I'd like suggestions and additions to make, I need to break it up into paragraphs, I'd like feedback.

Thank you in advance.

"Dvx Tiberivs Varivs Brvtvs to meet the Emperor." Brvtvs looked at the guards blankly, he knew he couldn't trust them. Palatine guards were successors to the Praetorian Guard, the scum of the Roman Empire. Inside the room of the Emperor, where Brvtvs was lead was filled with Federated Commanders, foreigners who lead the Foederati, the barbarian's who sought Roman civilization. "Ah, Dvx Brvtvs, Welcome to my Palace!" Brvtvs kneeled and did not say a word until the Emperor told him to do so, the way he was taught, others watched him in much strangeness, kneeling before the Emperor had not been practiced much, especially with barbarian troops. Dvx Brvtvs was not really a Dvx, which was common, many called themselves Dvces without actually leading troops, and Brvtvs was sort of one of them, he lead a small militia army of his home town. "Emperor Avgvstvlvs, I come pleading one thing from the most gracious Imperator..." The Emperor looked at the man with a strangeness. "Why do you kneel Dvx? Do you owe me something? Have I share a power over you?" Brvtvs looked up at the Emperor with an irie glow to his eyes, his eyes filled with much rage, but that was kept to himself. "You are my Imperator, and you owe me nothing. I show respect to my superiors." The Emperor sat back in his throne and smiled. "Dvx, you are a smart man. I wish many of you around me. What can I do for you this fine day Dvx?" The Dvx still kneeling looked up at the Emperor and took a deep breath. "I've come for a Legio...Imperator" The mood in the room switched from strangeness to much of vigor and chatter. The Emperor's face went from odd to almost one of pure humor. "Dvx, your request is bold, I will admit that. Why do you request a Legio?" Brvtvs stood, with his helmet to his side, under his arm, looking straight into the eyes of the Emperor with his hand on his gladius. "I seek to reclaim you the glory of the true Roman Empire..." The room exploded with laughter. 'The true Roman Empire? That's a laugh my friend, but what haven't we here that isn't the Roman Empire?" Brvtvs looked at the Emperor again with much rage. "We have barbarians in your court, the court of the Imperator, they should be killed for being a disgrace to the Romans." The federated commanders in the room silenced they're drunken laughter and focused on the words of the Dvx, some put their hands on their weapons. "I seek to change that, and much more. I swear loyalty to you alone, not a barbarian commander. I wish to reclaim what he had during the years of Augustus. You claim the names of two of your most venerated Romans, Romvlvs, the King of Rome, and the founder of the Romans, and Avgvstvs, the Roman who created what we know as the Roman Empire. Far too long the East has ruled the Roman world, ruling who will do what. I seek to change that with the authority of the Western Roman Emperor, the true ruler to the Roman world. With an army I look to fortify Italy and solve the internal problems we have in Italy." Again the room exploded in laughter, but this time the Emperor was not of the ones laughing, the Emperor stood and even the Dvx backed off, afraid of the wrath of the Emperor. "I believe you are bold Dvx Brvtvs, and I wish to see what you can do. I claim the names, but I can neither show it, nor can I prove it. You are more deserving of the title of Avgvstvs then I am, but formalities are formalities for a reason." The Emperor stepped forward more to be within stabbing distance of the Dvx. "Do you seek to usurp my throne? my crown dvx?" The Dvx was briefly insulted, but shrugged it off as this man was the Emperor, he could say what he pleased. "No my Imperator, not in a thousand battles. I seek to strengthen your Throne, and decorate it with the gold of a thousand people." The Dvx responded firm, but his voice cracked under fear. "Then I suppose I have little reason to not trust you. I will see to it you receive your army, once you leave the gates of Rome, I will muster a Legio to you. It shall be named Legio XVX Certa Constans, after your steadfast loyalty." The Dvx was taken aback by the Emepror's words, naming a Legio in his honor, kneeling again he nodded and turned his back to the Emperor and walked to meet his Legio.