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Thread: Requests for CA regarding Empire

  1. #1
    GrnEyedDvl's Avatar Liberalism is a Socially Transmitted Disease
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    Default Requests for CA regarding Empire

    I guess its never too early to ask lol

    Forget content and the bugs and blah blah. What I want is a better scripting language. More specifically:

    1. A true random number generator, not like RandomPercent. Generate a RandomNumber and then be able to compare it to oher values, only reset the RandomNumber when ResetRand is called, otherwise you should be able to reference it.

    2. Some kind of variable(s) other than a counter.

    3. Math operations inside a script. For example say I wanted to add/deduct money based on the number of units in a settlement, take the number of units and multiply by 100 then charge the garrison fee. Or even multiply by another variable,

    add_money england, (5*Variable)

    4. Add other operators, such as Or, Else, and ElseIf. It would make scripts much shorter. If also needs to be able to be used with all conditions not just with the I_Conditions.

    5. Either fix the e_select or come up with a new system to reference the current event and pull settlement/character names so you can manipulate them.

    6. More events and conditions. SettlementCaptured comes to mind, currently you have to write 4 sections to check this, OccupySettlement, SackSettlement, CitySacked, and ExterminatePopulation.

    SettlementPopulation or

    7. Fix the broken commands, like provoke_rebellion and remove the hotseat limit on control_faction.

    8. Add the ability to put existing script commands into the VnV Triggers.

    Trigger V0010_Standard_Battle_Attacker_Crushing_Victory_VnV_Trigger
    WhenToTest PostBattle
    Condition WasAttacker
    and IsGeneral
    and WonBattle
    and BattleSuccess = crushing
    and I_ConflictType Normal
    and BattleOdds >= 0.5
    and BattleOdds < 1.5
    Affects GoodAttacker 2 Chance 100
    Affects TacticalSkill 1 Chance 10
    Command create_unit blah

    9. Add some values to what is exported by Events. Just one example:

    OccupySettlement exports the following:
    nc_character_record, character_record, faction, target_faction, region_id, character_type, target_religion

    But doesnt export Settlement, so you cant use
    monitor_event OccupySettlement London
    or even
    monitor_event OccupySettlement SettlementName London

    10. Ability to start/terminate a script by command. This would help immensely in cleaning up the campaign_script and organizing things.
    For example you could have one, two or ten scripts to create_units for a garrison script. Then you could reference them as a sort of sub routine instead of typing them out 200 times (one for each settlement). Example:

    monitor_conditions I_SettlementUnderSiege Jedda
    and SettlementBuildingExists = wooden_palisade
    script garrison_script1

    monitor_conditions I_SettlementUnderSiege Jedda
    and SettlementBuildingExists = wooden_wall
    script garrison_script2

    11. Documentation! The docudemons are a good start but some of the examples are lame and worse yet some of the conditions/commands/events dont work.

    I am sure there are lots of other things scripters want, this is probably just the tip of the iceberg, but thats what came to mind for me. We probably wont get everything we want but anything that can be done with the scripting language would be great.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Requests for CA regarding Empire

    what about the AI and lag issues online?
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  3. #3
    GrnEyedDvl's Avatar Liberalism is a Socially Transmitted Disease
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    Default Re: Requests for CA regarding Empire

    Im sure they will address both of those, although lag just isnt an issue of the game theres a LOT of things that can cause that.

    I would almost bet money they do something different with the AI. It might not be everything we expect but they almost have to work it over or risk pissing everyone off. Generally AI improves in every iteration, so I will wait and see what we get on that. For me the scripting is more important because the scripting language cant be modded, the AI can.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Requests for CA regarding Empire

    My big thing was the creation of more I_ conditions. The huge, big problem right now is that most conditions are simply not usable from within if- or while- statements, and only usable from within the clunky monitor_conditions clause. Not only is it simply hugely unwieldly from the coding perspective, in many ways it simply prevents things from working, such as inability for nesting (which you could do with "if... if... end_if end_if"). So more (all) conditions with I_, or in short a more real programming/scripting language, rather than a tutorial script with a few keywords outside of that purpose.

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  5. #5
    GrnEyedDvl's Avatar Liberalism is a Socially Transmitted Disease
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    Default Re: Requests for CA regarding Empire

    Agreed, although I think you could get rid of the I_Conditions and just let the If handle them all, they are just duplicates anyways. For every I_Condition there is already a condition of the same name without the I_

  6. #6

    Default Re: Requests for CA regarding Empire

    I have only one request at this time and its a fully immersive, top notch dinger Civil War game made by Creative Assembly sometime in their future.
    Last edited by Mountain_Commander; August 22, 2007 at 11:50 PM.

  7. #7
    preston's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: Requests for CA regarding Empire

    quoting GED about the SettlementCaptured. if anything to be fixed in the scripting language at least this.
    i had been trying to work out a system that works like so:

    monitor_event FactionIsLocal SettlementCaptured Bordeaux
    create_unit Paris, Mailed Knights, num 5, exp 1, arm 1, wep 1

    and obviously as the way things are now that just doesn't work and i spent two days trying tons of different combinations with everything under the sun. so if nothing else do something to get that to work.

  8. #8
    GrnEyedDvl's Avatar Liberalism is a Socially Transmitted Disease
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    Default Re: Requests for CA regarding Empire

    Quote Originally Posted by Mountain_Commander View Post
    I have only one request at this time and its a fully immersive, top notch dinger Civil War game made by Creative Assembly sometime in their future.
    That can be modded, I really wanted this to stick to Empire.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Requests for CA regarding Empire

    Canada must be an emergent faction. and in expansion their should be the war of 1812
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  10. #10
    jackwei's Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: Requests for CA regarding Empire

    Canada isn't a dominion or self government until 1867 so it wouldn't make sense and during 1812 they were directly under british rule, so it just wouldn't make sense having canada an emerging faction!!

  11. #11
    Halie Satanus's Avatar Emperor of ice cream
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    Default Re: Requests for CA regarding Empire

    The inclusion of a 'sword and shield' animation pack to make life easy for modders who want to go retro.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Requests for CA regarding Empire

    if a commander dies than his battalion should lose moral. if the genearl dies then the entire army should lose moral. this would be a cool addition because it would force HP to put battlions in smart positions/ to better protect the Battlion commander
    How great is he who gains the world but loses their soul? :hmmm:

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