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Thread: A Very Small Tweak (to my likeing)

  1. #1
    setheroph's Avatar Libertus
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    london UK

    Default A Very Small Tweak (to my likeing)

    hi there,

    i made a tweak to the ERE Menaulatoi anticav infantry (heavy Javalin)
    its kind of an uber unit, i copyied the elite varangian axemen and pasted over the javalin unit, i then went about editing the stats, men in unit (to six men on medium size i think) and added an assortment of attributes (general unit, command unit, fight to the last man ect) just what i wanted.

    ive always felt the need to want to watch a handfull of elite hardcore men fighting to the last defending the city gates from a much larger force (i think ive watched too many rambo or king arthur films lol)

    anyway, i was wondering if it would be ok if i posted the tweak on the forums? i didnt want to go straight ahead and do it out of respect for the team, thx alot

    YOU ARE NOT MY LIEGE.........SCUM.....

  2. #2

    Default Re: A Very Small Tweak (to my likeing)

    What is this?!
    How about everyone just edits a unit to one man with 90 attack and 250 defence?
    You are not really trying to get this Mods makers to populate such a thing after they worked on this (quite historically accurate) Mod?

  3. #3
    anaztazioch's Avatar Centenarius
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Kraków, Poland

    Default Re: A Very Small Tweak (to my likeing)

    Well i would love to make attack dog that is 1 in regiment and had 361 attack, 305 charge bonus, 0 armor, 61 defence skill, 605 shield (it can bite ur sword and parry attack ), 10 hp, armor pircing, good vs cavalry, scares infantry, lock morale, very good stamina, 300 range, fire_by_rank, 50 ranged attack, 10 ammo, gunpowder unit and body_pircing :p
    I would call it Bojo

    But elite force is just equipment and training. Even an idiot commander is stronger than elite units
    Commander: Jump off this clif or i execute you for disobidiance
    Elite: Sir its too high
    2nd Elite: And look at those rocks at bottom
    Commander: Guess we have an element of suprise
    Last edited by anaztazioch; January 16, 2008 at 12:06 PM.

  4. #4

    Default Re: A Very Small Tweak (to my likeing)

    Quote Originally Posted by anaztazioch View Post
    But elite force is just equipment and training. Even an idiot commander is stronger than elite units
    Commander: Jump off this clif or i execute you for disobidiance
    Elite: Sir its too high
    2nd Elite: And look at those rocks at bottom
    Commander: Guess we have an element of suprise

    That does remind me of a story about General Slim and when he was a an officer with the Gurkha's...It goes something like this..

    The Gurkha's were just about to start Parachute training and of course they had never jumped before..

    They were told that the first jump was to be from 300 ft...
    Their Havildar(Gurkha NCO) asked if they could start a little nearer to the ground for their first jump..
    When told that was impossible because the chutes would not have time to open..
    His reply was a classic...

    "Oh, so we get parachutes then"

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