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Thread: France 2030 Total War (Futurist Civil War / Clash of the Civilizations)

  1. #1

    Default France 2030 Total War (Futurist Civil War / Clash of the Civilizations)

    France 2030 is an ambitious project, this mod is an futurist mod, the war take place in France in 2030 AC, whith a bloody civil war between many factions.

    Summer 2030, France.
    The French state, after he had tried to make of France a melting-pot country, has tried to stop migrations and the grow of the violence of the french extremists (of right and left) and of the islamic communauties, but it was to late, France was already like sentenced to death. The lawers and the cops couldn't impose the respects of the laws, and all now, all communauties has milicians, or mercenaries for being protected.
    The islamic communauty (almost 50% of the population in the country, 90% in fiew regions) has decreted the Djihad against Dar-el Harb, and Djihadists make violents sommary executions of representants of the French State, jewish communauty or catholic church while the Est-French white supremacists and French nationalists are making ethnical epuration too.
    The communists and anarchists thinking that this is the perfect occasion to catch the power for making of France the new country of the classwar, while regionalists nationalists wanted the total independance of their native region.

    Save France or sentenced her to death, her destiny is in your hands!

    *French Governement
    *French Nationalists
    *The Djihadists/ Mudjahidins
    *The Communists
    *The Corsica's Independantists
    *The Euskadian's Independantists
    *The Anarchists
    *The White Power faction
    *The Black Power/ Black Muslim faction
    *The Dutch Nationalist governement
    *The suiss governement
    *The British governement

    This mod will be traduct in russian, in english and in French.
    In Paris, and in the biggest cities (maybe London), the monuments will be present (eifel tower, arche de la défense, arc de triomphe, cathédrale de reims and so on).

    In France 2030 project, the religions are important, and there should have a improved management of them.

    We search everybody who could help us and participated to this mod (however, we are now severals to make this fabulous mod), for the fun.

    (I apologize for speaking a bad English...I am French)
    Last edited by Dschingiskhan; June 13, 2009 at 05:31 PM.

  2. #2
    Delta228's Avatar Ducenarius
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    St. Louis, MO

    Default Re: France 2030 Total War

    quite a cynical view of France's future, but I would love to play a mod like this.

  3. #3

    Default Re: France 2030 Total War

    Whe trust that this mod will be finished for december 2009.
    maybe more quickly if we would working with the help of other ETW mods (but not without the permission)
    Last edited by Dschingiskhan; June 13, 2009 at 05:29 PM.

  4. #4

    Default Re: France 2030 Total War


    The Dutch Nationalist governement
    Can you make Geert Wilders Emperor?

  5. #5

    Default Re: France 2030 Total War

    this seems.....interesting.

  6. #6

    Default Re: France 2030 Total War

    At first when I looked at the title of this mod, I thought it was going to be another boring country orientated mod (which I happen to really dislike), but I found that this looks like a good mod, and I think it has good prospects!

  7. #7

    Default Re: France 2030 Total War

    looks good!

  8. #8

    Default Re: France 2030 Total War

    This project growing up quickly, we hope that many players will found this mod interesting.
    If someone want have the fun to make the skins of cops, djihadists, or still skinheads or governementals forces, we accept his little or big participation to the project (that is not a problem because, we need several skins for all the units).

    Geert Wilders, in 2030, will be already assassinated bye an islamist integrist, Quintus Sertorius,I offer you my condolences.
    Last edited by Dschingiskhan; June 14, 2009 at 06:56 AM.

  9. #9

    Default Re: France 2030 Total War

    Sorry about my french, but I've just started learning it:

    Bonjour, j'mappelle thomas, je vis en Angleterre, dans le nord, je pense que c'est une bonne idée!

  10. #10

    Default Re: France 2030 Total War

    congratulations crepe, you speak better french than I speak english!
    Thank you for your encouragements

  11. #11

    Default Re: France 2030 Total War

    Could you give us a big story what happened with Europe?
    I see Spain has some rebels too and the Netherlands occupies Belgium. What happened?
    Quote Originally Posted by Dschingiskhan View Post
    Geert Wilders, in 2030, will be already assassinated bye an islamist integrist, Quintus Sertorius,I offer you my condolences.
    Thank you, that is a realistic view on the future.

    EDIT: My French is really bad but I read the French thread and I see the Netherlands being PVV, Wilders his Party. I don't see that ever happening. Will he be elected he will die and new elections will come. And the Netherland have Christianity as religion, every year religion is going down in our country and we already have 50% Atheist right now.
    Last edited by Kubrick; June 14, 2009 at 08:19 AM.
    YATS: Manius Aquillius Tuscus, 46, Patrician

  12. #12

    Default Re: France 2030 Total War

    Quote Originally Posted by Dschingiskhan View Post
    congratulations crepe, you speak better french than I speak english!
    Thank you for your encouragements
    Thank You, I took it as a secondary language in School

    Merci, j'ai pris ça comme une langue à l'école secondaire.

    I had to get my anglai-francais dictionary out for the word 'language'.

  13. #13

    Default Re: France 2030 Total War


    Spain has known a critical situation, fragilised by massive immigration and Euskadians separatists, in 2024, who clamed the independance for this northern region of spain. Brutals incidents in the frontier between the "new kalifat of maroco" and spain in 2026, but anarchists were against war, and in 2027, the west-northern country (where a, lot of anarchists live) make separation, and established Vanlencia for capital-city. The spain's state could'nt fight anarchists, because his central situation was too dangerous, Spain asked help to UE, Nato and Otan, but with the economic crises, only China or Russia could made something. The King of Spain decided to go in exil in Argentinia, while the islamists made a brutal attack in Andalousia in 2028, and took the town of Grenade they had lost in 1492. The euskadians rebels made terrorism against the French government in order to rattach the south-west Frenchs region to Euskadia (Pays basque). After, when they had seen that France was in critical situation, they have made a powerfull offensive in the French Euskadia (2029).

    Germany was in a critical situation too, the turkish communauty had made a great soulevment against the german state, and already pan-germanists extremists organised them to make war against the turks islamists volonteers. The german state was total depassed by the situation, germany had in the time, refused to have a strong army, also, in this time, the german state could'nt made nothing. But, there was in germany a strong spirit by the youngest of antifascism, and the left extremists and the almost antifascists/ anarchists were constituting an army for fighting the religious extremists and the white pan-germanists.

    In Nederland 2016, at the presidential elections, the PVV had made a great score, almost 38%, and the islamists extremists decided to killed him.
    He was shot in a Amsterdamer street the 11 september 2016, for the symbol. After, the dutch people have understood that the strong islamic communauty representates a danger for the liberty, and in 2025, they massively vote PVV, 50,4% in the second round. Islamists were arrested, put in jail, like the dutch racists who had profitated of the situation for making abominable slaughters. Lot of dutch muslims people brought the way for go in safe in France.

    Belgium was dead the 24 april 2026, the northern part of the country wanted be rattached to Nederland (Flammands), and the other part (Wallons) decided to be rattached to France. The 25, the king committed suicide.

    Italia 2019, the northern part of Italia, with the "Lega Nord per l'indipendenza della Padania" get the independance.

    The Pope announced in 2026 the establishment of Vatican III, (the athee will be saved to, the homosexal wedding for priest will be autorized, the chuch office will be speaking in esperanto...) Great schism, a important part of the catholic church will be rattached with the Moscow church or with the protestants sects.

  14. #14

    Default Re: France 2030 Total War

    This sounds really interesting. Great idea Hope it sees the light of day sometime.

  15. #15

    Default Re: France 2030 Total War

    Yes Thank you.

    I put the units lists: (in french, but, not far off, in English)

    Forces gouvernementales française:
    - Contingent de policiers anti-émeutes (infanterie lourde) (très puissant au contact)
    - Contingent de policiers mobiles (véhicules blindés anti-émeute)
    - Section d'assaut de l'EPIGN (petite unité d'infanterie experte en tout)
    - Unité blindée de la Défense nationale (VABs)
    - Infanterie d'assaut de la Défense nationale (infanterie lourde)
    - unité d'infanterie de la défense nationale (infanterie moyenne)
    - Hélicoptères de combat de la D-N /tigres (unité aerienne)
    - milice citoyenne (infanterie légère)
    - gardes républicains en tenue de combat (véhicules de combats d'élite)
    - Police anti-émeute montée (cavalerie lourde) (unité de contact)
    -mortier de 120 mm (artillerie)

    - contingent volontaire serbe (tchetniks) (infanterie légère)
    - troupes de choc de la jeunesse identitaire (infanterie légère)(francisque?)
    - troupe de choc de la jeunesse identitaire motocyclé (tireur en moto)
    - volontaires nationalistes cadets (tirailleurs)
    - renegats de l'armée gouvernementale (infanterie lourdement armée)
    - renegats de l'armée gouvernementale mobiles (véhicules de l'armée)
    - milice patriote française (infanterie légère)
    - partisans traditionalistes (tirailleurs)
    - troupe de choc de la "Reconquista pour la Patrie" (berserkers)
    - cavalerie patriotique "pour un renouveau français" (cavalerie légère)
    - prêtres-aumôniers (équivalent des druides dans RTW)
    - volontaires lance-roquette russe (lance roquette)
    - franc-tireur de la résistance (snipers)
    - Véhicule lance-missile contre-bande russe (lance missile)

    forces djihadistes:
    - contingent de la brigade Al Aqsa (infanterie légère)
    - volontaires wahabites (infanterie légère)
    - martyres de la vraie foi (unité spéciale/ kamikaze)
    - contingent volontaire de l'Oumma (infanterie légère)
    - Milice urbaine des "soldats de Dieu" (infanterie légère)
    - volontaires de l'UCK (infanterie moyenne)
    - Guerilleros urbains (infanterie légère)
    - Combattants mobiles djihadistes (djeeps)
    - Guerrilleros urbains motocylcés (tireurs sur motos)
    - unité d'élite des volontaires d'Al Quaeda (infanterie légère)
    - contingent lance-roquette du Hamas (lance roquette)
    - Katyoushas du Heszbollah (lance missile)

    factieux communistes:
    - section "Drapeau Rouge" (infanterie d'élite)
    - volontaires de la 8ème Internationale (infanterie légère)
    - contingent Nord Coréen (infanterie lourde)
    - unité du bureau politique (véhicules légers)
    - milice du prolétariat (infanterie légère)
    - infanterie révolutionnaire (infanterie légère)
    - miliciens du prolétariat mobiles (véhicules légers)
    - élite redskins (berserkers? ou milice de plus?)
    - Katyushas importés de Corée du Nord (artillerie)

    faction anarchiste:
    - Section "les gardes de Bakouinine" (infanterie d'élite)
    - contingent anarchiste allemand (infanterie légère)
    - contingent anarchiste espagnol (infantrie légère)
    - contingent auxiliaire antifasciste (infanterie légère)
    - unité mobile "No Passaran" (véhicules légers)
    - lanceurs de coktails molotov (genre de naffatuns)

    faction nationaliste basque:
    - Milice indépendantiste basque (infanterie légère)
    - Combattants d'Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (infanterie légère)
    - Combattants patriote basques mobiles (véhicules légers)
    - unité d'élite "Euskadi patria" (infanterie lourde)

    faction nationaliste corse:
    - Milice independantiste corse (infanterie légère)
    - infanterie de choc "Corsica Independenza" (infanterie légère)
    - Section d'assault "Arabi Fora!" (véhicules légers)
    - Contingent FLNC (infanterie légère)

    faction suprémaciste blanche:
    - Infanterie d'Assault "Loup Blanc" (infanterie lourde)
    - mortiers portatifs "Marteau de Thor" (artillerie)
    - Contingent du Ku Klux Klan (infanterie lourde)
    - Miliciens Skinheads d'Elite (infanterie légère)
    - contingent "Ordre Nouveau" mobile (véhicules équipés de mittrailleuse lourde)
    - Hammerskins motocyclés (unité lourde sur moto)
    - Contingent de l'internationale "Blood&Honour" (infanterie légère)

    faction suprémaciste noire:
    - troupe de choc "Malcolm X" (véhicules)
    - Milice des banlieues (infanterie légère)
    - contingent salafiste soudannais (infanterie légère)
    - Milice des banlieues motocyclée (unité moto)
    - infanterie lance-roquette Dar el Islam (lance roquette)

    Armée Américaine:
    - compagnie de la 2nd Marines Division - United States Marine Corps (infanterie lourde et tanks)
    - compagnie de la 101st Airborne Division (infanterie légère - parachutistes)
    - compagnie de la 1st Infantery Division (infanterie lourde et tanks - basée en Allemagne)
    - compagnie de la 1st Cavalry Division (infanterie légère, tanks et hélicoptères)
    - section d'assault Delta Force (infanterie légère - commandos)
    - Helicoptères apaches (unité aerienne)

  16. #16
    S-te-Fan's Avatar Primicerius
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Diessen, The Netherlands, Near the belgium border.

    Default Re: France 2030 Total War

    Une mod super!

    Anyway, that's a large unit list...

  17. #17

    Default Re: France 2030 Total War

    Thank you, I work hardldy for this mod, neverstheless, I have problems for mapping the new campaign map...
    Someone could help me?

  18. #18

    Default Re: France 2030 Total War

    Wow !
    a Very Nice Idea!+rep I would Love to Play such a Mod
    Good Luck!

  19. #19

    Default Re: France 2030 Total War

    Wow! L'unité de la liste est très très large, je suis l'histoire de goût!

  20. #20

    Default Re: France 2030 Total War

    Ok, I translate in English (it is good for my vocabulary, I pass a exam before long)

    French standing faction (government):
    - Contingent of policemen against riots (heavy infantery) (very strong at contact)
    - Contingent of ploicemen in vehicle (armoured vehicle against riots)
    - EPIGN's section of assault (equivalent of the SWAT)
    - Armoured contingent of the French governmental Army (VABs)
    - Assault infantery of the french governmental army (infanterie lourde)
    - standing infantery of the french governmental army (infanterie moyenne)
    - Helicopters of the FGA /tigers (helicopters)
    - Milice of citizens (irregulary infantery)
    - Republican's guards (elite armoured)
    - Policemen against riots cavalery (cavalery) (strong at contact)
    -mortier of 120 mm (artillery)

    The French nationalist faction:
    - contingent of serbian's volonteers (tchetniks) (light infantery)
    - shock troops of the young identity (light infantery)(armed with francisc)
    - shock troops of the young identity/ two wheeler ( two wheelers)
    - nationalists cadets volonteers (light infantery)
    - renegades of the FGA (heavy infantery)
    - renegades of the FGA armoured contingent (armoured)
    - milice of french patriots (light infantery)
    - traditionalists partisans (embushers)
    - shock troop of the section:"Reconquista pour la Patrie" (berserkers)
    - Patriotic cavalery "pour un renouveau français" (cavalery)
    - traditionalists priests (priests)
    - volonteers with rocket launcher of russian fabrication (rocket launchers)
    - irregular soldier of the anti-islamic resistance (snipers)
    - Vehicle armed with rocket launcher of russian fabriction (rocket launchers on a jeep)
    - Irregulars equiped with machine gun
    - ...

    The djihadists:
    - contingent of Al Aqsa brigad (light infantery)
    - wahabits volonteers (light infantery)
    - martyrs of "the true faith" (special unit/ kamikazes)
    - volonteers contingent of Dar el Islam (light infantery)
    - urban milicians of "God's soldiers" (light infantery)
    - volonteers of the UCK (kosovians) (medium infantery)
    - urban guerilleros (light infnatery)
    - djihadists soldiers in jeeps (jeeps)
    - urban guerrilleros in twho-wheels(two wheels)
    - Unit of the Elite Al Quaeda's volonteers (heavy infantery)
    - rocket launchers of Hamas contingent (rocket launchers)
    - Heszbollah's Katyoushas (missile launchers)
    - section "Red Flag" (Heavy infantery)
    - volonteers of the 8th International (light infantery)
    - contingent of Nord Koreans (heavy infantery)
    - Unit of the politic policemen
    - milice of the "working class" (light infantery)
    - revolutionnary infantery (light infantery)
    - Vehicles of the "working class" milicians (jeeps)
    - red skinheads (milicians)
    - Katyushas imported of nord-Korea? (artillery)

    - Section "Bakouinin's guards" (heavy infnatery)
    - contingent germans anarchists (light infantery)
    - contingent spainers anarchists (light infnatery)
    - auxiliary contingent antifascists (light infantery)
    - Jeep contingent "No Passaran" (Jeeps)
    - Launchers of "Molotov's coktails" (naffatuns?)

    Basque's nationalists:
    - Milicians for the Basque contry independance (light infantery)
    - Soldiers of d'Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA) (light infantery)
    - Soldiers patriots basques in jeeps (jeeps)
    - Elite unit: "Euskadi patria" (heavy infantery)

    Corsican's Nationalists:
    - Milicians for the corsican's Independance (milicians)
    - shock troops: "Corsica Independenza" (light infnatery)
    - Assault troop "Arabi Fora!" (machine-gun on jeep)
    - Contingent FLNC (light infantery)

    White supremacists:
    - Assault Infantery "White Wolf" (heavy infantery)
    - mortiers "Thor's Hammer" (artillery)
    - Contingent of the Ku Klux Klan (heavy infantery)
    - Milicians "Skinheads d'Elite" (light infantery)
    - contingent "New Order" in Jeep (jeeps with machine gun)
    - Hammerskins two-wheels (two-wheels)
    - Volonteers of the braun international "Blood&Honour" (light infantery)
    Black supremacists:
    - shock troop "Malcolm X" (jeeps)
    - Milicians of the sub-urbs (light infantery)
    - salafist's soudanese contingent (light infnatery)
    - Ancilliaries of the suburbs in two wheels (two wheels)
    - Rocket launcher infantery "Dar el Islam" (rocket launcher)

    American Army:
    - Contingent of the 2nd Marines Division - United States Marine Corps (heavy infantery)
    - Contingent of the 101st Airborne Division (light infantery)
    - Contingent of the 1st Infantery Division (heavy infantery)
    - Contingent of the 1st Cavalry Division (armoured)
    - assault's section "Delta Force" (commandos)
    - Helicopters apach (helicopters)

    I apologize for my bad english...
    before long, the first skins of the units...

    Make advertising for this mod, please

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