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Thread: Faction Descriptions - Another chance to help

  1. #1
    Indefinitely Banned
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    Icon12 Faction Descriptions - Another chance to help


    Hi Guys,

    As we near completion of Broken Crescent 1.0 we are looking for ways to cut the work load, especially related to tasks that need doing yet aren't exactly essential to the game itself. One such task are faction descriptions/intros/summaries that appear on the strat selection screen.

    We would like to "outsource" as much of this task to you guys and would love to see your contributions and it would take a big time consuming task of our hands.

    ***All provided summaries may be subject to major changes and edits but will be credited to whoever originated it ***

    - Use "documentary" style narrative
    - Explain general history, key figures, events and achievments up till 1174
    - Do not mention things past 1174
    - Do not write in the first-person
    - Minimum 120 words
    - Be positive, but not overboard with nationalism either.
    - Try not to be too bombastic or overexaggarate, pretend you're David Attenborough
    - End off description with some sort of reference to future hopes or fears of the given faction
    - Make general references to opposing in-game factions, but nothing too specific about the campaign game (ie. keep it historical, not gamey)
    - Please follow the Byzantium faction description below for a good example of how you should write.

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    Byzantium is the shadow that remains of the old Roman Empire. It is a mere shadow because despite retaining the civilised ways of the Roman legacy, the Byzantines have done little to further it. In fact, it is their reverence of the old ways that has brought the empire to a point of stagnation, in a world that has gradually kept moving on. The differences between the thinking in Byzantium and the west were most profoundly highlighted with the Great Schism, the division of Christendom.

    Despite boasting the world's trade capital and home of Orthodox Christianity in Constantinople, the Byzantine Empire is well past its zenith and is now in steady decline. The outer regions of the empire have been slipping from the Emperor's grasp for decades now. To the west, the Normans have taken southern Italy, and in the east the Turks have moved into Asia Minor after their decisive and terrible victory at Manzikert. The latter of these two losses was the worst defeat the Empire had suffered in its entire history. To make matters worse, general corruption, chaos and dissent has lead to some of the other provinces closer to home to rebel.

    Arguably, the greatest threat to Byzantium lies in its independence from Rome. There is significant risk that the lords of the west will consider the lands of Orthodox Christianity to be fair game unless the Pope decrees otherwise. It is a true irony that Constantinople may now have to appease Rome after becoming the new capital of the Roman Empire centuries ago.

    If the Byzantine Empire is to once again become the dominant power of the east, then it will first need to reclaim its heartlands wholly before encroaching upon the borders of another power. The Byzantine legacy is long and predominantly proud, but unless the Emperor can turn things around in a hurry, it is a legacy that will soon end.


    Makuria BY AHIGA
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    A land steeped in ancient tradition and presence, Makuria had converted to Christendom but a few decades before the Arrival of Islam, yet so brief a moment of connection with Christian Byzantium and Egypt has not led to their faith to waiver. On the contrary, in the face of the Caliphate's armies it was only in Nubia where at the Battle of Dongola in 652 AD, the Arabs suffered their only major defeat in the first century of Islamic Expansion. Truly, facing a reality of being surrounded on all but one side by Muslim powers, the resolve in their faith and sovereignty has been strengthened. The Kingdom of Makuria does not stand alone as a Christian Power of Africa, having merged with the kingdom of Nobatia in the north, and holding a strong kinship with Alwa in the south of the Sudan, and powerful Abyssinia even further south.\n\nWhile the Islamic world experienced upheaval and disruption by the rise and fall of successors to the Fracturing Caliphate, the Makurians experienced a prosperous and stable growth, becomming the one who would interfere in the affairs of their neighbors instead of the other way around. Rumors abount of a Nubian army sacking cairo in the eight century to defend their Coptic Brethren, who had looked to the Nubians for protection. Such a golden age continued for the Makurians even as the waters of the Nile were calmed, and the Fatimids came to rule. Truly, the enemy of an enemy was a friend, and for a Shi'ite Dynasty seen as the heretics by their fellow Muslims, African Christians would have seemed as close to their faith as the Sunni Dynasties which saw Egypt as Infidels to Overthrow./n/nBut the warm relations of Makuria and Egypt would come to an end with the fall of it’s Shi’ite Dynasty at the hands of Saladin and his Uncle Shirkuh in 1171. With strong intent to oust the Christian Franks from the Holy Lands, it would come as little surprise that the eyes of Saladin and the newly born Ayyubid Dynasty look with suspicion upon a kingdom friendly to its two greatest foes. As the last vestiges of the Fatimids vanish with the death of their Caliph in 1171, it has come to be a question not of if the Ayyubids shall face the Makurians but when. /n/nOnce more do the waves of Islam crash upon the shore of East Africa, and once more are the Makurians upon the vanguard of the defenders, assuming their historical destiny as the Sentinel of Nubia and Abyssinia. Never has a kingdom of Nubia or lands further south ever extended into Asia, yet never were the Arabs in the first hundred years of Islamic Expansion beaten in a major battle save for when they fought the Makurians.

    Jerusalem by PLAYER44
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    Nearly 100 years after the First Crusade and the massacre at Jerusalem, The Kingdom of Jerusalem has developed to become a powerful faction within the Levant, but surrounded by enemies. Successfully fighting off Muslim invasions that came shortly after the foundation of the Kingdom, the heart of this Kingdom, the city of Jerusalem itself, remains beating, and is one of the holiest cities for both Islam and Christianity, and both religions will have to fight fiercely to take and hold it. Ruled now in 1174 by the leper, Baldin IV, a strong but crippled leader, Jerusalem must be wary of Saladin’s encroaching Ayyubids, who are waiting to steal Jerusalem from the hands of the Crusaders. However, they have allies and potential allies in the other Christians in the Outremer, and if the Kingdom wishes to survive it must stand united with the other Christians, as Syria and Egypt stands under Saladin.
    The Kingdom of Jerusalem is the dominant Christian force within the Levant, but can crack at any second, whether from within or without. The City itself is populated with Christian, Muslim, and Jew alike, making three very different peoples within this most holy city. Should the Franks lose the city however, all is not lost, as perhaps Europeans, vindicative at the loss of what they believe to be rightfully theirs, may come on a holy journey, and reconquer the city once more. The King and armies of Jerusalem know one thing, fighting between them and Saladin will be inevitable. It will require many a victory on the part of the Franks to keep the kingdom alive, and perhaps lead it to greater glory.

    Armenia BY DRTAD
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    When Armenia was overrun by Byzantines and Turks in 1064, many Armenians fled to the safe haven of Cilicia, which at the time was governed by the Armenian governor Philaretos Brachemios. Among these Armenian refugees was Prince Rhoupen and his son Gosdantin. Together they established a new Armenian state in Cilicia, quickly ousting the local Byzantine armies. Over the decades, the Byzantines and Turks desperately tried to wipe out this "New Armenia", but to no avail. With Armenian victories at the decisive battles of Mamistra and Marash, Armenian security was assured for the next two centuries it survived in Cilicia. Armenia has also had many confrontations with the Crusader states, mostly Antioch. However, the Antiochan threat was neutralized long ago with the crushing Armenian victory at Iskenderun. Armenia then joined forces with the Crusaders and siezed Cyprus from the Byzantines. However, Armenia would soon regret that and the plains of Cilicia were conquered by John II Comnenus. Armenia rebounded from these setbacks, however, and rose again to become a great military and economic power. In 1174, Armenia is recovering from the rule of the Muslim prince Mleh and is now under the rightful rule of the Christian Armenian Rhoupen III. Now is your chance to turn Armenia from a shadow of its former self and reclaim the glory of the Armenian Empire of old.

    Georgia by TADZREULI
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    In 1001 Georgian king Bagrat III Bagrationi united all Georgian principalities - principality of Kakheti, Abkhazian reign, principality Tao-Klardzheti and principality of Kartli into the united reign and in the Caucasus was formed new dominant power, the strong, centralized feudal state - Kingdom of Georgia (Sakartvelos Samepho). Georgian one of most is ancient of the modern peoples of world, having its statehood from the time of Kingdom of Colchis (from XII-VIII BC). In 319 ad to year Georgian became Christianity as state religion. Georgian alphabet one of 14 original alphabet in the world, created in V-III BC.

    Georgian Apostolic Ortodoxal Church, based by apostles Andrey and by Simeon of Cana, became autocephaly in V century. Besides Georgia, great Georgian religion centers were based in Jerusalem, in Greece, in Cyprus, in Sinaye, in Egypt, in Syria and Palestine.

    Most might, power and developments feudal Georgian reign reached in XI-XIII century, under the rule of the royal dinasty of Bagrations, from whom Georgia guided such famous to entire world monarchs, as David IV "the Builder"(r.1089-1125) and quin Tamara the Great (r. 1184-1213).
    The might of Georgian Kingdom founded on the great military traditions, developed feodal economic infrastructure of the country into that epoch and certainly wise of the administration of the kings of dynasty Bagrations.

    David Agmashenebeli’s successors (Kings Demeter I, David V and George III) continued the policy of Georgia’s expansion by subordinating most of the mountain clans and tribes of North Caucasia and further secured Georgian positions in Shirvan. However, the most glorious sovereign of Georgia of that period was definitely Queen Tamar (David’s great-granddaughter).
    Reign of Queen Tamar was the peak of Georgia’s might in the whole history of the nation.
    In 1194-1204 Tamar’s armies crushed new Turkish invasions from the south-east and south and launched several successful campaigns into Turkish-controlled Southern Armenia. As a result, most of Southern Armenia with the cities of Karin, Erzinjan, Khelat, Mush and Van, was put under Georgian control. Although not included into Georgian Crown lands and left under nominal rule of local Turkish Emirs and Sultans, Southern Armenia became a protectorate of the Kingdom of Georgia.
    The temporary fall of the Byzantine Empire in 1204 to the Crusaders left Georgia the strongest Christian State in the whole East Mediterranean area. The same year Queen Tamar sent her troops to take over the former Byzantine Lazona and Paryadria with the cities of Atina, Riza, Trebizond, Querasunt, Amysos, Kotyora, Heraclea and Sinopa. In 1205, the occupied territory was transformed into the Empire of Trebizond with Tamar’s’ relative Prince Alexius Comnenus crowned Emperor. Although officially called an Empire the new state was Georgia’s dependency for more than two hundred years.
    In 1210 Georgian armies invaded northern Iran (today’s Iranian Azerbaijan) and took the cities of Marand, Tebriz, Ardebil, Zenjan and Kazvin putting part of the conquered territory under Georgian protectorate.
    That was the maximal extent of Georgia throughout her history. During the described period of time Queen Tamar was addressed as “The Queen of Abkhazians, Kartvels, Rans, Kakhs and Armenians, Shirvan-Shakhine and Shakh-in-Shakhine, The Sovereign of the East and West”. Georgian historians often refer to her as “Queen Tamar the Great”.
    The period between the early 12th and the early 13th centuries and especially, the era of Tamar the Great, can truly be considered as the golden age of Georgia. Besides the political and military achievements, it was marked by the development of Georgian culture including the architecture, literature, philosophy and sciences

    Khwarezm by IEUANO
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    The Khwarezm region has seen the rise and fall of many kingdoms and empires and seems to be a spawning ground for them. From the third century BC, when the ancient king of the khwarezm lands offerd to take Alexander the Great's armies north over the Caspian against his own enemies, Alexander politly refused the offer, but it does give an indication of how poweful that old kindgdom was, the times since then has seen these ancient lands apart of other empires, such as the Sassanids, and never able to lead themselves to glory, until now.

    The Khwarezm Shahdom is a relative newcomer to the political scene, founded in by the slave Anūš Tigin Ghrachaī as a vassalship of the Seljuk Turks after the area was taken from the Ghaznavid Empire, but it always threatened to break itself free, however all it took was a lucky turn of events which lead to the Khwarezmians independence in 1141. The Seljuk Turks sufferd a horrific defeat by the hands of the Kara Khitay and were forced to bend the knee to new masters causing what loyalty to the Seljuks the Khwarezemians had to disappear.

    Soon after this the Khwarezm Shah had its independence but no where to expand to until Sultan Ahmed Sanjar was killed in 1156, the Seljuks collapsed into chaos, paving the way for a new superpower to emerge in the region, it will take a wise and brave ruler to take the riotous Seljuk territories, who are by no means are a broken power and have the honour of an empire to defend. There is a chance to expand along every point on the compass, but the Seljuks will want their wayward vassalship to submit to their dominance once more, and other greedy powers are eyeing up this rich region of fertile land. A difficult prospect for the new Shah, but careful political manoevering and well timed strikes should see a new power here, able to rule for as long as the sun shines

    Ghazni by THE CELT
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    It has been many years since the overthrow of the Samanid crown. When two Turkic officers in the Shahs entourage took power after the monarchs death, and fought for it subsequently. Eventually, the winners in the struggle, descendants of the officer Alptigin, would take control of a vast area and would become known as the Ghaznavid Empire.
    Established at the modern Afghan town of Gahzna,(Hence their name) the Ghazni at their hight subjugated an area that included most of modern Iran, Tajikistan and Pakistan. As well as all of Afghanistan, many parts of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan. They had even held a small southern corner of modern Kazakhstan. The Ghaznavids are also known for their raids into northern India, and even the famous Iranian poet Ferdowsi(Whom the Ghaznavid crown had cheated and disrespected in the past.)took note of the wealth these minor Hindu wars brought to the Empire.

    However, overtime this great realm would be weakened by internal strife and enemies from the neighboring realms. In 1040, the Turkish Seljuks invaded Ghazni Iran from the west, and defeated the Ghaznavid forces of Sultan Masud at Dadanqan. Afterward, Ghazna suffered the loss of much of the Empire, including her northwestern and southwestern Iranian territories, and was nearly made a vassal by the Seljuk Sultan. Thankfully, the swift diplomatic skill of Masud's son, Sultan Ibrahim, had managed to bring a truce with the western Turks. But the misfortunes had only begun. For despite further wealth brought from skirmishes with the Rajputs in India and Pakistan, the Ghazni would end up too weak to avoid becoming a vassal of the Seljuks in 1115, suffer incursions by Tajiks and Afghans, and eventually lose the city of Ghazna itself in 1151 to the Tajik dynasty of the Ghorids. The Ghazni would reclaim the city in due course, but the it was throughly sacked by the Ghorids and was nowhere near it's former splendor. At least...not yet.

    The Sultanate of Ghazni have adopted many Persian, Afghan, and Punjab aspects into their inherently Turkish armies. A richly ornamented elite force of heavy spearmen, lance wielding melee cavalry, and a backbone of tough, native forces make the Ghazni an interesting choice for the visually pleased general. But do not be fooled by the beautiful designs in their arms and amour. For the Ghazni have become more Indo-Persian than Turkish despite their roots, and thus they will not cope too well against the faster paced horse-archer tactics of their enemies. However, mistakes learned from engagements such as Dandanaqan could be helpful in reforming Ghazna's forces along more efficient lines to repel Ghorid and Seljuk expansion.
    You also have the option of fully conquering India. A task that might prove more profitable, as well as more dangerous, than reclaiming the former Sultanate. The south of Arabia is also open to eventual invasion. Should you expand towards the Punjab, and take naval control of that region, it could prove a safe refuge. However, their is less incentive to control the desrts and cliffs of Oman, than in owning the rich fields, forests, and mountains of Iran or India.
    Wherever your path may be, it will have to be won by bloodshed. For there is always a chance, that one brave king can save a dying Empire before it is too late. Will you be that king for the Ghazni?

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    Across the steppes lives a steadfast people, determined to build and rebuild their Khanates through consolidation and conquest. Their hearts live by the saddle, and they are neither Christian nor followers of Islam, but fiercely pagan with a talent for steppe art devoted to their Gods. Living as nomads and herders, life is harsh and unforgiving; many men seek lives as warriors and their Khans dream of expansion.

    Although the tribes of the Kypchak confederacy have succeeded greatly in making their names dreaded in the land of Byzantium and Hungary, little accomplishment has been made in establishing any sort of permanence in these isolated invasions. Only until the establishment of the Kimek Kaganate in 893 has the Kypchak Confederacy practiced a widespread unification of their vast lands and ostensibly endless supply of people and horses. Let numbers not be a sole reliance in battle, for dependence on it has led to horrendous defeats. This is such on the dreadful day of the river Suten, where twenty Kypchak princes lost their lives at the hands of Kieven forces along with a grand horde of Kypchaks.

    The Kypchaks continue to eye for opportunities even though their lands may now stretch further east of the Caspian and as westward as the Christian land of Hungary in Europe,. Being the first mercenaries to the Crusaders, their influence was widely spread, so much that they became notorious mercenaries throughout the Black Sea for their immense numbers and ruthlessness. The Georgians too sought these mercenaries. Georgian king David IV “the Builder” orchestrated an alliance with the Kypchak Khan Otrak as a supporter for their ongoing war against the Seljuks. Like a storm upon a village, the Kypchaks flooded into Georgia, settling it as their new home. 40,000 Kypchak families were given land and free passage to Georgia and each had to contribute one soldier to the Georgian army. The Georgian council, delighted by this new force of regulars, secured the alliance with the marriage of Gurandukht, daughter of Khan Otrak, to King David.

    Some of the Kypchak clansmen longed for their Khan to return home upon the steppes. Legend has it that when Otrak heard Or’, Otrak’s dear brother, singing an old Kypchak song and smelled steppe grass, he grew melancholy and returned home to his people. As the Georgians tighten their stronghold on the Kypchaks living in their domain, is this truly the right path? Is this more of a vassalship than an alliance? There runs a risk that the Kypchak culture and religion could disappear if it remains integrated into Georgian society. Perhaps all relations with the Georgians should be forsaken, the hordes reorganized, and a new direction for the Kypchaks should be chosen. Surely, with the fury and limitless supply of the Kypchak people, they can choose their own fate.

    Rajputs by KERAVNOS
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    The word Raja, with its original Sanskrit meaning of both 'one who rules' and 'one whose duty is to serve', was taken very seriously by the Rajaputra (king's sons) a name which got shortened to Rajputs. Never rulers themselves in centuries past but Ksatryia rather, those Hindus were famous warriors, and maybe even skilled administrators but not rulers themselves. This changed a few centuries ago when the four Agnivanshi clans, namely, the Pratiharas (Pariharas), Solankis (Chaulukyas), Paramaras (Parmars) and Ghosh, Chauhans (Chahamanas), rose to prominence. All those are called "Rajput states". First among equals in those states would be Chaucan kingdom. Having seceded from the Kingdom of Gurjara-Pratiharas one and a half century ago, this is the time when they prepare to expand. All Rajput states are similar in culture, and their greatest advantage is the fanatical devotion of the population. While their bravery has never been in doubt, the fact that they would turn on each other was their greatest disadvantage, and they sought to remedy that through marriage alliances. They are fighting Marathas to the south and the Muslim invaders in the north and west, yet it seems that they mostly fight among themselves.

    It isn't a choice to be a Rajput though. Rajputs are born into their warrior caste. A lifelong training in the arts of war and a devotion to one's master and sword who leads to death more often than not. A rajput's life is duty whether he is a lowly spearman or a maharaja. It is the same. The rituals they hold when they are about to be overrun are not for the weak. Their women commit "jauhar" a ritual suicide, while the men have the "saka", a fight to the death with no one even considering surrender. This stance put them squarely against any invader who has his eyes set on India.

    Mahmut of Ghazni was such a man. While a Great Man in the eyes of his people, he spelled doom for hindus. In the two centuries since he established his state, his descendants are at a constant war with Rajputs. Raja Jayapala of the Hindu Shahi Dynasty of Gandhara and his son Anandapala lost to him, thus ending the Hindu states of Uttarapatha which as Mahabharata states were always indian. Then he set his eyes on hind and its riches, vowing to raid every year, and he did so 17 times. India was looted from Varanasi to Somnath. War against his state hasn't stopped since.

    Yet, the Hindu gods smile upon the Rajput states. Another mleccha tribe, the Seljuks are steadily encroaching on the Ghaznavids. What was once a mighty empire, now only holds Lahore. The Ghorids have even sacked Ghazni their former capital. Now is the time for the Hindu Ksatriyas to rise again. First move against Delhi and Lahore and capture them. Then restore the Uttarapatha mahajanapadas and move beyond to the very heart of Asia, or even Arabia and Africa. The future is full of opportunities for the children of the gods. May Lord Rama and Krishna, smile upon you.
    Last edited by Miraj; January 02, 2008 at 03:14 PM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Faction Descriptions: Another chance to help

    Makuria's already almost finished, so don't worry about that one. I'll mention if I pursue doing any others (I may attempt to do Ayyubids or Ghazni, but will mention here beforehand).

  3. #3
    Indefinitely Banned
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    Default Re: Faction Descriptions - Another chance to help

    Cool, scratched off as done.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Faction Descriptions - Another chance to help

    Something I quickly typed up...

    When Armenia was overrun by Byzantines and Turks in 1064, many Armenians fled to the safe haven of Cilicia, which at the time was ruled by the Armenian warlord Philaretos Brachemios. Among these Armenian refugees was Prince Rhoupen and his son Gosdantin. Together they established a new Armenian state in Cilicia, quickly ousting the local Byzantine armies. Over the decades, the Byzantines and Turks desperately tried to wipe out this "New Armenia", but to no avail. With Armenian victories at the decisive battles of Mamistra and Marash, Armenian security was assured for the next two centuries it survived in Cilicia. Armenia has also had many confrontations with the Crusader states, mostly Antioch. However, the Antiochan threat was neutralized long ago with the crushing Armenian victory at Iskenderun. Armenia then joined forces with the Crusaders and siezed Cyprus from the Byzantines. However, Armenia would soon regret that and the plains of Cilicia were conquered by John II Comnenus. Armenia rebounded from these setbacks, however, and rose again to become a great military and economic power. In 1174, Armenia is recovering from the rule of the Muslim prince Mleh and is now under the rightful rule of the Christian Armenian Rhoupen III. Mleh now sits powerless in the fortress of Vahka, cowering behind its massive walls. Now is your chance to turn Armenia from a shadow of its former self and reclaim the glory of the Armenian Empire of old.

    Hope you like it. Feel free to correct any glaring errors.
    Last edited by Drtad; September 08, 2007 at 09:17 AM.
    Under the patronage of John I Tzimisces

  5. #5
    The Mongol's Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: Faction Descriptions - Another chance to help

    I don't have the mental capacity to write one of these but I just had to say, David Attenborough is the man.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Faction Descriptions - Another chance to help

    I'm trying to do Jerusalem... one question: The mod starts in 1170, but I heard they would use Baldwin as king, who started in 1174, so who is King of Jerusalem?

    EDIT: Oops lol starts in 1174

    Well Here it is, typed it up real fast.

    Nearly 100 years after the First Crusade and the massacre at Jerusalem, The Kingdom of Jerusalem has developed to become a powerful faction within the Levant, but surrounded by enemies. Successfully fighting off Muslim invasions that came shortly after the foundation of the Kingdom, the heart of this Kingdom, the city of Jerusalem itself, remains beating, and is one of the holiest cities for both Islam and Christianity, and both religions will have to fight fiercely to take and hold it. Ruled now in 1174 by the leper, Baldin IV, a strong but crippled leader, Jerusalem must be wary of Saladin’s encroaching Ayyubids, who are waiting to steal Jerusalem from the hands of the Crusaders. However, they have allies and potential allies in the other Christians in the Outremer, and if the Kingdom wishes to survive it must stand united with the other Christians, as Syria and Egypt stands under Saladin.
    The Kingdom of Jerusalem is the dominant Christian force within the Levant, but can crack at any second, whether from within or without. The City itself is populated with Christian, Muslim, and Jew alike, making three very different peoples within this most holy city. Should the Franks lose the city however, all is not lost, as perhaps Europeans, vindicative at the loss of what they believe to be rightfully theirs, may come on a holy journey, and reconquer the city once more. The King and armies of Jerusalem know one thing, fighting between them and Saladin will be inevitable. It will require many a victory on the part of the Franks to keep the kingdom alive, and perhaps lead it to greater glory.
    Last edited by Player44; September 08, 2007 at 02:50 AM.

  7. #7
    Indefinitely Banned
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    Default Re: Faction Descriptions - Another chance to help

    Thanks Drtad, looking good!

    Just one point, Mleh is holed up in the fort of Vakha NE of Sis at game start. So you could mention it if you like, but not a big deal.

    The starting king of Jerusalem is Baldwin the Leper (the masked dude from Kingdom of Heaven). Other family members include: Balian De Ibelin as a chivalric general, Reynald de Chatillon at Kerak (super dread), Raymond of Tripoli, and of course Guy Lusignon as heir married to Baldwin's sister.

    EDIT: Great job Player44!
    Last edited by Miraj; September 08, 2007 at 02:55 AM.

  8. #8
    Ieuano's Avatar Decanus
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    Nov 2006

    Default Re: Faction Descriptions - Another chance to help

    ill take Kwarezm

    give me a min to type it
    Total Rep = Unknown???? who will +rep me to the crown, whomever it is will get a mystery prize! or will they...

  9. #9

    Default Re: Faction Descriptions - Another chance to help


    A land steeped in ancient tradition and presence, Makuria had converted to Christendom but a few decades before the Arrival of Islam, yet so brief a moment of connection with Christian Byzantium and Egypt has not led to their faith to waiver. On the contrary, in the face of the Caliphate's armies it was only in Nubia where at the Battle of Dongola in 652 AD, the Arabs suffered their only major defeat in the first century of Islamic Expansion. Truly, facing a reality of being surrounded on all but one side by Muslim powers, the resolve in their faith and sovereignty has been strengthened. The Kingdom of Makuria does not stand alone as a Christian Power of Africa, having merged with the kingdom of Nobatia in the north, and holding a strong kinship with Alwa in the south of the Sudan, and powerful Abyssinia even further south.\n\nWhile the Islamic world experienced upheaval and disruption by the rise and fall of successors to the Fracturing Caliphate, the Makurians experienced a prosperous and stable growth, becomming the one who would interfere in the affairs of their neighbors instead of the other way around. Rumors abount of a Nubian army sacking cairo in the eight century to defend their Coptic Brethren, who had looked to the Nubians for protection. Such a golden age continued for the Makurians even as the waters of the Nile were calmed, and the Fatimids came to rule. Truly, the enemy of an enemy was a friend, and for a Shi'ite Dynasty seen as the heretics by their fellow Muslims, African Christians would have seemed as close to their faith as the Sunni Dynasties which saw Egypt as Infidels to Overthrow./n/nBut the warm relations of Makuria and Egypt would come to an end with the fall of it’s Shi’ite Dynasty at the hands of Saladin and his Uncle Shirkuh in 1171. With strong intent to oust the Christian Franks from the Holy Lands, it would come as little surprise that the eyes of Saladin and the newly born Ayyubid Dynasty look with suspicion upon a kingdom friendly to its two greatest foes. As the last vestiges of the Fatimids vanish with the death of their Caliph in 1171, it has come to be a question not of if the Ayyubids shall face the Makurians but when. /n/nOnce more do the waves of Islam crash upon the shore of East Africa, and once more are the Makurians upon the vanguard of the defenders, assuming their historical destiny as the Sentinel of Nubia and Abyssinia. Never has a kingdom of Nubia or lands further south ever extended into Asia, yet never were the Arabs in the first hundred years of Islamic Expansion beaten in a major battle save for when they fought the Makurians.

  10. #10
    Ieuano's Avatar Decanus
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    Default Re: Faction Descriptions - Another chance to help

    The Khwarezm Shah - UPDATED 11/09

    The Khwarezm region has seen the rise and fall of many kingdoms and empires and seems to be a spawning ground for them. From the third century BC, when the ancient king of the khwarezm lands offerd to take Alexander the Great's armies north over the Caspian against his own enemies, Alexander politly refused the offer, but it does give an indication of how poweful that old kindgdom was, the times since then has seen these ancient lands apart of other empires, such as the Sassanids, and never able to lead themselves to glory, until now.

    The Khwarezm Shahdom is a relative newcomer to the political scene, founded in by the slave Anūš Tigin Ghrachaī as a vassalship of the Seljuk Turks after the area was taken from the Ghaznavid Empire, but it always threatened to break itself free, however all it took was a lucky turn of events which lead to the Khwarezmians independence in 1141. The Seljuk Turks sufferd a horrific defeat by the hands of the Kara Khitay and were forced to bend the knee to new masters causing what loyalty to the Seljuks the Khwarezemians had to disappear.

    Soon after this the Khwarezm Shah had its independence but no where to expand to until Sultan Ahmed Sanjar was killed in 1156, the Seljuks collapsed into chaos, paving the way for a new superpower to emerge in the region, it will take a wise and brave ruler to take the riotous Seljuk territories, who are by no means are a broken power and have the honour of an empire to defend. There is a chance to expand along every point on the compass, but the Seljuks will want their wayward vassalship to submit to their dominance once more, and other greedy powers are eyeing up this rich region of fertile land. A difficult prospect for the new Shah, but careful political manoevering and well timed strikes should see a new power here, able to rule for as long as the sun shines
    Last edited by Ieuano; September 11, 2007 at 12:54 PM.
    Total Rep = Unknown???? who will +rep me to the crown, whomever it is will get a mystery prize! or will they...

  11. #11
    Lykaor's Avatar Tiro
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    Once the Caliphat did control nearly all Muslims in the world, it's now just a weak state in todays Iraq. Their history began in 750 when the dynastie of Umayyad was collapsed by a revolt of Mecca's aristocracy who killed the Umayyad familiy and set Abu l-Abbas as-Saffah, having Al-Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib, a uncle of Mohammed as Great Great Great Grandfather, as Caliph.
    What differs the Abbasids from the Umayyads is especially that they did not rely on the arabs but on the Iranians. The managment was centralized on the Caliph. The dynasty was admited by all Muslims in the world till 760 when Andalusia and the Mahgreb got independent from the Abbasids. In the following century (known as Islamic Golden Age) the Abbasids economy became bigger and bigger, fast being the richest state in the world. The trade flued and agriculture boomed because of the use of irrigation plants, Sugarcane, Cotton and phoenix were grown. Mathematicians like Al-Chwarizmi (the inventor of Algorithm) , astronomicians like Al-Battani (the appointer of the Equinox) and chemists like Dschābir ibn Hayyān (known as "father of chemics") worked at the Caliphs palace. The Caliph Al-Ma'mun built the Bayt al Hikmah (mostly known as "House of Wisdom" in the western world)
    But in the following years the Centurys the Caliphat collapsed in Civil Wars and was loosing many of his estates to the Seljuks in Iran, the Tulunids in Egypt and to the Saffarids in the eastern Iran province Sistan. In 1055 the Seljuks even conquered Baghdad and the Caliphat existed only formal.
    But with the rise of Al-Muqtafi in 1136 the Abbasids were formed to a indepentend power again, controlling todays Iraq, Kuwait and parts of northern Arabia.
    By now, the Caliphat is threaten by the Seljuks in the North, the Turks in the West and the Crusaders and Ayyubids in the south-west, but a mighty Caliph may reconquer the orginally estates of the Abbasids dynasty.
    Last edited by Lykaor; September 08, 2007 at 09:40 AM.
    Für dich, ganz allein, all' mein Gebein.

  12. #12
    Rex Armeniae's Avatar King of Kings
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    @Drtad, just a small note.. you could call Phileratios Brachamios a warlord if you like(sounds maybe better then governor) ... because thats what he was.

    When imperial(byzantine) power in these region weakened in the chaotic years after the Battle of Manzikert, some of these seized the opportunity to set themselves up as sovereign Lords, while others remained, at least in name, loyal. The most successful of these early warlords was Philaretos Brachamios, a former Armenian general of Romanus IV Diogenes. Between 1078 and 1085, Philaretus built a principality stretching from Malatia in the north to Antioch in the south, and from Cilicia in the east to Edessa in the west, but after his death his dominion disintegrated into local lordships again. He invited many Armenian nobles, and gave them land and castles.
    One of those princes was Rhoupen / Ruben
    You could somehow mix these notes- info's in the text
    Last edited by Rex Armeniae; September 08, 2007 at 08:40 AM.
    † Հայաստան: Իմ սիրելի Հայաստան:
    The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in battle.
    - Under the patronage of another Rex Armeniae Drtad | Տրտադ

  13. #13
    Nizam's Avatar Ordinarius
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    Default Re: Faction Descriptions - Another chance to help

    if you wait i can add Seljuk and Ghazni descriptions

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  14. #14

    Default Re: Faction Descriptions - Another chance to help

    Quote Originally Posted by King Arsen View Post
    @Drtad, just a small note.. you could call Phileratios Brachamios a warlord if you like(sounds maybe better then governor) ... because thats what he was.
    Done, thanks for the tip.

    When imperial(byzantine) power in these region weakened in the chaotic years after the Battle of Manzikert, some of these seized the opportunity to set themselves up as sovereign Lords, while others remained, at least in name, loyal. The most successful of these early warlords was Philaretos Brachamios, a former Armenian general of Romanus IV Diogenes. Between 1078 and 1085, Philaretus built a principality stretching from Malatia in the north to Antioch in the south, and from Cilicia in the east to Edessa in the west, but after his death his dominion disintegrated into local lordships again. He invited many Armenian nobles, and gave them land and castles.
    One of those princes was Rhoupen / Ruben
    You could somehow mix these notes- info's in the text
    I am not exactly sure that's how it happened. Rhoupen established his state in 1080 and started expanding (Battle of Vahka) in 1081. Brachemios's gift to Rhoupen was probably negligible, and I like the description as it is now.

    Done as you suggested, put in a sentence about Mleh in Vahka.
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  15. #15
    Tadzreuli's Avatar Chevalier Blanche
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    In 1001 Georgian king Bagrat III Bagrationi united all Georgian principalities - principality of Kakheti, Abkhazian reign, principality Tao-Klardzheti and principality of Kartli into the united reign and in the Caucasus was formed new dominant power, the strong, centralized feudal state - Kingdom of Georgia (Sakartvelos Samepho). Georgian one of most is ancient of the modern peoples of world, having its statehood from the time of Kingdom of Colchis (from XII-VIII BC). In 319 ad to year Georgian became Christianity as state religion. Georgian alphabet one of 14 original alphabet in the world, created in V-III BC.

    Georgian Apostolic Ortodoxal Church, based by apostles Andrey and by Simeon of Cana, became autocephaly in V century. Besides Georgia, great Georgian religion centers were based in Jerusalem, in Greece, in Cyprus, in Sinaye, in Egypt, in Syria and Palestine.

    Most might, power and developments feudal Georgian reign reached in XI-XIII century, under the rule of the royal dinasty of Bagrations, from whom Georgia guided such famous to entire world monarchs, as David IV "the Builder"(r.1089-1125) and quin Tamara the Great (r. 1184-1213).
    The might of Georgian Kingdom founded on the great military traditions, developed feodal economic infrastructure of the country into that epoch and certainly wise of the administration of the kings of dynasty Bagrations.

    David Agmashenebeli’s successors (Kings Demeter I, David V and George III) continued the policy of Georgia’s expansion by subordinating most of the mountain clans and tribes of North Caucasia and further secured Georgian positions in Shirvan. However, the most glorious sovereign of Georgia of that period was definitely Queen Tamar (David’s great-granddaughter).
    Reign of Queen Tamar was the peak of Georgia’s might in the whole history of the nation.
    In 1194-1204 Tamar’s armies crushed new Turkish invasions from the south-east and south and launched several successful campaigns into Turkish-controlled Southern Armenia. As a result, most of Southern Armenia with the cities of Karin, Erzinjan, Khelat, Mush and Van, was put under Georgian control. Although not included into Georgian Crown lands and left under nominal rule of local Turkish Emirs and Sultans, Southern Armenia became a protectorate of the Kingdom of Georgia.
    The temporary fall of the Byzantine Empire in 1204 to the Crusaders left Georgia the strongest Christian State in the whole East Mediterranean area. The same year Queen Tamar sent her troops to take over the former Byzantine Lazona and Paryadria with the cities of Atina, Riza, Trebizond, Querasunt, Amysos, Kotyora, Heraclea and Sinopa. In 1205, the occupied territory was transformed into the Empire of Trebizond with Tamar’s’ relative Prince Alexius Comnenus crowned Emperor. Although officially called an Empire the new state was Georgia’s dependency for more than two hundred years.
    In 1210 Georgian armies invaded northern Iran (today’s Iranian Azerbaijan) and took the cities of Marand, Tebriz, Ardebil, Zenjan and Kazvin putting part of the conquered territory under Georgian protectorate.
    That was the maximal extent of Georgia throughout her history. During the described period of time Queen Tamar was addressed as “The Queen of Abkhazians, Kartvels, Rans, Kakhs and Armenians, Shirvan-Shakhine and Shakh-in-Shakhine, The Sovereign of the East and West”. Georgian historians often refer to her as “Queen Tamar the Great”.
    The period between the early 12th and the early 13th centuries and especially, the era of Tamar the Great, can truly be considered as the golden age of Georgia. Besides the political and military achievements, it was marked by the development of Georgian culture including the architecture, literature, philosophy and sciences

  16. #16
    Slaxx Hatmen's Avatar This isn't the crisis!
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    Here's mine for the Ghaznavids.(Feel free to correct any grammar or spelling errors that I make.)

    The Sultanate of Ghazni:

    It has been many years since the overthrow of the Samanid crown. When two Turkic officers in the Shahs entourage took power after the monarchs death, and fought for it subsequently. Eventually, the winners in the struggle, descendants of the officer Alptigin, would take control of a vast area and would become known as the Ghaznavid Empire.
    Established at the modern Afghan town of Gahzna,(Hence their name) the Ghazni at their hight subjugated an area that included most of modern Iran, Tajikistan and Pakistan. As well as all of Afghanistan, many parts of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan. They had even held a small southern corner of modern Kazakhstan. The Ghaznavids are also known for their raids into northern India, and even the famous Iranian poet Ferdowsi(Whom the Ghaznavid crown had cheated and disrespected in the past.)took note of the wealth these minor Hindu wars brought to the Empire.

    However, overtime this great realm would be weakened by internal strife and enemies from the neighboring realms. In 1040, the Turkish Seljuks invaded Ghazni Iran from the west, and defeated the Ghaznavid forces of Sultan Masud at Dadanqan. Afterward, Ghazna suffered the loss of much of the Empire, including her northwestern and southwestern Iranian territories, and was nearly made a vassal by the Seljuk Sultan. Thankfully, the swift diplomatic skill of Masud's son, Sultan Ibrahim, had managed to bring a truce with the western Turks. But the misfortunes had only begun. For despite further wealth brought from skirmishes with the Rajputs in India and Pakistan, the Ghazni would end up too weak to avoid becoming a vassal of the Seljuks in 1115, suffer incursions by Tajiks and Afghans, and eventually lose the city of Ghazna itself in 1151 to the Tajik dynasty of the Ghorids. The Ghazni would reclaim the city in due course, but the it was throughly sacked by the Ghorids and was nowhere near it's former splendor. At least...not yet.

    The Sultanate of Ghazni have adopted many Persian, Afghan, and Punjab aspects into their inherently Turkish armies. A richly ornamented elite force of heavy spearmen, lance wielding melee cavalry, and a backbone of tough, native forces make the Ghazni an interesting choice for the visually pleased general. But do not be fooled by the beautiful designs in their arms and amour. For the Ghazni have become more Indo-Persian than Turkish despite their roots, and thus they will not cope too well against the faster paced horse-archer tactics of their enemies. However, mistakes learned from engagements such as Dandanaqan could be helpful in reforming Ghazna's forces along more efficient lines to repel Ghorid and Seljuk expansion.
    You also have the option of fully conquering India. A task that might prove more profitable, as well as more dangerous, than reclaiming the former Sultanate. The south of Arabia is also open to eventual invasion. Should you expand towards the Punjab, and take naval control of that region, it could prove a safe refuge. However, their is less incentive to control the desrts and cliffs of Oman, than in owning the rich fields, forests, and mountains of Iran or India.
    Wherever your path may be, it will have to be won by bloodshed. For there is always a chance, that one brave king can save a dying Empire before it is too late. Will you be that king for the Ghazni?

    Whew! That took awhile. Tell me what you guys think.
    Last edited by Slaxx Hatmen; September 08, 2007 at 01:07 PM.
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  17. #17
    Rex Armeniae's Avatar King of Kings
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drtad View Post
    Done, thanks for the tip.

    I am not exactly sure that's how it happened. Rhoupen established his state in 1080 and started expanding (Battle of Vahka) in 1081. Brachemios's gift to Rhoupen was probably negligible, and I like the description as it is now.
    Great. Alright, yeah maybe you are right. But what about the mamluks of cilicia, maybe worth to mention?
    I think there should be more to write about cilicia as a region who got invaded by armenian refugees.
    † Հայաստան: Իմ սիրելի Հայաստան:
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  18. #18
    The Mongol's Avatar Primicerius
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    the celt, that is really well done. Geez you're younger than me and your writing skills put mine to shame.

  19. #19
    Indefinitely Banned
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    I have to say, I was expecting some serious turds when I posted this thread. Thanks for proving me completely wrong guys! Excellent stuff!

    Great! I love the fact you mentioned the regions continuity from antiquity. Like it a lot, hope you don't mind me adding my own few sentences too.

    Once again. Its looking great. Love the focus on the philosophical developments of the Abbasid "golden age". Great stuff.

    Love the Makurian stuff and the mentions the only state that was able to resist the early arab armies. A perfect testimony to Nubia's legacy.

    Fantasic summary my man. Though there was never a doubt who was the Georgia man around these parts.

    Wow!! So detailed and well formed, just perfect. Couldn't be happier.

    Thanks alot guys.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Faction Descriptions - Another chance to help

    I'd like to try the Kypchaks if you guys could hold that off for me.

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