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Thread: Great Mod-questions and bug report

  1. #1

    Default Great Mod-questions and bug report

    Hey Damn good mod...1st off i was upset to not be able to play as Caesar in 77BC2 so i downloaded 1.2, 1st question when is 58BC:Caesar gonna be ready? i have time to beta test if you guys need it...2nd thing is a bug i know i should report this in the bugs and CTD post , but i wanna consilidate my post.... playing as Rome...the armies the Senate sends to you that spawn in asia minor , can not be controlled, they are there , but you can not use them... maybe this is intentional?The dates of objectives seems out of 64BC the advisor says i have to fufill my goal by 65BC????its like this with all objective dates for the big question... i would like to be able to as SPQR use Pontic legionaries... i went in and edited every file i thought possible , and even used the console to spawn them , but they end appearing as peasants, and when i load the battle it says "77bc/data/RTR/models_unit/textures/pontus_officer_heavystandard.tga" missing i assume it has to do with the aor or zor, i even tried adding "rtr pontic legionary" to the desc_mercs.txt list but still no luck...some help would be great!And i would also like to know how to add Marcus Antonius "Mark Antony" to Caesars Family tree in 1.2, so when i choose to take over as Caesar he will be a part of that faction... i know its Roman_Scipii, im just not sure on what to do... even if i have to overwrite the Lucius Julius character with an older age , that will be fine...sorry for the long post... keep it up guys, great work, and like i said i would love to beta 58BC

  2. #2
    Empedocles's Avatar Domesticus
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Default Re: Great Mod-questions and bug report

    I'm sure SAlvor will tell you better, but I don't understand when you say you are playing with 1.2 version?
    why don't you use 2.0 version?
    are you sure you have loaded the script every time you loaded a savegame?

    best regards.

    ps: I'll contact you regarding the beta testing.

    New version of all 77BC and 58BC can be found HERE

  3. #3

    Default Re: Great Mod-questions and bug report

    Hey, Empe. I am guessing that Marader wants to play the Caesar campaign so he is still using 1.2. There were some mistakes with dates in that version. I think that I fixed all of them but I have always been very bad with numbers, as you know . I hope that 2.0. "mission trait" is more helpful.

    Marader, right now I am at work but as soon as I can go home I will give you some detailed instructions so that you can play with the Pontic legionnaries. Concerning the Senate reinforcements, if they fall out of the line-of-sight of a family member they might be impossible to control. But move a general near the stack and you will get control of them.

    Thanks for the feedback

  4. #4
    Empedocles's Avatar Domesticus
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Default Re: Great Mod-questions and bug report


    download version 2.0. it's so much better!

    New version of all 77BC and 58BC can be found HERE

  5. #5

    Default Re: Great Mod-questions and bug report

    A quick modding tutorial on how to add the pontic legionnaries to your faction. All files to modify are in the 77bc\data folder.

    Open the export_descr_units file. Look for rtr pontic legionnary. Quote the officer line, add romans_julii to the ownership and change the name of the soldier, like this:

    type             rtr pontic legionary
    dictionary       rtr_pontic_legionaries
    category         infantry
    class            heavy
    voice_type       Heavy_1
    soldier          pontic_legionary, 40, 0, 1.3
    ;officer          east_heavy_standard
    mount_effect     horse -2, camel -2,
    attributes       sea_faring,hide_forest,can_sap,hardy
    formation        1, 2, 2, 3, 5,square
    stat_health      1, 0
    stat_pri         10, 2, pilum, 35, 2, thrown, blade, piercing, spear, 15 , 1
    stat_pri_attr    prec,thrown,thrown ap
    stat_sec         10, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, sword, 0 , 0.3
    stat_sec_attr    no
    stat_pri_armour  8, 14, 8, metal
    stat_sec_armour  0, 1, flesh
    stat_heat        2
    stat_ground      0, 0, -1, 1
    stat_mental      17, disciplined, highly_trained
    stat_charge_dist 30
    stat_fire_delay  0
    stat_food        60, 300
    stat_cost        2, 607, 331, 104, 112, 528
    ownership        pontus, romans_julii
    Now open descr_model_battle and add this paragraph at the bottom of the file:

    type				pontic_legionary
    skeleton			fs_javelinman, fs_s1_gladius
    indiv_range			40
    texture				romans_julii, 77bc/data/RTR/models_unit/textures/pontus_legionary.tga
    texture				pontus, 77bc/data/RTR/models_unit/textures/pontus_legionary.tga
    model_flexi_m			77bc/data/RTR/models_unit/rome_early_legionary_high.cas, 15
    model_flexi_m			77bc/data/RTR/models_unit/rome_early_legionary_med.cas, 30
    model_flexi_m			77bc/data/RTR/models_unit/rome_early_legionary_low.cas, 40
    model_flexi			77bc/data/RTR/models_unit/rome_early_legionary_lowest.cas, max
    model_sprite		pontus, 60.0, 77bc/data/RTR/sprites/armenia_roman_legionary_cohort_i_sprite.spr
    model_sprite		romans_julii, 60.0, 77bc/data/RTR/sprites/armenia_roman_legionary_cohort_i_sprite.spr
    model_tri			400, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f
    To add the proper unit cards, open the UI\units_info\pontus folder and copy the file RTR_PONTIC_LEGIONARIES_INFO to the UI\units_info\romans_julii folder.

    Do the same with the file #RTR_PONTIC_LEGIONARIES, copying it from UI\units\pontus to UI\units\romans_julii

    If you want to add them as recruitable to the Roman barracks just let me know.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Great Mod-questions and bug report

    Thanks Salvor, that worked i originally did everything you said , except that paragraph in the descr_model_battle file, that was the could tell me about the barrack recruitment if its quick...but i dont wanna waste your time, im sure your busy with personal life and your new project.Waiting to hear back from Empe, maybe i'll be joining the team.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Great Mod-questions and bug report

    That would be great! Concerning the recruitment, it is as easy as:

    - Open export_descr_buildings.txt. Look for "barracks_roman". Scroll down to muster_field and add this:

    recruit "roman legionary cohort i" 0 requires factions { romans_julii, } and hidden_resource aor_italy
    recruit "roman legionary cohort i" 0 requires factions { romans_julii, } and marian_reforms and hidden_resource unused
    recruit "rtr pontic legionary" 0 requires factions { romans_julii, } and hidden_resource aor_asia
    recruit "KA caesariani legionary" 0 requires factions { romans_scipii, } and hidden_resource aor_italy

    The "and hidden_resource aor_asia" will limit the recruitment of this unit only to Asia. You can remove it or change for "aor_pontus"

    Add the same in the "militia_barracks" section so that you can still recruit the unit after upgrading the building

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