
Right because I have Comodo Internet security and its more paranoid then me on my first turn in the campaign map it popped up and told me that the Steam GameoverlayUI.exe was trying to access my DNS\rpc client service No expert but thats essentially my IP address .

It probably was trying to do this because the gameoverlayUI.exe is basically a steam method for talking to people during a game, a browser if you will for the steam community. Anyhow this can cause trouble for some games causing them to hang and such.

Now I have no problems with the game and even though I am running the game in off line mode it still kicked in so I decided to do a little research and I found that sometimes killing this application will help.

Not one to ask people to do something I would not do myself I tried to do this and here is what I think is the rather bizarre result.

Launched the game and I am now looking at my campaign map before I make the first turn I checked my task manager and I had 49 processes but no GameoverlayUI.exe I then took my first turn.

Because of comodo I know that the GameoverlayUI.exe should start however because I left it go the first time no message from Comodo popped up this time but I thought thats not a problem I will go to my task manager and check to see if its running.

Unfortunately I could not, the task manager would start for a second giving me enough time to see that I now have an extra process which I am assuming is the GameoverlayUI.exe but the game is now preventing the task manager staying on the screen.

I am curious if other people IMPORTANTLY after the FIRST campaign turn can still access their task manager.