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Thread: Which mythical god are you?

  1. #1


    well here is me, i can see myself
    testy thing
    Indeed, you are 58% erudite, 20% sensual, 83% martial, and 100% saturnine.
    Loki, a Trickster God similar to Coyote of the North American mythology, was vitally important among the Norse Gods. He was the most colourful and interesting of them all. He seems to pop up in nearly every story. Frankly, his presence is what makes most of the Norse myths intriguing. But that is the job of the trickster - stirring up unforeseen obstacles and stumbling blocks just so no one takes too much for granted.
    Among Loki's many exploits were: assisting Odin in the creation of the world of human beings, as well the world of the Gods called Asgard; shaving off the beautiful golden hair of the Goddess Sif for no good reason; and hiding the sacred apples of Idun that provided the Gods with immortality.

    Eventually the Gods grew tired of his nonsense so they captured him and chained him to a rock above which a giant snake dripped poisonous venom into his eyes. A bit harsh perhaps, but you can't say he didn't ask for it.

    Believe it or not, this God, perpetually stuck in puberty, had wife and kids. Those "kids" were, among others, Jormungand, the Midgard Serpent that Thor, the powerful hammer wielding God of Thunder, had a bone to pick with, Hel, the Goddess of the realm of the dead, and Fenris, the giant wolf that is preordained to slay Odin, and thus bring the time of Ragnarok, the end of the world.
    Under the patronage of Boripavlovgrozny.
    Member of BWT.

  2. #2


    Indeed, you are 87% erudite, 50% sensual, 75% martial, and 79% saturnine.
    Simply put, Hades was a God of the Underworld, comparable to Midir of the Celts. After dying, a person entered the Underworld by first travelling through the groves of Persephone, onto the gates of Hades which were guarded by the three-headed dog Cerberus, a lot like the Norse "watchdog of hell", Garm.
    Being the ruler of the Underworld, Hades was naturally the God of Death, but he was also the God of prosperity and wealth. He could be terrifying or generous depending on where one stood in his favour. The way one kept on his good side was by offering him black sheep.

    Hades didn't get around much, preferring to stay home in the Underworld, a vast underground kingdom of caves and tunnels, with his wife Persephone to whom he was faithful.

    On a completely unrelated note, DREAMER YOURE BACK!!

  3. #3


    this really needs to go to thema devia...
    Me and my friend sam
    Sam "Hey Tom should I kill them all?" Me "yes" Sam "even the women and children?" Me "Especially the women and children"

  4. #4


    Indeed, you are 66% erudite, 58% sensual, 70% martial, and 54% saturnine.
    King of the Gods and leader of the Aesir family, Odin was all wise, all seeing, and almighty. He was the very personification of authority, skilled in battle, and swift in administering justice, but also prone to unpredictable bouts of extreme wrath.
    Along with his wife Frigg (yes, that was her name), Odin ruled from his magnificent hall of "Valhalla" located within the realm of Asgard, home to the deities. Valhalla was also the afterlife destination of brave and valiant mortal heroes who had fallen in battle. These dead heroes were whisked away from the bloody battlefield by Odin's elite force of armour clad female warriors called the Valkyries, charging through the sky upon flying horses.

    Valkyries were originally fierce spirits of slaughter who soared over the battlefields like birds of pray, though in later Norse myth, they were romanticized as Odin's Shield-Maidens, virgins with golden hair and snowy arms who served the chosen heroes everlasting mead and meat in the great hall of Valhalla. And isn’t that just any man's dream?

    YAY! :cool
    Well, if I, Belisarius, the Black Prince, and you all agree on something, I really don't think there can be any further discussion.
    - Simetrical 2009 in reply to Ferrets54

  5. #5


    Oh yeah!

    Indeed, you are 54% erudite, 79% sensual, 66% martial, and 62% saturnine.
    This supreme God of Gods was worshipped throughout the Greek world, and his influence spread to every culture of antiquity. Idealized as the very model of the practical ruler, Zeus was nevertheless a tyrant.
    Considered the omnipotent God of law, justice, and strength, he was also thought of as the God of thunder, lightening, mountain tops, the Heavens, abundance, health, and many other auspicious qualities. Sacred to him was the oak tree, for it reflected his steadfast power and might.

    As everyone knows, Zeus was something of a philanderer. Always cheating on his ever suspicious wife, Hera, Zeus and his many lovers were responsible for several Gods, demigods, heroes, and villains, Herakles (better known as Hercules) being the most famous result of one of his flings.

    Is it just me, or is the painting on the second page really pretty? :blink

    Patron of Felixion, Ulyaoth, Reidy, Ran Taro and Darth Red
    Co-Founder of the House of Caesars

  6. #6
    wilpuri's Avatar It Gets Worse.
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    Indeed, you are 70% erudite, 75% sensual, 70% martial, and 25% saturnine.
    The God Lug certainly cut an impressive image. Lug was a mighty hero, often portrayed as a blond muscle-man, all decked out in magnificent armour complete with helmet and shield of gold.
    As the story goes, Lug came to the glorious palace of The Dagda expecting to be welcomed as a full fledged member of the "God Fraternity" right there on the spot, no questions asked. But the palace guard did question him. In order to take a seat among the immortal Gods, one had to possess a skill not already covered by one of the deities. When the guard asked Lug to name his unique specialty, the mighty hero declared that he was particularly competent in the art of war. The guard shook his head. They already had a War God. Lug then called out several of his many expert abilities. Could they use a God of healing? Nope. A Water God? Nope. How about a God of magic? Of music? Commerce? Nope, nope, and nope. Finally reaching his wits end, Lug lashed out at the guard and demanded to be admitted since none of the Gods were masters of all skills like he was. This worked. Soon he became the greatest of all the Celtic Gods.

    The common culture of a tribe is a sign of its inner cohesion. But tribes are vanishing from the modern world, as are all forms of traditional society. Customs, practices, festivals, rituals and beliefs have acquired a flut and half-hearted quality which reflects our nomadic and rootless existence, predicated as we are on the global air-waves.

    ROGER SCRUTON, Modern Culture

  7. #7
    Necrobrit's Avatar Urbanis Legio
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    United States


    Indeed, you are 75% erudite, 41% sensual, 45% martial, and 41% saturnine.
    Thoth, the Egyptian God of secret wisdom, intellect, geometry and other forms of higher mathematics, was also the God of books and learning, of writing and numbers. And above all, he was the God of Magic. Indeed, he was the first and greatest of all magicians, said to create miracles from nothing by the mere vibrations of his voice alone.

    Within his main temple were said to be stored his books of magic which were open for the edification of all, providing those absorbing this magic understood its sacred content. Over the centuries, these books were said to have been carefully translated by various priests of secret orders until finally, the Greeks compiled them as the works of Hermes Trismegistus.

    One book most everyone is familiar with which is attributed to the mysteries of the God Thoth is the Tarot, considered to be an unbound book of symbols that may be read in an endless variety of sequences imitating the random nature of existence itself.

    The Imperial House Of The Wolf
    Son of WBK/Anagennese.
    The second generation of The Imperial Household: Sulla, Scrappy Jenks, eldaran, Oldgamer, Ecthelion, Kagemusha, Muizer, Battle Knight and Asterix
    Father of Zuwxiv, Borsook, PyrrhusIV, and Aristocrat formerly bestowing patronage upon Omnipotent-Q

  8. #8
    God-Emperor of Mankind's Avatar Apperently I protect
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    Indeed, you are 70% erudite, 70% sensual, 58% martial, and 62% saturnine.
    Amun was a mysterious God indeed. His very name basically means "what is hidden", "what is not seen", "what cannot be seen", and though even his form was said to be “unknown”, he was depicted as a man with the head of a uraeus (cobra), or a man seated on a throne and holding in one hand the sceptre, and in the other the ankh.

    All secrets aside, what we do know is that Amun was the Egyptian King of the Gods, not unlike his counterparts Zeus (Greek mythology) and Odin (Norse mythology). With his ruling might over the Gods, Amun soon became associated with the Pharaohs.

    Being responsible for the creation of the world, it is not surprising that he was also the God of fertility, reproduction, and sexual power, and thus also the God of agriculture. With the combined powers of regeneration and royalty, Amun became linked to the sun and the great God Ra, becoming known as Amun-Ra, which pretty much consolidated his status as Supreme God.

    In spite of Amun's political ascension, he also enjoyed popularity among the common people of Egypt, who came to call him the vizier of the poor, the protector of the weak, and an upholder of justice.

  9. #9
    hormiga's Avatar Senator
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    Indeed, you are 87% erudite, 70% sensual, 58% martial, and 70% saturnine.
    Coyote was an important being to several Native American tribes. He was one of those tricksters that are found in several world mythologies, in fact very close in temperament and deed to Loki of the Norse pantheon.

    Eternally scavenging for food, he represents the most basic instincts, but in other narratives, he is also the father of the Indian people and a potent conductor of spiritual forces in the form of sacred dreams. In the “Myth of the Stars and the Moon” he is shown as a wise counsellor even.

    There are more stories about him than stars in the sky. For example, did you hear the one about the “Spying Moon”? It seems that someone had pinched the moon, and Coyote offered to stand in as replacement. Everyone agreed that he made a fine moon, but from his elevated position Coyote could see everything that was going on. Being of an irritating disposition, he couldn't resist blowing the whistle on friends and enemies alike. "Hey, look what Badger is doing behind his tepee!"

    Pretty soon everyone was sick of his snooping and voted him out of the sky. But nothing can keep Coyote down for long. Being an old show-off, he loves to impress the girls by juggling his eyeballs. One day he threw one so high it got stuck in the sky and became the star Arcturus. So even now he's keeping an eye on us all.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Columbia, MD, USA


    I got me some Odin.

  11. #11


    Indeed, you are 75% erudite, 29% sensual, 66% martial, and 70% saturnine.
    Simply put, Hades was a God of the Underworld, comparable to Midir of the Celts. After dying, a person entered the Underworld by first travelling through the groves of Persephone, onto the gates of Hades which were guarded by the three-headed dog Cerberus, a lot like the Norse "watchdog of hell", Garm.
    Being the ruler of the Underworld, Hades was naturally the God of Death, but he was also the God of prosperity and wealth. He could be terrifying or generous depending on where one stood in his favour. The way one kept on his good side was by offering him black sheep.

    Hades didn't get around much, preferring to stay home in the Underworld, a vast underground kingdom of caves and tunnels, with his wife Persephone to whom he was faithful.

    Not to be ignorant or anything but what does erudite and saturnine mean?
    Me and my friend sam
    Sam "Hey Tom should I kill them all?" Me "yes" Sam "even the women and children?" Me "Especially the women and children"

  12. #12
    Pra's Avatar Sir Lucious Left Foot
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    Minneapolis, MN


    Indeed, you are 83% erudite, 83% sensual, 75% martial, and 45% saturnine.
    The God Lug certainly cut an impressive image. Lug was a mighty hero, often portrayed as a blond muscle-man, all decked out in magnificent armour complete with helmet and shield of gold.
    As the story goes, Lug came to the glorious palace of The Dagda expecting to be welcomed as a full fledged member of the "God Fraternity" right there on the spot, no questions asked. But the palace guard did question him. In order to take a seat among the immortal Gods, one had to possess a skill not already covered by one of the deities. When the guard asked Lug to name his unique specialty, the mighty hero declared that he was particularly competent in the art of war. The guard shook his head. They already had a War God. Lug then called out several of his many expert abilities. Could they use a God of healing? Nope. A Water God? Nope. How about a God of magic? Of music? Commerce? Nope, nope, and nope. Finally reaching his wits end, Lug lashed out at the guard and demanded to be admitted since none of the Gods were masters of all skills like he was. This worked. Soon he became the greatest of all the Celtic Gods.
    Under patronage of Emperor Dimitricus Patron of vikrant1986, ErikinWest, VOP2288

    Anagennese, the Rise of the Black Hand

    MacMillan doesn't compensate for variable humidity,wind speed and direction or the coriolis effect. Mother nature compensates for where Macmillan's crosshairs are.

  13. #13
    ajimenez3's Avatar Ducenarius
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    Texas, USA


    Alot of us have gotten LUG. :grin

    Indeed, you are 66% erudite, 79% sensual, 70% martial, and 29% saturnine.
    The God Lug certainly cut an impressive image. Lug was a mighty hero, often portrayed as a blond muscle-man, all decked out in magnificent armour complete with helmet and shield of gold.

    As the story goes, Lug came to the glorious palace of The Dagda expecting to be welcomed as a full fledged member of the "God Fraternity" right there on the spot, no questions asked. But the palace guard did question him. In order to take a seat among the immortal Gods, one had to possess a skill not already covered by one of the deities. When the guard asked Lug to name his unique specialty, the mighty hero declared that he was particularly competent in the art of war. The guard shook his head. They already had a War God. Lug then called out several of his many expert abilities. Could they use a God of healing? Nope. A Water God? Nope. How about a God of magic? Of music? Commerce? Nope, nope, and nope. Finally reaching his wits end, Lug lashed out at the guard and demanded to be admitted since none of the Gods were masters of all skills like he was. This worked. Soon he became the greatest of all the Celtic Gods.

    Semper Fi
    I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I expect the same from them.
    John Bernard Books

    Proud Member of the TWC Plebians/Peasants

  14. #14
    Syron's Avatar Civitate
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    Aug 2004


    Indeed, you are 83% erudite, 16% sensual, 58% martial, and 79% saturnine.
    Anubis was the Egyptian God of funerary rituals and the protector of the dead as well as the judge of souls and ruler of the underworld. Since it was his duty to weigh souls (along with the Goddess Maat) as a means of discovering the content of honesty, Anubis was also the God of truth.

    He is usually seen as a man with the head of a jackal holding the divine sceptre carried by kings and Gods, but he can also be found on the walls of tombs as a black jackal or dog accompanying Isis. By no means an evil God, his domain of graves and tombs was nevertheless a frightening one, but then, one that offered the chance of an afterlife.

    But why did the Egyptian God of the Dead have the head of a jackal? Well, jackals have the uncomfortable habit of lurking about tombs and graves, which was one of the reasons why the Egyptians sought to make their tombs more elaborate; to keep the bodies safe from the rather smart black canines. It is only natural therefore that a God of mummification would be connected with them. By worshipping Anubis, they hoped to invoke him to protect their deceased and assure their safe journey through the underworld, his domain.
    Cool :cool
    Member and acting regent of the House of Kazak Borispavlovgrozny
    Under the patronage of Kazak Borispavlovgrozny
    Freedom from religion is just as much a basic human right as freedom of it.

    Particle Physics Gives Me a Hadron

  15. #15
    Ardeur's Avatar Chattering in Chinese
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    Indeed, you are 66% erudite, 33% sensual, 75% martial, and 33% saturnine.
    King of the Gods and leader of the Aesir family, Odin was all wise, all seeing, and almighty. He was the very personification of authority, skilled in battle, and swift in administering justice, but also prone to unpredictable bouts of extreme wrath.

    Along with his wife Frigg (yes, that was her name), Odin ruled from his magnificent hall of "Valhalla" located within the realm of Asgard, home to the deities. Valhalla was also the afterlife destination of brave and valiant mortal heroes who had fallen in battle. These dead heroes were whisked away from the bloody battlefield by Odin's elite force of armour clad female warriors called the Valkyries, charging through the sky upon flying horses.

    Valkyries were originally fierce spirits of slaughter who soared over the battlefields like birds of pray, though in later Norse myth, they were romanticized as Odin's Shield-Maidens, virgins with golden hair and snowy arms who served the chosen heroes everlasting mead and meat in the great hall of Valhalla. And isn’t that just any man's dream?
    I can deal with that. Nothing better than to have Wednesday named after you.

  16. #16
    Zuwxiv's Avatar Bear Claus
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    Jun 2004


    Damn you Necrobrit! You always are before me. *tongue*

    Indeed, you are 70% erudite, 50% sensual, 45% martial, and 25% saturnine.
    Thoth, the Egyptian God of secret wisdom, intellect, geometry and other forms of higher mathematics, was also the God of books and learning, of writing and numbers. And above all, he was the God of Magic. Indeed, he was the first and greatest of all magicians, said to create miracles from nothing by the mere vibrations of his voice alone.

    Within his main temple were said to be stored his books of magic which were open for the edification of all, providing those absorbing this magic understood its sacred content. Over the centuries, these books were said to have been carefully translated by various priests of secret orders until finally, the Greeks compiled them as the works of Hermes Trismegistus.

    One book most everyone is familiar with which is attributed to the mysteries of the God Thoth is the Tarot, considered to be an unbound book of symbols that may be read in an endless variety of sequences imitating the random nature of existence itself.

    Currently worshipping Necrobrit *********** Thought is Quick
    I'm back for the TWCrack

  17. #17
    Necrobrit's Avatar Urbanis Legio
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    United States


    Originally posted by Zuwxiv@May 16 2005, 05:37 PM
    Damn you Necrobrit! You always are before me. *tongue*

    Indeed, you are 70% erudite, 50% sensual, 45% martial, and 25% saturnine.
    Thoth, the Egyptian God of secret wisdom, intellect, geometry and other forms of higher mathematics, was also the God of books and learning, of writing and numbers. And above all, he was the God of Magic. Indeed, he was the first and greatest of all magicians, said to create miracles from nothing by the mere vibrations of his voice alone.

    Within his main temple were said to be stored his books of magic which were open for the edification of all, providing those absorbing this magic understood its sacred content. Over the centuries, these books were said to have been carefully translated by various priests of secret orders until finally, the Greeks compiled them as the works of Hermes Trismegistus.

    One book most everyone is familiar with which is attributed to the mysteries of the God Thoth is the Tarot, considered to be an unbound book of symbols that may be read in an endless variety of sequences imitating the random nature of existence itself.
    Heh Heh, how strange, the brainwashing was more effective than I had imagined.

    The Imperial House Of The Wolf
    Son of WBK/Anagennese.
    The second generation of The Imperial Household: Sulla, Scrappy Jenks, eldaran, Oldgamer, Ecthelion, Kagemusha, Muizer, Battle Knight and Asterix
    Father of Zuwxiv, Borsook, PyrrhusIV, and Aristocrat formerly bestowing patronage upon Omnipotent-Q

  18. #18
    MoROmeTe's Avatar For my name is Legion
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    That's me...

    Indeed, you are 79% erudite, 79% sensual, 50% martial, and 58% saturnine.
    Amun was a mysterious God indeed. His very name basically means "what is hidden", "what is not seen", "what cannot be seen", and though even his form was said to be “unknown”, he was depicted as a man with the head of a uraeus (cobra), or a man seated on a throne and holding in one hand the sceptre, and in the other the ankh.
    All secrets aside, what we do know is that Amun was the Egyptian King of the Gods, not unlike his counterparts Zeus (Greek mythology) and Odin (Norse mythology). With his ruling might over the Gods, Amun soon became associated with the Pharaohs.

    Being responsible for the creation of the world, it is not surprising that he was also the God of fertility, reproduction, and sexual power, and thus also the God of agriculture. With the combined powers of regeneration and royalty, Amun became linked to the sun and the great God Ra, becoming known as Amun-Ra, which pretty much consolidated his status as Supreme God.

    In spite of Amun's political ascension, he also enjoyed popularity among the common people of Egypt, who came to call him the vizier of the poor, the protector of the weak, and an upholder of justice.

    In the long run, we are all dead - John Maynard Keynes
    Under the patronage of Lvcivs Vorenvs
    Holding patronage upon the historical tvrcopolier and former patron of the once fallen, risen from the ashes and again fallen RvsskiSoldat

  19. #19
    Ulf's Avatar Ordinarius
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    Indeed, you are 66% erudite, 66% sensual, 58% martial, and 45% saturnine.
    Amun was a mysterious God indeed. His very name basically means "what is hidden", "what is not seen", "what cannot be seen", and though even his form was said to be “unknown”, he was depicted as a man with the head of a uraeus (cobra), or a man seated on a throne and holding in one hand the sceptre, and in the other the ankh.
    All secrets aside, what we do know is that Amun was the Egyptian King of the Gods, not unlike his counterparts Zeus (Greek mythology) and Odin (Norse mythology). With his ruling might over the Gods, Amun soon became associated with the Pharaohs.

    Being responsible for the creation of the world, it is not surprising that he was also the God of fertility, reproduction, and sexual power, and thus also the God of agriculture. With the combined powers of regeneration and royalty, Amun became linked to the sun and the great God Ra, becoming known as Amun-Ra, which pretty much consolidated his status as Supreme God.

    In spite of Amun's political ascension, he also enjoyed popularity among the common people of Egypt, who came to call him the vizier of the poor, the protector of the weak, and an upholder of justice.
    Thank you for reading this assuredly fantastic post.

  20. #20


    amun am I too.
    believe in nothing.

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