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Thread: Eulex & French KFOR assault the Serbs in Kosovo

  1. #81
    s.rwitt's Avatar Shamb Conspiracy Member
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    Default Re: Eulex & French KFOR assault the Serbs in Kosovo

    You got some ed up logic dude, I'm sure you would be talking differently if this was happening to a region in the US.
    Nope. If 90% of freaking Iowa or Florida or Vermont wanted indepenence they should have it. But they don't.

    Anyways statements like that really show that you cant even begin the understand the issue and what it means to people.
    That's because I'm not a Serbian "Kosovo is Serbian holy land" nationalist.

    And who is half way around the world killing people? At least we fight wars on our borders, defending our land.
    After seeing Serbian behavior in the past and present I shudder to think of what Serbians would do if they could project power anywhere besides their borders. Luckily for defensless women and children everywhere, you'll never be able to.


    If you're going to post stats, try to keep make them a bit more recent than the ****ing 15th century next time?

  2. #82
    il padrino's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Eulex & French KFOR assault the Serbs in Kosovo

    Quote Originally Posted by s.rwitt View Post
    Nope. If 90% of freaking Iowa or Florida or Vermont wanted indepenence they should have it. But they don't.

    That's because I'm not a Serbian "Kosovo is Serbian holy land" nationalist.

    so don't ing bother to teach us how to run our country

    After seeing Serbian behavior in the past and present I shudder to think of what Serbians would do if they could project power anywhere besides their borders. Luckily for defensless women and children everywhere, you'll never be able to.

    we're angels compared to you

  3. #83
    s.rwitt's Avatar Shamb Conspiracy Member
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    Default Re: Eulex & French KFOR assault the Serbs in Kosovo

    we're angels compared to you

    so don't ing bother to teach us how to run our country
    Someone needs to.
    Last edited by s.rwitt; April 30, 2009 at 05:23 PM.

  4. #84
    il padrino's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Eulex & French KFOR assault the Serbs in Kosovo

    Quote Originally Posted by s.rwitt View Post

    there's only one little problem.the guys on the photo are outside the fence,not inside

  5. #85
    s.rwitt's Avatar Shamb Conspiracy Member
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    Default Re: Eulex & French KFOR assault the Serbs in Kosovo

    Yeah, must have been the camera guy inside the camp.

  6. #86
    il padrino's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Eulex & French KFOR assault the Serbs in Kosovo

    Quote Originally Posted by s.rwitt View Post
    Yeah, must have been the camera guy inside the camp.

    uhm, has been won't believe what can be done by just taking a simple photo.

    and that same magazine,published

    Draza Mihajlovic,the man of the year,1941.

    yeah,the "Serbian behavior in the past and present I shudder to think of what Serbians would do if they could project power anywhere besides their borders."

    is time magazine pro serbian ?

  7. #87
    Grof's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: Eulex & French KFOR assault the Serbs in Kosovo

    [quote=s.rwitt;5084412]Nope. If 90% of freaking Iowa or Florida or Vermont wanted independence they should have it. But they don't.

    Yea well you obviously speak for a really small number of people. And seeing how you were never in that situation one cant fault you for thinking that way. But I can fault you for taking shots at me and my people because we were/are actually in that situation and know how it feels.

    That's because I'm not a Serbian "Kosovo is Serbian holy land" nationalist.
    Exactly correct, Kosovo is Serbian holly land. There are churches there that predate your countries existence by almost a 1000 years. So you call me a nationalist for defending my land? How amusing.

    After seeing Serbian behavior in the past and present I shudder to think of what Serbians would do if they could project power anywhere besides their borders. Luckily for defensless women and children everywhere, you'll never be able to.
    Yea Serbian behavior in the past kept the Turks out of the Balkans for a little longer so that the catholic countries during that time could build up their defenses. Serbian behavior didn't surrender to the Nazis instead we suffered huge loses for fighting for what is right.

    Defenders of women? Check your self, your killing them atm in Iraq. See that dude that was found guilty for killing a entire family including women and children.

    If you're going to post stats, try to keep make them a bit more recent than the ****ing 15th century next time?
    at least our country existed in the 15th century. Anyways the Albanians were only a small number of the entire population of Kosovo before WW2 but Tito let them in all free willy nilly so that they could exterminate the Serbian populace of Kosovo.

    Христе Боже распети и свети, Српска земља кроз облаке лети. Лети преко небеских висина, Крила су јој Морава и Дрина.
    На три свето и на три саставно,Одлазимо на Косово равно.
    Кад је драга да одлазим чула,За ревер ми невен заденула.
    Збогом први нерођени сине, Збогом ружо, збогом рузмарине. Збогом лето, јесени и зимо. Одлазимо да их победимо.
    March 24, 1999 - June 11, 1999

  8. #88
    s.rwitt's Avatar Shamb Conspiracy Member
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    Default Re: Eulex & French KFOR assault the Serbs in Kosovo

    Time magazine named Hitler man of the year too. What's your point.
    See that dude that was found guilty for killing a entire family including women and children.
    Wow, one guy. See those entire villages massacred by Serbs? Guess not....

    Shall I name them?
    Last edited by s.rwitt; April 30, 2009 at 05:36 PM.

  9. #89
    Grof's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: Eulex & French KFOR assault the Serbs in Kosovo

    Quote Originally Posted by s.rwitt View Post
    Time magazine named Hitler man of the year too. What's your point.
    was Hitler named man of the year for saving American soldiers? And awarded a medal by the American president at the time.

    I love Cica but he messed that one up badly.

    Quote Originally Posted by s.rwitt View Post
    Wow, one guy. See those entire villages massacred by Serbs? Guess not....

    Shall I name them?
    Sure, I would love for you to name all the villages where Albanians were massacred in Kosovo. Since you can find them, name them, and find proof of evidence you can give it to the Hague. Might help them get some real evidence instead of all this fabricated crap they keep coming up with.

    Also its obvious it isn't one guy but American media wont throw out half their military. Good job on those aircraft strikes inside Afghanistan, how many kids were killed in them all together?
    Last edited by Grof; April 30, 2009 at 05:41 PM.

    Христе Боже распети и свети, Српска земља кроз облаке лети. Лети преко небеских висина, Крила су јој Морава и Дрина.
    На три свето и на три саставно,Одлазимо на Косово равно.
    Кад је драга да одлазим чула,За ревер ми невен заденула.
    Збогом први нерођени сине, Збогом ружо, збогом рузмарине. Збогом лето, јесени и зимо. Одлазимо да их победимо.
    March 24, 1999 - June 11, 1999

  10. #90
    il padrino's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Eulex & French KFOR assault the Serbs in Kosovo

    Quote Originally Posted by s.rwitt View Post
    Time magazine named Hitler man of the year too. What's your point.

    you acused serbs of being violent and criminals in all our history

    let's see what your time magazine thinks

    The Eagle of Yugoslavia
    He clasps the crag with crooked hands . . . he watches from his mountain walls, and like a thunderbolt he falls.

    These words, written of an eagle, today are a far better fit for one of the most amazing commanders of World War II. He is Yugoslavia’s Draja Mihailovich. Ever since Adolf Hitler vaingloriously announced a year ago that he had conquered Yugoslavia, Draja Mihailovich and his 150,000 guerrillas in the mountains south-west of Belgrade have flung the lie in Hitler’s teeth. It has been probably the greatest guerrilla operation in history:
    > Last fall Mihailovich kept as many as seven Nazi divisions chasing him through his Sumadija mountains.
    > Mihailovich’s swarming raiders have preserved an “Island of Freedom”, which for a time was 20,000 square miles in area, with a population of 4,000,000.
    > Mihailovich’s annihilation of Axis detachments, bombing of roads and bridges, breaking of communications and stealing of ammunition have been so widespread that the Nazis had to declare a new state of war in their “conquered” territory.
    > Last October the Nazis even asked for peace.
    >When Mihailovich refused, they priced his head at $1,000,000.
    > When the Nazis desperately needed troops in Russia, they tried to leave Mihailovich to the forces of their Axis partners and stooges. But Italian, Bulgarian and Rumanian soldiers could not deal with him, and the Nazis went back. Only last week the Russians announced that a Nazi division had arrived at Kharkov fresh from Yugoslavia—where it had certainly not been stationed for a rest.
    >Mihailovich’s example has kept all Yugoslavia in a wild anti-Axis ferment. The Axis has resorted to executing untold thousands, but the revolt continues. Last month the Nazis said they had seized Mihailo-vich’s wife, two sons and daughter, threatened to execute all relatives of Mihailovich’s army and 16,000 hostages if the General did not surrender within five days. He did not. It is a misfortune that conquered Europe cannot learn detail by detail the effective methods used by the gaunt, hard, bronzed fighter on TIME’S cover…

  11. #91
    s.rwitt's Avatar Shamb Conspiracy Member
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    Default Re: Eulex & French KFOR assault the Serbs in Kosovo

    you acused serbs of being violent and criminals in all our history

    let's see what your time magazine thinks
    I'm not sure what you're trying to prove with an article about Serbs in WW2, I posted that magazine cover to show the Muslim concentration camps set up by the Serbs. If you're going to post a source, at least try to make it relevent?

  12. #92

    Default Re: Eulex & French KFOR assault the Serbs in Kosovo

    Around 100 Serb protesters were again teargassed today (Thu) - KLA still determined to rebuild, so they're still protesting daily - KFOR out of the picture for now, but Eulex showing muscle.... Later on Thu evening - Eulex patrol moving from south to north of K.Mitrovica was molotoved by Serbs (Serbian sources blame "unknown perpetrators") - few vehicles damaged - unfortunatelly no casualties at Eulex side

    The battle goes on - KLA is slowly entrenching in the high ground above the city - Eulex still protecting them - Serbs still determined to resist.

    video of the events on Thu:
    Русија: Еулекс на страни косовских Албанаца
    Реагујући на недељу дана дуге немире на северу Косова, стални представник Русије при ОЕБС-у Анвар Азимов рекао је у Бечу да је Москва забринута због погоршавања стања у том делу Косова и оптужио "међународне снаге да су се у потпуности ставиле на страну косовских Албанаца".
    "Посебно узнемиравају сукоби између српског становништава, које претежно насељава тај део Косова, и међународних снага, које су се у потпуности ставиле на страну косовских Албанаца... Оно што се догађа указује на опасност од дестабилизације ситуације, екслације напетости у целом региону", упозорио је Азимов.
    Коментари руског представника у ОЕБС-у уследиле су свега дан након што је Москва упозорила да су насилне акције против Срба на Косову недопустиве и у супроности са одлукама Савета безбедности Уједињених нација.

    Russia: Eulex sided with Kosovo Albanians

    In reaction to the ongoing riots in north of Kosovo, representative of RF to OSCE, Mr. Anvar Azimov, stated in Vienna that Russia is concerned about the worsening of the situation in that region and accused "international forces (of) completely taking the side of Kosovo Albanians."

    "We find especially disturbing the clashes between the Serbs, who predominantly inhabits that part of Kosovo, and the international forces, who have chosen to completely take the side of the Albanians. These events point to the danger of further destabilization and escalation of tensions in the entire region.", Azimov warned.

    These comments of the Russian representative to OSCE came just one day after Moscow warned that violent actions against the Serbs are intolerable and in contradiction to the rulings of the Security Council of the UN.
    Last edited by Војвода Драгути&; April 30, 2009 at 05:44 PM. Reason: source

  13. #93
    il padrino's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Eulex & French KFOR assault the Serbs in Kosovo

    the source about the photo was posted before by carphatian_wolf i think,maybe in some other thread

    but look at this

    Bosnia Croats Admit Inhumane Conditions in Camps


    Published: Thursday, September 9, 1993

    Bosnian Croat leaders admitted today that living conditions in prison camps in which they are detaining thousands of Muslim men have been inhumane according to international law and that prisoners may have been physically abused.
    About 4,000 Muslim men are still being held in three detention camps within a few miles of this internationally renowned shrine to the Virgin Mary, said Kresimir Zubac, vice president of the Croatian Defense Council, the main militia of Bosnia's Croatian nationalists.

    just to show that a detention camp is not "serb brend"

  14. #94
    Grof's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: Eulex & French KFOR assault the Serbs in Kosovo

    Quote Originally Posted by s.rwitt View Post
    I'm not sure what you're trying to prove with an article about Serbs in WW2, I posted that magazine cover to show the Muslim concentration camps set up by the Serbs. If you're going to post a source, at least try to make it relevent?

    and those pictures you posted have been proven fake. Even by those same journalists, check Carpathian Wolfs post in the VV.

    Христе Боже распети и свети, Српска земља кроз облаке лети. Лети преко небеских висина, Крила су јој Морава и Дрина.
    На три свето и на три саставно,Одлазимо на Косово равно.
    Кад је драга да одлазим чула,За ревер ми невен заденула.
    Збогом први нерођени сине, Збогом ружо, збогом рузмарине. Збогом лето, јесени и зимо. Одлазимо да их победимо.
    March 24, 1999 - June 11, 1999

  15. #95
    s.rwitt's Avatar Shamb Conspiracy Member
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    Default Re: Eulex & French KFOR assault the Serbs in Kosovo

    I'm not sure what "Serb brend" means, but the caption on the picture I posted clearly said it was a Serbian camp.

  16. #96
    Grof's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: Eulex & French KFOR assault the Serbs in Kosovo

    Quote Originally Posted by s.rwitt View Post
    I'm not sure what "Serb brend" means, but the caption on the picture I posted clearly said it was a Serbian camp.
    Check the dude behind the 1st guy in the picture. Seems fit enough.

    Picture is a fake too.

    Христе Боже распети и свети, Српска земља кроз облаке лети. Лети преко небеских висина, Крила су јој Морава и Дрина.
    На три свето и на три саставно,Одлазимо на Косово равно.
    Кад је драга да одлазим чула,За ревер ми невен заденула.
    Збогом први нерођени сине, Збогом ружо, збогом рузмарине. Збогом лето, јесени и зимо. Одлазимо да их победимо.
    March 24, 1999 - June 11, 1999

  17. #97
    s.rwitt's Avatar Shamb Conspiracy Member
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    Default Re: Eulex & French KFOR assault the Serbs in Kosovo

    He must have just got there.

  18. #98
    Grof's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: Eulex & French KFOR assault the Serbs in Kosovo

    Quote Originally Posted by s.rwitt View Post
    He must have just got there.
    hahahah jokes kid jokes.

    anwyays that picture is hardly relevant to the topic at hand. where the people who are in charge of keeping the piece in this "new peaceful republic of Kosova" are the ones attacking.

    Христе Боже распети и свети, Српска земља кроз облаке лети. Лети преко небеских висина, Крила су јој Морава и Дрина.
    На три свето и на три саставно,Одлазимо на Косово равно.
    Кад је драга да одлазим чула,За ревер ми невен заденула.
    Збогом први нерођени сине, Збогом ружо, збогом рузмарине. Збогом лето, јесени и зимо. Одлазимо да их победимо.
    March 24, 1999 - June 11, 1999

  19. #99

    Default Re: Eulex & French KFOR assault the Serbs in Kosovo

    And here's one link I think every Serb in love with the EU should read, with special focus on it's headline

    "EU fully supports the actions of EULEX and KFOR"

    30. April 2009. | 16:43 17:51
    Source: EMportal

    The EU fully supports the actions of EULEX and KFOR in establishing the rule of law in Kosovo and in defending a safe and secure environment.

    EULEX police and KFOR troops have fired stun grenades and tear gas at Serbs protesting in the Kosovska Mitrovica suburb of Brdjani.

    The incident took place yesterday at around 11:00 CET as Serbs were protesting at the yellow demarcation line over the restoration of Albanian homes in the region.

    Around 100 Serbs gathered in the suburb in the north of the town at 10:00 CET and were peacefully protesting until restoration work began on the houses on the demarcation line.

    A number of KFOR armored vehicles were spotted nearby. There are no reports of any injuries. Serbs are protesting because they have not been granted the same rights to rebuild their own houses in the south of the town.
    EULEX police used tear gas on Thursday in an attempt to fight back Serb demonstrators trying to approach the area in the district of Brdjani in northern Kosovska Mitrovica where the ethnic Albanians have been reconstructing their houses for six days now.

    The members of EULEX police used tear gas to chase off the Brdjani inhabitants who tried to cross "the yellow line" separating the ethnic Albanians and Serbs in this municipality.

    The Serbs request an agreement regarding the reconstruction of houses in this district.

    The European Union said in a declaration it is deeply concerned by the recent outbreak of violent protests resulting in a number of injured persons in Northern Mitrovica.

    The European Union is deeply concerned by the recent outbreak of violent protests resulting in a number of injured persons in Northern Mitrovica.

    The EU fully supports the actions of EULEX and KFOR in establishing the rule of law in Kosovo and in defending a safe and secure environment.
    The EU will press for anyone who endangers the lives of EULEX and KFOR personnel, as well as any other law-abiding citizens, to be brought swiftly to justice.

    The EU defends and supports people's right of return to houses and property that they legitimately own, regardless of their ethnic origins.
    EU High Representative Javier Solana's spokeswoman Cristina Gallach told BETA that order needs to be restored in Kosovo and "unacceptable violence" prevented.

    Gallach acknowledged Belgrade's announcement that Serbia had nothing to do with the unrest, adding that it is necessary for Serbia to do everything it can to completely prevent any possibility of the now calmed riots starting anew.
    In Belgrade, the Serbian parliament Committee on Kosovo has fully supported the protests in Kosovska Mitrovica.

    The Committee urged the Serbs to sustain from any provocations and incidents that would jeopardize the citizens' lives and to do their best to reach an agreement in a peaceful manner and through negotiations.

    The international community was also urged to honour and adhere to the Protocol on Voluntary and Sustainable Return signed in 2006, with the aim to ensure a safe return of 230,000 Serbs to Kosovo, who were expelled from their homes in 1999 and whose houses are now occupied by Albanians.

    The Committee particularly appealed on the police and KFOR not to exert pressure on Serbs, but rather to secure peace and safety of all people living in Kosovo, in accordance with their mandate.

  20. #100
    il padrino's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Eulex & French KFOR assault the Serbs in Kosovo

    Quote Originally Posted by Војвода Драгутин Кесеровић View Post
    And here's one link I think every Serb in love with the EU should read, with special focus on it's headline
    hah,solana,another "democratic freedom-fighter"

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