Ratio of pike/gunners best used, very flexible are 1/1.Good artilery for suport is great in defence is magdonel, old, imprecise but even 1-2 hits in 30 mins give you a great morale against enemy.A good squad of cavalry is always usefull.Yesterday I put a totally mad combo vs a normal ultimate stack of HRE, 10 swiss guards/10 arquebusiers vs gothic, imperial, landschrect, teutons, reiters.I was stunned about the most of time was a tie.Puting halebards(yes the best) in 2 lines with in front the gunners in 2 lines very close was madness.All horsed knights was i charge, they lost near a quarter before hit and in 10 seconds they remain 6-7 troups who routed.Guners blow armors, morale and even start engage with sword and halebard finishing.Ok was halebard not pike and 1 of the best.Ideea is this combo lost but very later with huge loses both sides(80%), the plus of HRE AI was the pikes and gothic,imperial dismunted who atack after monted version charge.