Dear fans of EB. Concept art department needs your help. It is easy and it will get your name in the credits so think about it, please We'll be needing more I think, let's start with the next concept art piece I intend to do. I'll quote my post from another thread:

Quote Originally Posted by Merlkir
OK, I've discussed this with Jorge. The Thureoporoi concept art is on halt. Why? Because I want to get as good results as possible, I want to work from photographic reference to help me with poses and anatomy. I would ask my own friends, but they're out of town or don't want to do it. It's no big deal and I hope someone of the great EB fans will step up to this easy task.
What I need:

- three guys in front of the camera. The photos should be digital or at least good/highres quality. 2-3 of one scene will do.
- fancy lighting is not necessary. If it's sunny outside and you take the photos in your garden, I don't mind. It's essential that the bodies are clearly visible.
- you don't have to be super muscled, normal guys are totally ok, I'll spice it up a bit if needed.
- Clothes you should wear.. Really, if you don't have a chiton/tunic, it's alright. Just wear shorts and a T-shirt. No socks please. If you have socks and macedonian boots, these are of course welcome. Any equipment you might have that would fit the description that is in the great post by paullus, you can wear. As I said before, a mop or a stick simply can be a spear, piece of cardboard can be a shield. I need to see mass and shadows it casts.
- If you want to black out your faces, that's fine with me I guess, I respect anonymity.
- Now for poses. I imagine something like this.
the medium and the heavy guy stand to the right talking about something. The medium guy is talking, the heavy one is listening while drinking from a simple metal cup (a bowl of any kind will do I guess). The poses are relaxed and natural. They can have their shields in their hands or maybe resting on the ground or leaned to their legs/hips. Experiment! Keep in mind that at least two of the shields should be fairly visible. All of them can have spears, if you can read the description and wear something resembling the weapons described, it's a plus, but not necessary. The third light infantry one is standing a bit to the left, pointing to something far left out of the picture and telling something to the guys on the right.
Again, this is just my idea. If you have other ideas, experiment, I'll be glad to see it.

People, please, this is rather important. If nobody helps, I'll paint it without reference. But it's likely the final concept artwork will be of lesser quality.
If you're too shy to do this, see if you can maybe get some of your friends who like EB and don't mind doing it. If you know someone on the forums who might want to do it and you think he doesn't read this thread, PM him. Please

if anyone is interested, I'll PM them the descriptions of the gear by Paullus if they want to. Again, this can be totally anonymous, the photos will be used ONLY by me and I will delete them I after I'm done, they will NOT be stored.