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Thread: Mitteleuropa v1.2

  1. #1
    Sinuhet's Avatar Preparing for death
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    the Czech republic, EU

    Default Mitteleuropa v1.2

    MITTELEUROPA, version 1.2
    (a clone of the original Bohemia mini-mod project)

    Version 1.2 - Creation Date: July 2, 2007


    Mitteleuropa 1.2 zip file on ""

    Mitteleuropa 1.2 zip file on ""

    (you dont need any previous version of this mod, it is all-in-one pack)

    Updates (highly recommended separate downloads of files developed after releasing Mitteleuropa v1.2):

    Sinuhet's Battle Mechanics v3.0 (36.9 KB)

    Mitteleuropa Custom Battles Add-on v1.0 (1.87 MB)

    Description and Using Medieval Total War 2: "Mitteleuropa"
    It is my clone of the original "Bohemia mini-mod" project.

    Version 1.0 of this mod has some hidden bugs, which caused random crashes after reloading the saved game. The patch 1.1 is removing this undesired behaviour and from the time of releasing the patch 1.1 is the Mitteleuropa mod fully stable.
    This version has been developed and thoroughly tested on the MTW2 1.2 platform (quite exactly on the MTW2 English version patched with "official" 1.2 patch).

    The 1.2 version is full-pack of the Mitteleuropa patched with 1.1 patch and it is not in any case saved-game-friendly for basic Mitteluropa 1.0. It is critical update as for stability - you need to start a new campaign, however.
    Version 1.2 of this mod is using the new feature of the MTW2 patched onto 1.2 version, which is enabling not to re-pack the Music files, but include the respective mp3 files in the sounds subfolder of the Bohemia mod folder and the game will use them in this place after generating the new audio.dat, audio.idx, events.dat and events.idx files during the first start of the mod. This new way of modding music has halved the size of the mod….

    I have implemented a lot of new features enabled by MTW2 1.2 patch in the 1.1 patch and 1.2 version of Mitteleuropa. The original version 1.0 was based on the MTW2 1.1 patch only and tested for compatibility with patch 1.2 … On the other hand, the newer versions of Mitteleuropa mod are using the new features enabled in medieval2.exe 1.2 hardcode … It is on the cost of the lost of a backward compatibility with MTW2 1.1 naturally.
    From this reasons, you need to have the Mitteleuropa version 1.0 patched with 1.1 patch, or alternativelly uninstall the previous version of Mitteleuropa mod completely, and install the version 1.2 on the clean installation of MTW2 patched on 1.2 version…. Simple as that …

    Warning, especially for users with non-English mutations of the MTW2:
    After installation of this mod: please go to the "sounds" subfolder in the "Bohemia" folder and check if the 4 above-mentioned sound files are not residing there. If they are ther, you need to delete them!!! Then start the game and these files will be generated with settings respective for your own installation of the game (i.e. mainly for your language mutation). Please, do this process whenever you will change anything in the Mitteleuropa mod. These sound files are very sensitive on any change and if you dont generate them newly always, they can be cause of crashes of the game .... It is not my fault, it is the way, how the game is programmed by CA...


    All intellectual work and artwork featured in Mitteleuropa is copyright of their respective owner(s). This artwork may not be re-used or distributed without the explicit written permission of the author(s).


    Installation Instructions:

    1. You need to have a quite clean installation MTW2 patched on 1.2 version ideally, eventually uninstall the previous version of the Mitteleuropa mod.
    2. Install the Mitteleuropa mod via Setup.exe. It is a classical Microsoft Installer package. You need to install this mod in the root folder of the game (i.e. not in the Data subfolder !!!).
    3. After this phase of copying the new files to the games folder you must cope with the inflexible mod installation process.
    To achieve this aim you can decide to go in several alternative ways - it depends on your own preferences and previous experiences. For file_first way see the respective tutorials.
    I prefer personally other way, however:
    Start he MedBattleSelector.exe and the archiving the data_0.pack and data_1.pack files will start. The back-up has almost 1.5 GB, so you need this free space on the HDD partition, where you have the game installed - but this is only for archiving purposes. YOU MUST BE PATIENT IN THIS PHASE!!!! It is several minutes to back up several hundreds of MB …
    After you will see in the log window of the MedBattleSelector that the data_0.pack and data_1.pack files are backed-up and sucessfully patched, you can exit the MedBattleSelector. You dont need to do anything else with MedBattleSelector.
    Then you can start the game and everything should be installed already and fully functional. To be sure try to play some Custom battle at first to see the difference and eventual error in installation of this mod.
    If you will want to uninstall this software, simply open the MedBattleSelector again and push the button Undo. By this way, the patched data_0.pack and and data_1.pack files are erased and the original ones previously back-uped are fully used again.
    If you would like to erase the whole mod permanently, you would finish the Uninstallation process in normal way in Add/Remove Programs Windows routine.
    (This approach is far more better as for the game speed, because you avoid the searching all files used in the game, which are not in the mod folder, in first step in root/Data folder and after then in the packs files. My method is reversing the last two steps. Yes, it is way more speedy as you colud see by this theoretical explanation…)

    You can use the included „Bohemia.bat“, or alternativelly „Mitteleropa v1.2.exe“, file for starting game, or create your own shortcut according to the one included for example next to this Readme file (my preferred way).

    4. And its all. You should only delete the 4 sound files from the "sounds" subfolder in Bohemia folder as mentioned above. This is necessary before first start of the patch mod only and recommended after any chage made by you in this mod.
    5. Optional thing is to copy the desired "vanilla" Custom battles from: MTW2 root/Data/world/maps/custom subfolder.


    All versions of this original project are not an open source, it is a freeware - you can use freely all files included as you want for your personal usage only, any other than official releasing in public of this mod or any part of it, which is originally developed by me or respective other authors (and it doesnt matter if further modified or unmodified) is possible only after a written permission..

    „Mitteleuropa“ is a registered mod in the TWC Registered Mods Database.


    Credits section

    MITTELEUROPA, version 1.2
    (a clone of the original Bohemia mini-mod project)

    Creator & Developer: Sinuhet

    2D Artwork

    Bohemian Faction Symbols, Buttons & Related Symbols:

    Bohemian Campaign Map Faction Banners:

    Bohemian Battlefield Banners & Standards:
    Meretrix (Sinuhet only Moravian and Premyslid eagles)

    Splash and Loading Screens:

    UI Cards:
    original CA, small corrections by Sinuhet for Bohemia faction

    Campaign Minimaps Per Faction:
    original CA

    Faction Leader Portraits:
    original CA

    3D Unit Artwork

    burrek's Texture Mods:
    European Factions Reskins by burrek:
    Knights and Knaves v0.95
    Early Period Pack v0.91
    High Period Pack v0.3

    Byzantium Armor Progression Mod v0.7:
    Byzantium Faction Reskin by Whitewolf

    Matúš Čák rebels mod (MCRM)
    From this mod used only several graphical elements (all shields for Eastern Spearmen, one shield for Knights – the yellow lion on the blue background, the blue plume for Gothic Knights for Bohemia)
    (link:, path: Home»Downloads»MCRM»Klient)

    Some Bohemian textures by Sinuhet.


    Unit Animations Pack:
    original CA from patch 1.2

    Battlefield AI

    Battlefield AI Formations and related xml files:
    Sinuhet (Sinuhet’s Battle Mechanics v1.0 with some corrections in xml files taken from MTW2 1.2 patch)

    Battlefield Visuals

    original CA

    Night Battles:
    original CA

    Campaign AI & Diplomacy

    Campaign AI (and settlements mechanics related xml file):

    Diplomacy & Related Campaign AI (respective txt and xml files):
    GrandViZ (Ultimate AI v1.2-beta2), Shaba Wangy + Re Berengario I (Anno Domini 0.92), Sinuhet (each of them 1/3 respectively - it is so complex system that I will explain it in the TWC forum later in more detailed way).

    Ultimate AI by GrandViZ

    Anno Domini by Re Berengario I and Shaba Wangy

    Campaign (descr-strat.txt)

    Modified Header of the Campaign file (years, years/turn, rebellions):

    Modified Core of the Campaign file (factions, settlement, armies):
    Re Berengario I (Anno Domini v0.91), largely debugged and changed by Sinuhet

    Modified Diplomatic Relations of the Campaign file:

    Campaign Script

    Modified Campaign Script:
    Sinuhet (fixed and reduced for optimal performance)

    Garrison Script:
    not applied (maybe in next versions of this mod)

    Campaign Map

    Modified Campaign Map & Related Files:
    Spurius Big map v0.99i
    several changes by Sinuhet

    New Regions & Related Coding:
    Re Berengario I (Anno Domini v0.92),
    Sinuhet (Bohemia and several new regions in HRE)

    Regional Campaign Map Resources:
    Re Berengario I (Anno Domini v0.92),
    changes by Sinuhet

    Region Naming Convention & Settlement Placement:
    Re Berengario I (Anno Domini v0.91),
    merged with Spurius Big map by Sinuhet, naming partially changed by Sinuhet

    ZOR / AOR Systems

    Zone Of Recruitment (ZOR) System:
    not applied

    Regional Mercenary Recruitment Pools / Area Of Recruitment (AOR):
    Re Berengario I (Anno Domini v0.92), changes by Sinuhet

    Re Berengario I (Anno Domini v0.92), largely changed stats by Sinuhet

    Historical Events

    Modified Events System:
    Sinuhet, black death based on template by Re Berengario I (Anno Domini v0.92)

    Unit Stat System Development (EDU.txt)

    Modified Unit Stat Entries:
    GODzilla (EDU adjusted for zxiangs1983’s animations), Sinuhet

    Faction Recruitment Capabilities

    Reconstructed Faction Rosters:
    Sinuhet, mainly for Bohemia

    Recoded Rebel Armies:

    Building Stat System Development (EDB.txt)

    Modified Building Stat Entries:

    Siege Battles

    Fixed descr_walls.txt:

    Culture Specific Battering Rams:
    original CA

    Victory Conditions

    Modified Victory Conditions:

    Movement Modifiers

    Campaign Map Movement Modifiers:
    original idea by GrandViZ, respectively adjusted by Sinuhet

    Battlefield Movement Modifiers:

    Trait & Ancillary System

    Original Traits & Ancillaries:
    The Creative Assembly, leaked pre-patch 1.2

    Modified Traits & Ancillaries:

    Both these Traits & Ancillaries merged and fixed:

    Custom and Historical Battles

    Custom Battle Maps Modification:
    Sinuhet (added 4 maps for Bohemia and 3 maps for Moravia, altogether 7 new maps with Bohemian faction specific music !!! in Custom battles)

    Historical Battles Modification:
    not applied

    Battlefield Vegetation:

    Battlefield Vegetation Modification:
    not applied

    Naming & Descriptions Section

    Faction Specific Character Names:
    (only slightly expanded and fixed vanilla – Bohemia, partially HRE and Poland;
    Character Names Project will be implemented in the next versions of this mod)

    Lists of names:
    Bohemia: Methoz + Sinuhet
    German part of the HRE: deRougemont
    Poland: Johan217

    Implementation of new names by Sinuhet
    (I have used a verification tool by Tornight during implementation of new names)

    Campaign and Battle Descriptions:
    Sinuhet (changed Milan to Bohemia)

    Faction Introduction Descriptions:
    Janosik (for Bohemia faction)

    Renamed Factions:
    only Milan changed to Bohemia, otherwise not applied

    Renamed Units:
    Sinuhet (descriptions and Unit Cards changed only for “new” Bohemian units)

    Music Section

    Implementation of a faction-specific music for Bohemia:

    List of music with authors and links:

    "Ktož jsú boží bojovníci"
    mp3 ukázka chorálu "Ktož jsú boží bojovníci" (1.8 Mb)

    Landa Daniel - Ktož jste boží bojovníci
    skladba z alba: Valčík /1993/
    text skladby "Ktož jste boží bojovníci"
    mp3 ukázka "Kdož jste boží bojovníci" (4.0 Mb)

    Klíč - Pohár a kalich
    skladba z alba: Omnia Vincit Amor /1993/
    text skladby "Pohár a kalich"
    mp3 ukázka "Pohár a kalich" (3.9 Mb)

    Orlík - My proti nám a Vozová hradba
    obě skladby z alba: Miloš Frýba for president /1990/
    text skladby "My proti nám" text skladby "Vozová hradba"
    mp3 ukázka "My proti nám" (3.3 Mb) mp3 ukázka "Vozová hradba" (2.5 Mb)

    Patria - Ve jménu pravdy
    skladba z alba: Národe, povstaň! /1999/
    Skladba skinheadské kapely z Jablonce...
    text skladby "Ve jménu pravdy"
    mp3 ukázka "Ve jménu pravdy" (4.1 Mb)

    Vozová hradba – Husitská
    skladba z dema /2004/
    text skladby "Husitská"
    mp3 ukázka "Husitská" (3.5 Mb)

    Modification Tools

    pack Extractor Tool:
    original CA (from patches 1.1 & 1.2)

    Texture/DDS Converter Tool:

    String-bin/txt Converter Tool:

    Model DB Validators:
    Tornnight, KnightErrant

    Name Validator:

    RTW Toolset for descr_strat.txt file debugging:

    Traits & Ancillaries Validators:
    Malrubius, BrandonM

    Map Regions Analysation Tool:
    Marcellus Trajanus (MapAnalysator Tool beta3)

    idx Extractor Tool:

    Modding Tutorials

    Campaign Map Modification:
    MTWII Modding Arts Inc. (Xerces & Burebista)

    Graphics Modification (DDS and “normal” files):
    mainly phoenix[illusion], but also Spartan II and Sir Lancelot

    Sounds Modification:
    and the dev guy from CA who released the sound files (in TWC called Caliban)

    Historical Sources

    Campaign Map:
    Re Berengario I, Sinuhet, Wikipedia, Google

    Historical References & Research:
    Sinuhet, people involved in the original “Bohemia mini-mod” project (mainly Janosik and Methoz)


    Beta Testers Including Extensive Analysis & Recommendations:
    1. mainly Sinuhet till yet
    2. loet66 – testing and reporting the CTDs in French language MTW2 mutation caused by sound files generated for English version of the game


    All intellectual work and artwork featured in Mitteleuropa is copyright of their respective owner(s). This artwork may not be re-used or distributed without the explicit written permission of the author(s).
    My thanks to all those involved in every possible means with the development and progression of the mod.
    The credit section will be updated with further areas that are completed in due course.
    If you feel I have missed you out of the credit section, or a certain section is inaccurate, please PM me to let me know which area(s) you felt you contributed towards.


    Highly recommended separate mods, which are tested as for compatibility with this my mod:
    1. zxiang1983s fixes of meshes (fixed necks of “knights” and fixed models of Latinkons)

    Last edited by Sinuhet; July 16, 2007 at 02:30 AM. Reason: download links to "updates" added, fixed some typos
    My TW games "Battle Formations" projects:
    Sinuhet's ETW Formations v2.0 – for ETW
    Sinuhet's Battle Mechanics v5.0 – for MTW2
    Sinuhet's Battle Mechanics v3.0 – for MTW2
    Sinuhet's AI Battle Formations v7.0 – for RTW 1.5

    In Patrocinivm Svb HorseArcher

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