I was thinking on how one might go about easily presenting one's writing style to others for critique, and I thought it could be fun taking a bare-bones story, with no details whatsoever, and letting you people interpret and create from that - completely free form.

This way, it's not neccesary to read through five pages, only to conclude that the punctuation is substandard.

I don't know if this is a good idea at all, but I went ahead and wrote a 'framework story' - I don't know if it's good, and admittedly, it's been almost a year since I last wrote anything in English, but here goes:

A man enters some place.
He walks purposefully to a bar, and gives his order to a qualified individual.
As he consumes his order, he is looking in the direction of a table at the far end of the room.
Behind him, a small group of people has moved some tables, and are dancing on the spot.
Two people are sitting at the aforementioned table. One of them is in the process of presenting the other with an
object, talking quietly all the while.

The man gets up quickly, resulting in some of his order ending on the floor by the bar, and takes a few quick
strides toward the two people at the table. One of the dancing people rams into him, throwing him backwards into a
table. Immediately, the two people get up, and hurry to another room.

As the man gets up and limps across the floor, one of the dancing people slips or stumbles on the order he dropped
previously. Head first, the dancing person hits the bar hard, recoils from the impact, and falls to a
sitting position, legs straight and bleeding profusely.

The man continues his stride across the room, and comes to a door. He presses his head against it, and slowly
opens it. As he enters, he puts his right hand in his pocket.

This structure is of course meant to be ignored. I hope some of you will bite - If anyone does I might try myself.