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Thread: * Magna Mundi Gold 2 * - The Perfect Companion for Napoleon's Ambition

  1. #1

    Default * Magna Mundi Gold 2 * - The Perfect Companion for Napoleon's Ambition

    Like my favourite rock band sings:
    "This one goes out to the one I love..."

    Regarding Magna Mundi Gold 2 I would like to mention 4 names:
    Gigau, Pishtaco, Glengarry and Berto...

    ...and Johan, but the last sentence of the manual is entirely his.



    Don't forget: RTFM

    *Braces himself for the inevitable Great Wall of Bugs that will swept every feel of joy away!!!!*

    Version 1.2 (11/05/2008)

    - Choosing to make Shin Buddhism the official religion of Japan now converts Japan to Buddhist, not a random province.
    - The Outer Lords event no longer gives the rebel daimyo control of provinces and is toned down further for the AI.
    - Building a lavras should now properly build a temple and cost 60 ducats to do so.
    - It will now take much less time to become Japan once you meet the conditions, but you must be at peace for the event to fire (this avoids a rare CTD bug caused when a country is at war and changes tags)
    - The Inner Lord event can no longer fire before all the Outer Lord events have fired
    - Now that it is harder to maintain, made it easier to institute the Imperial Tax
    - A new Emperor who "continues his predecessors policies" will now also continue the "relinquished privileges"
    - Edited some stuff in vanilla revolution events, to make them more likely to fire, AND more likely to lead to a revolution_target being established, somewhere
    - Edited one broken event in napoleonevents (vanilla), plus grammar in localisation
    - Edited liberalism (vanilla), using the changes by Fuzzbug (all fixes)
    - Fixed a broken event in Prussia (David), which retriggered, and which had a missing bracket. Also made sure that Prussia will at some point no longer be a religious order.
    - Religious nationalism will fire less often; it was accidentally allowing itself to be the trigger for future events of the same kind
    - Religious nationalism will now not happen once a province has been converted to Reformed by event, even if that province is later converted back.
    - The 'Spanish' will gain ownership of Tohancapan in the Aztec event chain as long as the owner is native and has 2+ provinces
    - The Exploration of Peru event chain will now fire properly only if Cusco and Quito are in native hands
    - Exploration of Peru should now properly reveal provinces, not hide them
    - Exploration of Peru can now result in gaining two cores under the right circumstances
    - "Adventures in Mexico" should not fire more than once even if Mexico changes hands to another native country.
    - Choosing to "respect our differences" in the Proselytization event will now select the proper target to improve relations with
    - The mean time for the Catholic Proselytism event was off by a factor
    of 33 for testing and was never reset
    - The "$PROVINCECULTURE$ Bible" event has been strengthened slightly
    to make the choices more meaningful.
    - Status changes at the death of the pope are now being properly applied and properly invisible again
    - A kinder, gentler Modernization for Eastern tech countries
    - The event that raises your title now takes into account if you have exceeded the requirements when determining the mean time of the event
    - Mestizo and Metis provinces that convert to the state culture will no longer keep converting again and again.
    - The effects of Japanese arranged marriages are stronger
    - Many actions involving the Catholic Church now cost either missionaries or, if none are available, diplomats.
    - The "New World Claimed" modifier will now only affect Europeans
    - The Timurids should form a little less often
    - Trade crisis: inflation reduction toned down
    - IMA can no longer become an elector; toned down bonuses given to IMA
    - german nation event fixed
    - trade.txt fixed (another bug id'ed by berto)
    - Including all past files since the last update package, even if already sent individually
    - Durrani now has a history (extra bracket removed)
    - Makassar now has a history (extra bracket removed)
    - Oman now starts as a kingdom (wrong government changed)
    - Regency wars should no longer be possible to happen within 2 years of each other
    - Regency issues should no longer be possible to happen within 2 years of a regency war beginning
    - Plagues and Religious Turmoil no longer drop population below 1,000
    - Very small fiefs in Japan now have only -1 fort level, not -2.
    -Prevents the "Noble Lineage" event from spamming Absolute Shogunates.
    - Fixed a bug in the governments
    - Making the addition of provinces to the HRE more consistent
    - The Denmark bonuses were coded in the early Pleistocene of my modding
    days. Replaced them with more elegant code.
    - Now, when the owner of a new colonial province decides on the fate of the original settlers, the policy will only be applied to the provinces under his ownership that share the *same culture as that of the original province*
    - When the emperor inherits a country he had previously released from vassalage, he will not be hit with the much-dreaded "Treason!" event.
    - Fixes to the province taken event pool
    - Wahhabi events once again have localisation text
    - The extra "colonial_catalunyan" culture has been removed
    - Catalonian colonial cultures have been slightly changed
    - The Yucatan no longer starts with a level 2 fort
    - Peten natives have higher ferocity and aggressiveness
    - It should now be totally impossible for the Curia Controller to ever be asked to excommunicate himself
    - In the extremely rare event that a province ends up with more than one province religion flag it ought to self-correct
    - New OSX compatible graphics (hopefully!)
    - Halved the effects of Navigation Act
    - Academies should not be working properly when the character is sent to lecture there
    - Ottoman BoP to the East changed (nerfed)
    - Ottoman BoP to the south changed (nerfed)
    - Fixed a rare CTD on vassalization
    - Adapted Total War to thenew fortress system
    - Barbary Coast Pirates were giving a rare CTD. Fixed.
    - Changed the way the computer assigns support for barbary pirates
    - No more free cores for player
    - Fixed 74 vanilla events, mostly related to game balance andm aking them fire a bit more regularly (still rare)
    - New BoP for Iberia that put France in check
    - New discovery event sequence for Portugal related to Brazil
    - Swapping Ideas should be more consistent and rich. It is as harsh as ever.
    - The Colonial Policies now also give a global modifier for the country
    - Fixed some deterministic events in the mod
    - Tweaks to Colonial AI
    - Tweaks to Warfare AI
    - AI Prussia cannot be invited now to release the Teutonic Knights by the Pope
    - Sieges events now happen more but not so many at the same time
    - The bugged effect description on sieges is now hidden
    - Fixed a bug in the Fabricate claim spy mission
    - All *HRE specific* spy missions are now player only. I willb e like this until the CTD related to them is sorted out. Minimal impact to the gameplay.
    - Aragon specific diplomacy changed
    - The House of the Highlords can now be built
    - Changed MTTH of naval expeditions/land expeditions offer.
    - Changed price of both also
    - Changed Granada diplomatic moves
    - Changed Trade Goods generation
    - Changed effects of a radical policy event
    - Fixed a rare CTD on the Radicl Policies events
    - Fixed more than 30 syntax bugs scryed by Berto's dark magic
    - Reduced some provinces to add to game balance (Ile-de-France, Nan_Zhili, Uppland)
    - Fixed a map bug in Lisbon province where the army model was out of the province.



    Version 1.11 5/5/2008


    - Fixed a bug in the Modernization event file where one event used
    the wrong scope for its commands
    - Fixed silver hyper rarity
    - Removed all references to AAA
    - Whenever the Emperor collects an Imperial Tax, he will now run into
    trouble with the Electors. This can cost him money and/or the election.
    - Turned Gems and Gold generation rarer



    Version 1.1 (3/5/2008)

    - fixed pheasant feast text
    - fixed early formation of NED bug
    - fixed wrong continent reference in trade.txt
    - in PU, will now allow elector to be minor
    - human electors now get to pick whether they want to vote for self, or someone else
    - fixes the re-appointed elector bug
    - eliminated an inconsistency from PU setup
    - fixed graphics for ATI/OSX users
    - fixing wrong govt references as pointed out by berto
    - further tweaks to union setup
    - no more free slider moves for responding to dutch revolt in province
    - Pisa's alliances now start when it historically appears (no more ghost alliance in 1453)
    - Hindustan now has an adjective form
    - The Plague hitting Indian provinces should now fire only once per province even if it is
    owned by a European country
    - Fixed a rare bug that could cause provinces to become impossible to convert but especially
    easy to manage for 25 years.
    - Fixed bugs reported by Berto
    - NAJD has been changed to Arabia in the Ottoman-Saudi war
    - AZTECS have had their vassalship with Spain end when their last province is annexed in 1546.
    - INCA now fight alongside Quito in their war against Spain.
    - SHAWNEE now retain control of their own provinces an additional year and a half so they can
    fight Pontiac's war with Britain.
    - HURON maintain control of Huron province until 1764 so they can take part in the Seven
    Years War and Pontiac's War.
    - TIMURIDS have been changed to Transoxiana and Khorasan in the Timurid-Shaybanid war.
    - being emperor gives you +10% AE, and having Viceroys but no colonies gives you +20%
    - fixing emperor notifications in HRE. Most of them did not work as designed, one of them
    may have caused a CTD
    - revised the events at the end of the Imp. Crusade. CTD solved.
    - also revised the rules of what happens w/ provs gained in crusade
    - Fixed netherlands_formation. A country that had at one point owned a dutch province, but
    no longer does, could get the event asking it to release, or even form, the Netherlands.
    - Took care of the prestige loss caused by hre provinces being ceded to emperor
    - Imperial CoT (compensating for non-core cot in RLD that is owned by emperor) will now be
    reactivated, if emperor loses and regains crown
    - in modifiers, changed icon #'s to go w/ new scheme
    - Being emperor can now provide up to 10% Administrative Efficiency depending on imperial
    power (but may grant none at all)
    - Instituting certain imperial institutions can grant the emperor up to 10% efficiency as
    - Being the first to discover the New World grants 2 free colonists right away; being the
    second grants 1.
    - Having the pope grant you title to the New World (only for the first two to discover it)
    provides 5 free colonists.
    - Made the significant changes Berto pointed out today, but not the assorted typos...
    - Added an expiry date to the Qizilbash events, so players don't have to keep fighting them
    in 1800.
    - Stefan pointed out a wrong scope in one of the Modernization triggers
    - The text on one Curia event wasn't showing up
    - Ending a Pragmatic Sanction by request of the pope now counts as doing him a favor for
    the purpose of gaining dispensation
    - Excommunicated countries can no longer petition for a council or host it
    - Fixed the Change and Diversity events
    - Fixes a bug with the "Recovery" events that were not giving the reward to the right
    - Fixes a minor issue with the Spoils of War event.
    - When the shogunate is abolished, the shogun loses his title even if he has been annexed
    and his capital is under the control of the Kanpaku
    - Added a simple fix that ought to solve the issue of the shogun declaring war on both
    the aggressor and victim in the "Unrest" event
    - Early Missionary Work and Religious Syncretism now do not fire for colonies
    - The Bakufu can no longer inherit itself
    - Religious Turmoil now adds a 10-year religious modifier instead of a 5-year one.
    - Expulsion of Heretics and Conversion by the Sword now work properly
    - Organized religion now only removes the modifiers that the province has
    - Fixes the bugs pointed out by Berto today
    - Increases the monarch and leader list for Transoxiana and Timurids
    - becoming the Third Rome automatically upgrades an Orthodox country by one rank
    - Berto's bugs fixed
    - spies (now using Carlos's version as the base), hre missions updated
    - other than that, I think the only change was to give the player an option to change
    the levels of notifications he wants to receive as emperor (all/medium/major), whenever
    he is notified of an IP change
    - Fixed wrong scope in barbary coast pirates, bypassing a country effect for berbers
    - Fixed CTD startup bug
    - Fixed bookmarks
    - Fixed overlord's help for plagued vassdaLS (caused CTD)
    - Fixed wrong continents on vanilla files (CTD)
    - Fixed events for naval academies not firing
    - Fixed effects for naval academies
    - Fixed mega defensive alliance with Austria/Hungary" for the entire world
    - Fixed CTD on vassal policy implementation
    - Fixed CTD on vassal request
    - Reverted Ultimatum to MMG version
    - Fixed scope in english exploration
    - Fixed 2 radical policy events (wrong scopes)
    - Fixed CoT removal penalty
    - Fixed CTD in russian colonization (left the port thingie, don't have time for that)
    - Implemented revert to owner when a province is for long under rebel control
    - Implemented Kill Ruler spy mission
    - turned it harder ro diploannex for the AI
    - turned it harder to inherit from PUs
    - Fixed CTD in colonial events (wrong continent)
    - Fixed scope in colonial events (event not firing)
    - Fixed wrong scope in colonial events (policy modifier not cleared)
    - Fixed wrong scope in colonial events (innefectual change of policies)
    - Fixed triggers in possessão_colonial to make it better
    - Fixed unknown trade goods in trade goods (CTD, 2 instances)
    - Fixed cultures in revolt events
    - Fixed abusable loophole in Fabricate Claims
    - Fixed scope in events for ideas (player avoided bad consequences)
    - Fixed my ing fixes fixty fix times over, until my tongue sticks out from exhaustion!
    - Cleared flag in events for ideas (high level idea not detected under special circunstance)
    - Implemented double penalty for taking out a basic idea, having the advanced one
    - Tweaked fort levels of some provinces
    - Fixed scope in ottomans (was not properly clearing cores)
    - Enabled minimum yearly colonists after hiring the first explorer/conquistador
    - Fixed bug with spanish formation
    - Fixed wrong policies in sliders.txt (CTD)
    - Fixed wrong scope in civil war

    Last edited by ubik; May 12, 2008 at 08:42 AM.

  2. #2
    Dayman's Avatar Romesick
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    Default Re: * Magna Mundi Gold 2 * - The Perfect Companion for Napoleon's Ambition

    I loved the manual, good work on that.

    And the new map is a work of art. It's beautiful.

    I'm currently getting my ass kicked by destabilization during the war of the roses. And I love it!

  3. #3

    Default Re: * Magna Mundi Gold 2 * - The Perfect Companion for Napoleon's Ambition


  4. #4
    Valentin the II's Avatar Primicerius
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    Ashkelon, Israel

    Default Re: * Magna Mundi Gold 2 * - The Perfect Companion for Napoleon's Ambition

    Had a serious bug, where I crushed every time I picked a country from the MMG scenario.
    Solution: Dont klick on any scenario, just pick a country (ONCE) and go.

    Great mod btw.
    In the first game as Bremen got destroyed after 6 yers by Denemark, Sweden and Norway.
    Now playing as Mantua, owning the Medeteranian (literally).
    Born to be wild - live to outgrow it (Lao Tzu)
    Someday you will die and somehow something's going to steal your carbon
    In contrast to the efforts of tiny Israel to make contributions to the world so as to better mankind, one has to ask what have those who have strived to eliminate Israel from the face of the earth done other than to create hate and bloodshed.

  5. #5
    John I Tzimisces's Avatar Get born again.
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    Default Re: * Magna Mundi Gold 2 * - The Perfect Companion for Napoleon's Ambition

    Quote Originally Posted by ubik View Post

    Thanks for the awesome mod Ubik!
    I am John Tzimisces on the pdox forums...go figure

  6. #6

    Default Re: * Magna Mundi Gold 2 * - The Perfect Companion for Napoleon's Ambition

    Yep, already got that! Hello and thanks!


    What is the size of your empire?

  7. #7
    King Edward III's Avatar Primicerius
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    Windsor Castle, England.

    Default Re: * Magna Mundi Gold 2 * - The Perfect Companion for Napoleon's Ambition

    Hey ubik, I'm Woad-Warrier on Paradox's forums.
    According to the Theory of War, which teaches that the best way to avoid the inconvenience of war is to pursue it away from your own country, it is more sensible for us to fight our notorious enemy in his own realm, with the joint power of our allies, than it is to wait for him at our own doors.

    - King Edward III, 1339

  8. #8

    Default Re: * Magna Mundi Gold 2 * - The Perfect Companion for Napoleon's Ambition

    I'm tempted to say 'stuff it' and buy EU3 + NA before IN is released just to play this... is it worth it, forum people? Does Paradox have a history of lowering prices after expansions are released?

  9. #9
    Dayman's Avatar Romesick
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    Default Re: * Magna Mundi Gold 2 * - The Perfect Companion for Napoleon's Ambition

    Dude it's worth it.

  10. #10
    Valentin the II's Avatar Primicerius
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    Ashkelon, Israel

    Default Re: * Magna Mundi Gold 2 * - The Perfect Companion for Napoleon's Ambition

    Quote Originally Posted by ubik View Post
    Yep, already got that! Hello and thanks!


    What is the size of your empire?
    Comersiall empire.
    I had 5 merchants in all medeteranian, muslim and european COT's.
    I also controlled most of the Balkans and Granada.

    Unfortunately my new ruler was total crap, 3/3/3, (previous was 9/8/6) and messed everything up. First the Otomans kicked me out of their COT's.
    Then I got severall bad events plunging my federation into chaos, and sins I was at war with some Italian neighbors at the time, things got out of hand: I lost most of my Balkan provinces to.... Bosnia! (surprisingly strong) and had to make vassals out of the ones that were left.
    Granada was also made into a vassal.
    Oh, and I also started losing alot of merchants in europe.
    Atleast I still have the best tech in Europe (and highest inflation).

    But one thing I noticed: Its very easy for small nations to regenerate stability, so losing 3 is not that criticall, as long as it doesnt gow below 0.
    Last edited by Valentin the II; April 30, 2008 at 02:01 PM.
    Born to be wild - live to outgrow it (Lao Tzu)
    Someday you will die and somehow something's going to steal your carbon
    In contrast to the efforts of tiny Israel to make contributions to the world so as to better mankind, one has to ask what have those who have strived to eliminate Israel from the face of the earth done other than to create hate and bloodshed.

  11. #11
    John I Tzimisces's Avatar Get born again.
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    Default Re: * Magna Mundi Gold 2 * - The Perfect Companion for Napoleon's Ambition

    Run into a bit of an annoyance.
    Started a game as Aragon, inherited Castille as part of what seems to be an event chain, but now that I am Catalan-Spain, I still have that modifier that adds 25% to the cost to colonize even though the original claimant of the new world (castille) no longer exists. Is there a way to get rid of that penalty?

  12. #12
    Hister's Avatar Domesticus
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    Sep 2006

    Default Re: * Magna Mundi Gold 2 * - The Perfect Companion for Napoleon's Ambition

    Quote Originally Posted by John I Tzimisces View Post
    Run into a bit of an annoyance.
    Started a game as Aragon, inherited Castille as part of what seems to be an event chain, but now that I am Catalan-Spain, I still have that modifier that adds 25% to the cost to colonize even though the original claimant of the new world (castille) no longer exists. Is there a way to get rid of that penalty?

    Better to ask question on their own subforum:

    For M2TW PI forum click here.
    For RTW PI forum click here.

  13. #13

    Default Re: * Magna Mundi Gold 2 * - The Perfect Companion for Napoleon's Ambition

    Hi Woad!!!

  14. #14
    King Edward III's Avatar Primicerius
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    Windsor Castle, England.

    Default Re: * Magna Mundi Gold 2 * - The Perfect Companion for Napoleon's Ambition

    Quote Originally Posted by ubik View Post
    Hi Woad!!!

    According to the Theory of War, which teaches that the best way to avoid the inconvenience of war is to pursue it away from your own country, it is more sensible for us to fight our notorious enemy in his own realm, with the joint power of our allies, than it is to wait for him at our own doors.

    - King Edward III, 1339

  15. #15
    Hister's Avatar Domesticus
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    Sep 2006

    Default Re: * Magna Mundi Gold 2 * - The Perfect Companion for Napoleon's Ambition

    You guys are funny he he

    For M2TW PI forum click here.
    For RTW PI forum click here.

  16. #16

    Default Re: * Magna Mundi Gold 2 * - The Perfect Companion for Napoleon's Ambition



    - fixed pheasant feast text
    - fixed early formation of NED bug
    - fixed wrong continent reference in trade.txt
    - in PU, will now allow elector to be minor
    - human electors now get to pick whether they want to vote for self, or someone else
    - fixes the re-appointed elector bug
    - eliminated an inconsistency from PU setup
    - fixed graphics for ATI/OSX users
    - fixing wrong govt references as pointed out by berto
    - further tweaks to union setup
    - no more free slider moves for responding to dutch revolt in province
    - Pisa's alliances now start when it historically appears (no more ghost alliance in 1453)
    - Hindustan now has an adjective form
    - The Plague hitting Indian provinces should now fire only once per province even if it is
    owned by a European country
    - Fixed a rare bug that could cause provinces to become impossible to convert but especially
    easy to manage for 25 years.
    - Fixed bugs reported by Berto
    - NAJD has been changed to Arabia in the Ottoman-Saudi war
    - AZTECS have had their vassalship with Spain end when their last province is annexed in 1546.
    - INCA now fight alongside Quito in their war against Spain.
    - SHAWNEE now retain control of their own provinces an additional year and a half so they can
    fight Pontiac's war with Britain.
    - HURON maintain control of Huron province until 1764 so they can take part in the Seven
    Years War and Pontiac's War.
    - TIMURIDS have been changed to Transoxiana and Khorasan in the Timurid-Shaybanid war.
    - being emperor gives you +10% AE, and having Viceroys but no colonies gives you +20%
    - fixing emperor notifications in HRE. Most of them did not work as designed, one of them
    may have caused a CTD
    - revised the events at the end of the Imp. Crusade. CTD solved.
    - also revised the rules of what happens w/ provs gained in crusade
    - Fixed netherlands_formation. A country that had at one point owned a dutch province, but
    no longer does, could get the event asking it to release, or even form, the Netherlands.
    - Took care of the prestige loss caused by hre provinces being ceded to emperor
    - Imperial CoT (compensating for non-core cot in RLD that is owned by emperor) will now be
    reactivated, if emperor loses and regains crown
    - in modifiers, changed icon #'s to go w/ new scheme
    - Being emperor can now provide up to 10% Administrative Efficiency depending on imperial
    power (but may grant none at all)
    - Instituting certain imperial institutions can grant the emperor up to 10% efficiency as
    - Being the first to discover the New World grants 2 free colonists right away; being the
    second grants 1.
    - Having the pope grant you title to the New World (only for the first two to discover it)
    provides 5 free colonists.
    - Made the significant changes Berto pointed out today, but not the assorted typos...
    - Added an expiry date to the Qizilbash events, so players don't have to keep fighting them
    in 1800.
    - Stefan pointed out a wrong scope in one of the Modernization triggers
    - The text on one Curia event wasn't showing up
    - Ending a Pragmatic Sanction by request of the pope now counts as doing him a favor for
    the purpose of gaining dispensation
    - Excommunicated countries can no longer petition for a council or host it
    - Fixed the Change and Diversity events
    - Fixes a bug with the "Recovery" events that were not giving the reward to the right
    - Fixes a minor issue with the Spoils of War event.
    - When the shogunate is abolished, the shogun loses his title even if he has been annexed
    and his capital is under the control of the Kanpaku
    - Added a simple fix that ought to solve the issue of the shogun declaring war on both
    the aggressor and victim in the "Unrest" event
    - Early Missionary Work and Religious Syncretism now do not fire for colonies
    - The Bakufu can no longer inherit itself
    - Religious Turmoil now adds a 10-year religious modifier instead of a 5-year one.
    - Expulsion of Heretics and Conversion by the Sword now work properly
    - Organized religion now only removes the modifiers that the province has
    - Fixes the bugs pointed out by Berto today
    - Increases the monarch and leader list for Transoxiana and Timurids
    - becoming the Third Rome automatically upgrades an Orthodox country by one rank
    - Berto's bugs fixed
    - spies (now using Carlos's version as the base), hre missions updated
    - other than that, I think the only change was to give the player an option to change
    the levels of notifications he wants to receive as emperor (all/medium/major), whenever
    he is notified of an IP change
    - Fixed wrong scope in barbary coast pirates, bypassing a country effect for berbers
    - Fixed CTD startup bug
    - Fixed bookmarks
    - Fixed overlord's help for plagued vassdaLS (caused CTD)
    - Fixed wrong continents on vanilla files (CTD)
    - Fixed events for naval academies not firing
    - Fixed effects for naval academies
    - Fixed mega defensive alliance with Austria/Hungary" for the entire world
    - Fixed CTD on vassal policy implementation
    - Fixed CTD on vassal request
    - Reverted Ultimatum to MMG version
    - Fixed scope in english exploration
    - Fixed 2 radical policy events (wrong scopes)
    - Fixed CoT removal penalty
    - Fixed CTD in russian colonization (left the port thingie, don't have time for that)
    - Implemented revert to owner when a province is for long under rebel control
    - Implemented Kill Ruler spy mission
    - turned it harder ro diploannex for the AI
    - turned it harder to inherit from PUs
    - Fixed CTD in colonial events (wrong continent)
    - Fixed scope in colonial events (event not firing)
    - Fixed wrong scope in colonial events (policy modifier not cleared)
    - Fixed wrong scope in colonial events (innefectual change of policies)
    - Fixed triggers in possessão_colonial to make it better
    - Fixed unknown trade goods in trade goods (CTD, 2 instances)
    - Fixed cultures in revolt events
    - Fixed abusable loophole in Fabricate Claims
    - Fixed scope in events for ideas (player avoided bad consequences)
    - Fixed my ing fixes fixty fix times over, until my tongue sticks out from exhaustion!
    - Cleared flag in events for ideas (high level idea not detected under special circunstance)
    - Implemented double penalty for taking out a basic idea, having the advanced one
    - Tweaked fort levels of some provinces
    - Fixed scope in ottomans (was not properly clearing cores)
    - Enabled minimum yearly colonists after hiring the first explorer/conquistador
    - Fixed bug with spanish formation
    - Fixed wrong policies in sliders.txt (CTD)
    - Fixed wrong scope in civil war
    ... look, there are probably more than 200 things fixed. Believe it or not.


  17. #17
    King Edward III's Avatar Primicerius
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    Windsor Castle, England.

    Default Re: * Magna Mundi Gold 2 * - The Perfect Companion for Napoleon's Ambition

    I want to actually finish a campaign Ubik..

    Slow down with those patches!
    According to the Theory of War, which teaches that the best way to avoid the inconvenience of war is to pursue it away from your own country, it is more sensible for us to fight our notorious enemy in his own realm, with the joint power of our allies, than it is to wait for him at our own doors.

    - King Edward III, 1339

  18. #18
    Valentin the II's Avatar Primicerius
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    Feb 2005
    Ashkelon, Israel

    Default Re: * Magna Mundi Gold 2 * - The Perfect Companion for Napoleon's Ambition

    Quote Originally Posted by King Edward III View Post
    I want to actually finish a campaign Ubik..

    Slow down with those patches!
    Its competible with 1.03
    Born to be wild - live to outgrow it (Lao Tzu)
    Someday you will die and somehow something's going to steal your carbon
    In contrast to the efforts of tiny Israel to make contributions to the world so as to better mankind, one has to ask what have those who have strived to eliminate Israel from the face of the earth done other than to create hate and bloodshed.

  19. #19
    Hister's Avatar Domesticus
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default Re: * Magna Mundi Gold 2 * - The Perfect Companion for Napoleon's Ambition

    woah,it's compatible, great to hear that! Now I can continue my Aztec campaign...

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  20. #20

    Default Re: * Magna Mundi Gold 2 * - The Perfect Companion for Napoleon's Ambition

    There will be a new version, hopefully compatible with 1.11, on Sunday.

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