as {Hibernia} Hibernia) and paste this at the VERY bottom of the file. Adjust the both names (the one instead the curly brackets, and the oens without) to the name of your province. Then, paste it again below that, and this time rename them to the name of your added settlement.

    You should now have an added province in your game. Load it up and see. If it doesn't work, make sure there are no spelling mistakes. If it still doesn't, restore all the fiels and try again, but with a province somewheres else.

    Also the game generates a new map.rwm every time the campaign is started. As far as anyone else knows, the map_heights.hgt doesn't do anything."

    Here is the pic of the Callattian Hoplite in 2D .jpg. If you insert all that is submitted up in your RTW files you will have it to. Also inserting it and folowing my steps will be a good lesson for you all newbies.

    See In the attachement the end result of the 2D Work !
    Last edited by Proximus; March 17, 2006 at 01:36 AM.
    Modding Arts Inc.

    SS City Reinforcement Script - (*SS 6.2 any mod comptible)

  2. #2


    I've been asked by Burebista to create a newbie-proof guide to creating new provinces on the Rome campaign map, so I'll do my best.

    We're going to modify four files here:


    You'll need an image editing program like Photoshop to edit the tga file. Since Photoshop is my preferred program, that's what I'll be using for this guide.

    Step 1:
    Open map_regions.tga in an image editor.
    You'll see each province has its own color as well as a single black pixel, which designates where the city goes. Some cities have a white pixel on a coastal piece of land which shows where the port will go. Not all cities need ports. We're going to make a province to split Armenia and Pontus a little, so we'll go to that section of the map. I've taken the liberty of zooming in quite a bit so we can see what we're doing here:

    Now, select an RGB color that isn't being used already. I just picked a random color of 163, 120, 8.

    Go ahead and pencil in your new province--zoom in so you get a good view. I supose this goes without saying, but make sure you're using the pencil tool and not the brush tool in Photoshop. Right click the brush tool and switch it to pencil. We're not going to change the land formation, just change borders and add a new city and port:

    I set the city in what I hope is a valid location by simply looking at the Rome map that came with the game, and sort of figuring out where the mountains won't be. This is a very difficult region to add to since there are mountains EVERYWHERE, and we have to place the city almost exactly, unless we want to edit the map's terrain (not in this guide, muchacho&#33. If you place a city on an invalid piece of terrain, say a river or mountain, the game won't load.

    Save your map_regions.tga file now, and open descr_regions.txt.
    We're going back to map_regions.tga a little later, so you may want to just leave the file open for simplicity.

    Now we need to come up with a name for this region and city. Google away. I reliaze this isn't the right location for it, but I'm going to call this "Armenia Inferior" anyway. We'll call the city Yerevan because I'm trying to write a Rome modding guide, not history.

    So in the descr_regions.txt file, we're going to make a new entry that looks like this:
    163 120 8
    iron, wild_animals, hides
    The settings are, in order:
    Region_Name  (underscore if two words)
    City_Name  (underscore if two words)
    city culture
    RGB value  (remember how we had to set a unique value when making the province? That value goes here)
    resource1, resource2, resource3 (I don't think there's a limit to the number of resources you can have)
    Triumph Value  (does not appear to be used in the game, just set it to 5 like almost every other province for simplicity)
    Farm level  (5-6 is about average, while some very fertile provinces have over 10)
    Now we open up the descr_strat file and insert our province. If you want to give it to rebels, put it below the "slave" city list, and if you want to give it to a particular faction, put it in their city list. We're going to give this to Armenia. So go their section, and add a new settlement. I suggest just copying a previous one and editing it as necessary. I decided to make Armenia Inferior a large down with few military buildings:
    	level large_town
    	region Armenia_Inferior
    	year_founded 0
    	population 4500
    	settlement_tax 51
    	plan_set default_set
    	faction_creator parthia
     type core_building governors_villa
     type hinterland_farms farms
     type port_buildings port
    And we need to add a garrison that is placed directly on the city here so they don't rebel against us in the first turn. We need to know the X, Y coordinates of our city, so we look them up using in Photoshop:

    I'm going to make this garrison NOT have a family member, because that's a whole different bag of worms and will unnecessarily complicate this guide. So we'll just stock them with regular units, but you HAVE to put a general in there (he'll appear with one of the units).
    So I add this value here:
    character	Kudurmabug, general, command 0, influence 0, management 0, subterfuge 0, age 20, , x 208, y 71
    unit east horse archer  exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit east horse archer  exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit east peltast  exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    Note two things about this:
    First, my general has a valid Armenian name that isn't already taken. You can find these names in the /data/descr_names.txt file, in the appropriate faction list. Make sure the name is not already taken.
    Second, my X, Y values are different that what Photoshop says. Photoshop's grid starts at the top left, whereas the game's grid starts at the bottom left. This means that your X value will be the same, but your Y value will be 155 - (whatever photoshop's y is). In my case, Photoshop gave me an X, Y of 208, 84. This is because the map is 155 pixels in height. Make sense?

    Now, go into the /text folder and open the regions and settlement names text file associated with your campaign, and add a string value for your new province and city. Ours will look like this:
    {Armenia_Inferior} Armenia Inferior
    {Yerevan} 	Yerevan
    Now that we have all that added, we're going into the /data/world/maps/base/ folder and deleting these two files:

    Let's fire up the game now and see if it works. I'd recommend making your shortcut command line look like this: "E:\RTW\RomeTW.exe -show_err", without the quotations, and change the path to wherevery you've installed your game. This will usually give you an error message saying why the game crashes, if it does.

    And in this case, it seems to load just fine. I placed this a little close to the river (passing unfriendly armies can't get through, (because it blocks it), so I may move the city a little by adjusting the black pixel in map_regions.tga. But you know how to do that now.

    Troubleshooting - If your game is giving you errors, here are some likely problems:
    1) The color used for the province is invalid. Either it's already in use or it's simply a color the game doesn't recognize (there appear to be several, and I don't think anyone knows which ones are or aren't). Simply change the color in an image editor.
    2) The city is placed on an invalid location
    3) The city list in descr_strat.txt is invalid, either it has an improper level (putting buildings in a "village" for example), or there is
    an error in the code (as if you left out a line or a bracket).
    4) The map.rwm and heights.hgt files have not been deleted and a change has been made that would require them to be (adding a resource, for example)
    5) The regions.txt file has spaces in the city/province names. Remember, underscores.
    6) The entry has not been added properly into the /text/CAMPAIGN_NAME_regions_and_settlement_names.txt file (if you get some kind of "string" error, this is likely the cause)

    Well, that's all there is to it!
    I hope this guide helps simlify what I a lot of people have been saying is a very complicated process.

    Anyone still need to know how to get hidden resources to work? I can add that as well.

  3. #3
    Burebista's Avatar Electro Artifacts AP
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    Oct 2004


    Squallor Problems ?! To many Cities that rebel under your iron rule ? Here you have two solutions !

    My way :

    C: \ Program Files\Activision\Rome - Total War\Data\export_descr_buildings.txt

    search for "law_bonus" and "happiness_bonus" and increase the values

    Or add to the governors_house governors_villa governors_palace proconsuls_palace imperial_palace this new lines :

    trade_base_income_bonus bonus 6
    law_bonus bonus 8

    See Example:

    building core_building
    levels governors_house governors_villa governors_palace proconsuls_palace imperial_palace
    governors_house requires factions { barbarian, ct_carthage, eastern, parthia, egyptian, greek, roman, }
    recruit "carthaginian peasant" 0 requires factions { spain, }
    recruit "barb peasant briton" 0 requires factions { britons, }
    recruit "barb peasant dacian" 0 requires factions { dacia, }
    recruit "barb peasant gaul" 0 requires factions { gauls, }
    recruit "barb peasant german" 0 requires factions { germans, }
    recruit "barb peasant scythian" 0 requires factions { scythia, }
    recruit "carthaginian peasant" 0 requires factions { ct_carthage, }
    recruit "east peasant" 0 requires factions { eastern, }
    recruit "egyptian peasant" 0 requires factions { egyptian, }
    recruit "greek peasant" 0 requires factions { greek, }
    recruit "roman peasant" 0 requires factions { roman, }
    trade_base_income_bonus bonus 6
    law_bonus bonus 8

    This way all the factions will benefit from more money and order / also if yo take out in battle the governing building that city will be in trouble ! So more hit and run tactics for you !

    Second Way :
    TomPaine .Org Member style

    Quote :
    "In the Data subdirectory, there's a file called "export_descr_character_traits", which controls the bonus and negatives given for the various Virtues and Vices, as well as the probability of getting any VnV in a given situation. With each character trait, you'll see what it does, represented like this: "Effect Command 1", for example, for the Virtue "Confident Commander". In order to allow some traits to reduce squalor, simply add the following comment "Effect Squalor -1". I've added it to a few skills where I felt it was appropriate -- such as the skilled bureaucrat, and a few others. It just makes your good city managers all the more important.

    Now, once you do this, the effects *will* be modeled in the game, but the in-game text for your traits won't show that the Virtue modifies squalor. The change that, go into the Data/Text directory, and open up the "Export_VnVs" file; look for the descriptions of each of the virtues that you've modified, and just add whatever text you'd like. Thus, if you changed Confident Commander to mod squalor (not that you would), you'd change the existing description of "+1 Command" to "+1 Command, -1 to Squalor" and the text would appear, in full grammatical English (assuming you typed it right) in the game.

    You can do the same thing for appropriate ancillaries -- such as, say the Chirurgeons or the Doctors, or some priests, or what-have-you. The effect comment is the same, but you'll have to modify the "export_descr_ancillaries" in the Data folder to affect the game, and the "Export_ancillaries" file in the Data/Texts folder to affect the text displayed in game.

    So, now you can have *some* control over squalor. Just preserve/train good managers, and you can have some people capable of dealing with troubled cities. I still haven't figured out how to have buildings affect squalor -- no building actually does affect squalor, according to their comments, so I don't know what the comment would be. Also, I'm not sure if this is a perfect solution -- maybe it just delays the onset of the problem. Thus, now cities with 45,000 people will be as bad as the cities of 24,000 were before -- but it's something. And, frankly, so long as you're judicious in assigning the squalor penalties only to things that makes sense, I think it might balance the gameplay, and not feel inappropriate."

    Here is a good Guide about Rome TW as a Game and how to play it ! Very good stuff for a newbie. [Not Mod related]
    Modding Arts Inc.

    SS City Reinforcement Script - (*SS 6.2 any mod comptible)

  4. #4
    Burebista's Avatar Electro Artifacts AP
    Join Date
    Oct 2004


    How to make Character VnVs (traits) by .Spartan

    I have invested a lot of time studying the VnV and trait system to further advance our community's collective modification capability. In addition, I have successfully implement a few new ones based on what I have learned.

    Overall, I must say I was impressed with the shear number of possibilities available; if one has a creative mind and a need to address. Anyway, what follows is a quick and dirty overview. I hope it makes for an informative read.

    It is possible to exclude cultures "ExcludeCultures". Create diametrically opposed traits "AntiTraits" as well as assign multiple ones to boot! You can also compose epithets and assign a can't get rid of feature "NoGoingBackLevel".

    The applicable known groups are:
    characters spy
    characters diplomat
    characters family
    characters assassin
    characters admiral

    I have organized into three (3) general groups, the variable that can be affected on a +/- ( The highest I have seen was +60) scale. They are:

    Combat_V_[Plural Name of Culture] (except "Cathaginians" has to be mispelled for it to work)



    In addition there are defined culture group. They are:

    Roman, Barbarian, Greek, Eastern, Egyptian, Carthaginian, Slaves

    As far as triggers go, there are many as well. The when to test (WhenToTest)options are:


    You can also have self perpetuating triggers!

    How to add a custom VnV:

    1. First open "export_VnVs.txt" and add something like this:

    {Cerean}	Cerean
    James Bond has nothing on this man!
    Subterfuge +8 (This man is the slickest of all)
    This man is now a loser!
    This man has made a name for himself with the Gods!
    {Cerean_epithet_desc}	The Spy Lord 
    2. Then open "export_descr_VnVs_enums.txt" and add something like this:

    3. After that open "export_descr_character_traits.txt" and add something like this:

    Trait Cerean
      Characters spy
      Level Cerean
        Description Cerean_desc
        EffectsDescription Cerean_effects_desc
        GainMessage Cerean_gain_desc
        Threshold 1 
        Effect Subterfuge 8
    Finally add a trigger or modify one something like this:

    Trigger agents4
      WhenToTest SpyMission
      Condition MissionSuccessLevel = highly_successful
      Affects GoodSpy 1 Chance 100 
      Affects GoodConspirator 1 Chance 50
      Affects Cerean 1 Chance 100
    Then save and you are on your way!

    Note: the first number is for the threshold of the trait and the second is the percentage of chance.

    You can also assign your trait to a character in the "descr_strat.txt" if you wish to start with it.

    Note if you make changes to the "export_descr_VnVs_enums.txt" AFTER you have the game started you MUST restart completely for them to take effect. This tip cost me over two (2) hours to figure out :cry

    Spartan suggested to add this by crop.

    AI Configuration Recommendations

    After many, many hours of testing the AI in order to glean knowledge from and gain insight into the cryptic configuration options in an effort to establish some sort of coherent operational matrix that is easy for all to understand. I came to the following conclusions regarding the variables and their functional effects.


    Economic Variables (option 1)
    Finance Group
    Trader = Economic (external revenue - surplus generation)
    Balanced = Economic (situation based spending) [dynamic]
    Comfortable = Economic (internal revenue - savings generation)

    Civil Group
    Bureaucrat = Law, education and subterfuge
    Religion = Happiness

    Military Group
    Fortified = Militaristic (offense & defense land)
    Sailor = Militaristic (offense & defense navel)


    Political Variables (option 2)
    Foreign Policy Group (aggressive)
    Napoleon (marginal)
    Caesar (moderate)
    Genghis (Extreme)

    Domestic Policy Group (aggressive/passive)
    Stalin (moderate)
    Mao (extreme)

    Economic Policy Group (passive)
    Henry (moderate)
    Smith (extreme)


    Based on the above information, below are my recommendations for AI variable settings. These are based on general strategic disposition, tactical capabilities and economic resources.

    Set version 2

    Julii -------------- fortified ------------ caesar
    Brutii ------------- bureaucrat ----------- napoleon
    Scipii ------------- religious ------------ mao
    Senate ------------- comfortable ---------- henry
    Macedon ------------ balanced ------------- genghis
    Egypt -------------- balanced ------------- stalin
    Seleucid ----------- comfortable ---------- genghis
    Carthage ----------- balanced ------------- napoleon
    Parthia ------------ bureaucrat ----------- henry
    Pontus ------------- trader --------------- napoleon
    Gauls -------------- fortified ------------ napoleon
    Germans ------------ religious ------------ stalin
    Britons ------------ trader --------------- smith
    Armenia ------------ bureaucrat ----------- caesar
    Greek Cities ------- fortified ------------ mao
    Dacia --------------- trader -------------- genghis
    Numidia ------------ religious ------------ smith
    Scythia ------------ comfortable ---------- napoleon
    Spain -------------- comfortable ---------- stalin
    Thrace ------------- bureaucrat ----------- mao
    Slaves ------------- Fortified ------------ caesar

    Please note: I have not recommended any "sailor" settings because I have been unable to conclude with any degree of certanty that it does in fact work correctly under the assumption that it is a naval power focus. The "balanced" setting seems to put more resources into navel development based on my experiences.

    I would like to thank all who have helped in this effort, espically Spino, for his most execellent definitions contribution. I hope this information will make your gaming experience more rewarding.

    10/18/2004 - Edit

    I have attached an edited RTR 2.2 "descr_strat" file which had the afore suggested AI recommendations incorporated into it PLUS the following changes:

    1. Removed 35% of slave resources and replaced with others.

    2. Scipii - set denari to 5,000

    3. Senate - set denari to 15,000
    Added 9 units of triarii and removed 1 bireme

    4. Set denari to 7,000 for the following factions:
    Macedon, Seleucid, Parthia, Pontus, Gauls, Germans,
    Britons, Armenia, Dacia, Numidia, Scythia, Spain, Thrace

    5. Greek Cities - set denari to 9,000

    6. Slave - set denari to 150,000

    Factions with no changes from default RTR 2.2 are:
    Julii, Brutii, Egypt, and Carthage.

    In addition I have included an edited RTR 2.2 "export_descr_unit" file with the naval unit cost changes (discussed later in this thread).

    The combination of all of these changes used with the RTR 2.2 package have worked out really well for me during my tests. I hope you find them a valuable contribution to your gaming experience.

    NOTE: You need the RTR 2.2 installed for these to work correctly.


    For those following this thread, as some of you may know I started to work on the more transparent but equally important elements of the game when it was first released. However due to the shear volume of data and mechanical knowledge involved as well as the time needed to do it correctly I decided to publicly work on other things. Nonetheless, I keep working on those things little by little ever so quietly. From time to time I have posted some updates and started a thread or two that mainly went unnoticed. Luckily for me (and you) two of the few that noticed the information were highly interested and we decided to team up. In the next day we will release a mod with over 100 fixes to the game mechanics, data files and a couple officially recognized bugs. This mod is 100% useable for a standard install and nearly all installs with mods. If you are interested in more information please go to the following thread:
    The Trivium

    Modding Arts Inc.

    SS City Reinforcement Script - (*SS 6.2 any mod comptible)

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Portland, Oregon


    When you are just adding new provinces to the campaign map DO NOT delete the map_heights.hgt If you do you WILL NOT be able to play Historic Battles etc... When you are just adding in new provinces and not changing any of the heights of the map etc, there is no point in deleting it...

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Burebista
    How to make Character VnVs (traits) by .Spartan

    I have invested a lot of time studying the VnV and trait system to further advance our community's collective modification capability. In addition, I have successfully implement a few new ones based on what I have learned.

    Overall, I must say I was impressed with the shear number of possibilities available; if one has a creative mind and a need to address. Anyway, what follows is a quick and dirty overview. I hope it makes for an informative read.

    It is possible to exclude cultures "ExcludeCultures". Create diametrically opposed traits "AntiTraits" as well as assign multiple ones to boot! You can also compose epithets and assign a can't get rid of feature "NoGoingBackLevel".

    The applicable known groups are:
    characters spy
    characters diplomat
    characters family
    characters assassin
    characters admiral

    I have organized into three (3) general groups, the variable that can be affected on a +/- ( The highest I have seen was +60) scale. They are:

    Combat_V_[Plural Name of Culture] (except "Cathaginians" has to be mispelled for it to work)



    In addition there are defined culture group. They are:

    Roman, Barbarian, Greek, Eastern, Egyptian, Carthaginian, Slaves

    As far as triggers go, there are many as well. The when to test (WhenToTest)options are:


    You can also have self perpetuating triggers!

    How to add a custom VnV:

    1. First open "export_VnVs.txt" and add something like this:

    {Cerean}	Cerean
    James Bond has nothing on this man!
    Subterfuge +8 (This man is the slickest of all)
    This man is now a loser!
    This man has made a name for himself with the Gods!
    {Cerean_epithet_desc}	The Spy Lord 
    2. Then open "export_descr_VnVs_enums.txt" and add something like this:

    3. After that open "export_descr_character_traits.txt" and add something like this:

    Trait Cerean
      Characters spy
      Level Cerean
        Description Cerean_desc
        EffectsDescription Cerean_effects_desc
        GainMessage Cerean_gain_desc
        Threshold 1 
        Effect Subterfuge 8
    Finally add a trigger or modify one something like this:

    Trigger agents4
      WhenToTest SpyMission
      Condition MissionSuccessLevel = highly_successful
      Affects GoodSpy 1 Chance 100 
      Affects GoodConspirator 1 Chance 50
      Affects Cerean 1 Chance 100
    Then save and you are on your way!

    Note: the first number is for the threshold of the trait and the second is the percentage of chance.

    You can also assign your trait to a character in the "descr_strat.txt" if you wish to start with it.

    Note if you make changes to the "export_descr_VnVs_enums.txt" AFTER you have the game started you MUST restart completely for them to take effect. This tip cost me over two (2) hours to figure out :cry

    Spartan suggested to add this by crop.

    AI Configuration Recommendations

    After many, many hours of testing the AI in order to glean knowledge from and gain insight into the cryptic configuration options in an effort to establish some sort of coherent operational matrix that is easy for all to understand. I came to the following conclusions regarding the variables and their functional effects.


    Economic Variables (option 1)
    Finance Group
    Trader = Economic (external revenue - surplus generation)
    Balanced = Economic (situation based spending) [dynamic]
    Comfortable = Economic (internal revenue - savings generation)

    Civil Group
    Bureaucrat = Law, education and subterfuge
    Religion = Happiness

    Military Group
    Fortified = Militaristic (offense & defense land)
    Sailor = Militaristic (offense & defense navel)


    Political Variables (option 2)
    Foreign Policy Group (aggressive)
    Napoleon (marginal)
    Caesar (moderate)
    Genghis (Extreme)

    Domestic Policy Group (aggressive/passive)
    Stalin (moderate)
    Mao (extreme)

    Economic Policy Group (passive)
    Henry (moderate)
    Smith (extreme)


    Based on the above information, below are my recommendations for AI variable settings. These are based on general strategic disposition, tactical capabilities and economic resources.

    Set version 2

    Julii -------------- fortified ------------ caesar
    Brutii ------------- bureaucrat ----------- napoleon
    Scipii ------------- religious ------------ mao
    Senate ------------- comfortable ---------- henry
    Macedon ------------ balanced ------------- genghis
    Egypt -------------- balanced ------------- stalin
    Seleucid ----------- comfortable ---------- genghis
    Carthage ----------- balanced ------------- napoleon
    Parthia ------------ bureaucrat ----------- henry
    Pontus ------------- trader --------------- napoleon
    Gauls -------------- fortified ------------ napoleon
    Germans ------------ religious ------------ stalin
    Britons ------------ trader --------------- smith
    Armenia ------------ bureaucrat ----------- caesar
    Greek Cities ------- fortified ------------ mao
    Dacia --------------- trader -------------- genghis
    Numidia ------------ religious ------------ smith
    Scythia ------------ comfortable ---------- napoleon
    Spain -------------- comfortable ---------- stalin
    Thrace ------------- bureaucrat ----------- mao
    Slaves ------------- Fortified ------------ caesar

    Please note: I have not recommended any "sailor" settings because I have been unable to conclude with any degree of certanty that it does in fact work correctly under the assumption that it is a naval power focus. The "balanced" setting seems to put more resources into navel development based on my experiences.

    I would like to thank all who have helped in this effort, espically Spino, for his most execellent definitions contribution. I hope this information will make your gaming experience more rewarding.

    10/18/2004 - Edit

    I have attached an edited RTR 2.2 "descr_strat" file which had the afore suggested AI recommendations incorporated into it PLUS the following changes:

    1. Removed 35% of slave resources and replaced with others.

    2. Scipii - set denari to 5,000

    3. Senate - set denari to 15,000
    Added 9 units of triarii and removed 1 bireme

    4. Set denari to 7,000 for the following factions:
    Macedon, Seleucid, Parthia, Pontus, Gauls, Germans,
    Britons, Armenia, Dacia, Numidia, Scythia, Spain, Thrace

    5. Greek Cities - set denari to 9,000

    6. Slave - set denari to 150,000

    Factions with no changes from default RTR 2.2 are:
    Julii, Brutii, Egypt, and Carthage.

    In addition I have included an edited RTR 2.2 "export_descr_unit" file with the naval unit cost changes (discussed later in this thread).

    The combination of all of these changes used with the RTR 2.2 package have worked out really well for me during my tests. I hope you find them a valuable contribution to your gaming experience.

    NOTE: You need the RTR 2.2 installed for these to work correctly.


    For those following this thread, as some of you may know I started to work on the more transparent but equally important elements of the game when it was first released. However due to the shear volume of data and mechanical knowledge involved as well as the time needed to do it correctly I decided to publicly work on other things. Nonetheless, I keep working on those things little by little ever so quietly. From time to time I have posted some updates and started a thread or two that mainly went unnoticed. Luckily for me (and you) two of the few that noticed the information were highly interested and we decided to team up. In the next day we will release a mod with over 100 fixes to the game mechanics, data files and a couple officially recognized bugs. This mod is 100% useable for a standard install and nearly all installs with mods. If you are interested in more information please go to the following thread:
    The Trivium

    Anyone knows if there is a limit to the number of character traits?

  8. #8

    Default how do i find coordinates?

    how do i find the x and y coordinates of my newly created city??

  9. #9


    You missed something out. Adding troops into that settlement you'll need the X and Y cord's like the post above asks for. how do you get them?

  10. #10

    Default Re: ==The Original Map Editing/VNVs/Squalor tutorials ==

    1. Hit the '`' key (above the tab key) when on the campaign map. This will bring up a command window.
    2. Put your mouse cursor on the tile for which you want to get the coordinates
    3. Type "show_cursorstat" in that command window from 1, above. This will give you the x,y coordinates you need.

  11. #11

    Default Re: ==The Original Map Editing/VNVs/Squalor tutorials ==

    Attempted to go through the walthrough several times without much luck. I'm actually modding the campaign map for the all goth 2.4 for BI. Admittedly, I've never tried to mod a campaign map before, so i'm missing something incredibly obvious, surely.

    Changed the map using several different colors at random, searching the the regions file to ensure that the color wasn't already in use. None of them were there. Meticulously made all changes within this walkthrough to the separate text file within /bi/data/world/maps/base, modified the other text files exactly how it was recommended. I was adding a celtic proince for the Wales area and then for N Ireland. Used general Caradog as a general, since it wasn't in use, and just copied the other unit scheme from Caledonia. Deleted the map.rwm and heights file. Still, whenever I try and fire the thing up, Ibeing directed back the the prvious menu, or ctd.

    One point of confussion was the testing. I attempted to run the testing string in this tutoria from the run menu and the command prompt. i assumed the e: was referring to the cd or dvd drive. but figured it must be referring to the exe on the hard drive. However, when i run call the exe file from the command line, it just sends me to the intro movie.

    Sorry, complete noob. Any help would be appreciated.
    Last edited by brymht; April 29, 2006 at 03:51 PM.

  12. #12
    Pnutmaster's Avatar Dominus Qualitatium
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Brooklyn, NY

    Default Re: ==The Original Map Editing/VNVs/Squalor tutorials

    Can anyone explain what "threshold" corresponds to in export_descr_character_traits?
    Under the patronage and bound to the service of the
    artist formerly known as Squeakus Maximus
    Stoic Pantheist of S.I.N

  13. #13
    Burebista's Avatar Electro Artifacts AP
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    Oct 2004

    Default Re:The Original Map Editing/VNVs/Squalor tutorials

    Are you refering to RTW or MTW2. This is a RTW topic and Spartan was our traits master - let's hope he will reply.
    Modding Arts Inc.

    SS City Reinforcement Script - (*SS 6.2 any mod comptible)

  14. #14
    Pnutmaster's Avatar Dominus Qualitatium
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Brooklyn, NY

    Default Re: ==The Original Map Editing/VNVs/Squalor tutorials

    M2TW, but I assume it's the same in both games. I've been porting over RTR/EB traits into M2TW and simply overlooking the "threshold" value. I simply want to know what it does
    Under the patronage and bound to the service of the
    artist formerly known as Squeakus Maximus
    Stoic Pantheist of S.I.N

  15. #15

    Default Re: ==The Original Map Editing/VNVs/Squalor tutorials

    I think the Threshold is the number you need for the trait to become active.

    For example:

    The first GoodTrader trait has a Threshold of 24

    Trait GoodTrader
    Characters family
    NoGoingBackLevel 2
    AntiTraits BadTrader

    Level Understands_Trade
    Description Understands_Trade_desc
    EffectsDescription Understands_Trade_effects_desc
    Threshold 24

    Effect Trading 10

    Trigger random_birth4
    WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

    Affects Deranged 1 Chance 2
    Affects GoodTrader 12 Chance 2
    Affects Liar 1 Chance 3

    The above trigger would get a general half way (12) to the GoodTrader trait Understands Trade

    I've been slowly organising Traits and their Triggers onto a spreadsheet and it seems to me that some of the thresholds need to be tweaked and more triggers need to be added.

    GoodTrader is a hard trait to acquire and I cant really see any genearl living long enough to reach the Threshold of 60 that is required for Master Trader.
    Look at the other triggers and see they only add 1 each.

    Trigger luxurious_lifestyle5
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

    Condition EndedInSettlement
    and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
    and SettlementBuildingExists >= merchants_quarter

    Affects Aesthetic 1 Chance 5
    Affects Epicurean 1 Chance 5
    Affects ExpensiveTastes 1 Chance 5
    Affects Gambling 1 Chance 3
    Affects GoodTrader 1 Chance 10

    Trigger building_trade
    WhenToTest GovernorBuildingCompleted
    Condition SettlementBuildingFinished >= corn_exchange

    Affects GoodTrader 1 Chance 50

    Trigger building_ports
    WhenToTest GovernorBuildingCompleted

    Condition SettlementBuildingFinished >= port
    Affects GoodTrader 1 Chance 80

    Trigger building_roads
    WhenToTest GovernorBuildingCompleted

    Condition SettlementBuildingFinished >= roads

    Affects GoodTrader 1 Chance 80
    Affects GoodBuilder 1 Chance 10

    There seem to be lots of other examples where its practically impossible to reach the higher levels of a trait.

    GoodEngineer is a good example: The only trigger is Coming of Age so how do you get to be a master engineer? You simply can't.

    Also with regards to controlling Squalor you can also change descr_settlement_mechanics.xml

    For affect of squalor on population change value in bold

    <factor name="SPF_SQUALOUR">
    <pip_modifier value="0.8"/>
    <pip_min value="0"/>
    <pip_max value="32"/>

    For affect of squalor on order change values in bold

    <factor name="SOF_SQUALOUR">
    <pip_modifier value="0.8"/>
    <castle_modifier value="0.5"/>
    <pip_min value="0"/>
    <pip_max value="16"/>

    Hope this helps.
    Last edited by EdStone; December 28, 2006 at 04:40 PM.

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