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Thread: Where have all the Cardinals gone?

  1. #1
    Vindahl's Avatar Citizen
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Default Where have all the Cardinals gone?

    I am still new to SS, but I noticed that in my current game there is only 2 cardinals. 11 seats are open! And it has been like this for a Long time.
    Seems quite stupid, but I have an idea why it is like this, unless it is a mistake in SS?
    - I have changed the aging and turns to 1year/turn. That means that the priests are not THAT pious, in fact, they only get 4 "stars" if they are lucky, before they die!
    Do anybody if this is the case?

    And if it is, is there then a script you can change which "educates" the priests faster?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Where have all the Cardinals gone?

    Just get cathedrals and the theoligans guild and youll be pumping out high level priests in no time. There is no problem with SS.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Where have all the Cardinals gone?

    The chances for the the traits and ancillaries for priests do seem to have been lowered so they will be less likely to get them than in vanilla and therefore there will be less priests that reach piety 5 or more.

    I've quickly gone through and reset all of the triggers to default values which you can download here. Just backup the export_descr_ancillaries.txt and export_descr_character_traits.txt files in the Stainless_Steel\data folder and copy the files from this zip into the same folder.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Where have all the Cardinals gone?

    priest tend to get the "Poor Percustor(SP)" trait a lot now..even athough i didn't manage to burn 1 heretic shouldn't burning the next 10 get rid of that trait for me!?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Where have all the Cardinals gone?

    This is the trigger for the GoodDenouncer trait from the export_descr_character_traits.txt file:-

    Trigger agents42_normal_denouncement
    WhenToTest DenouncementMission

    Condition MissionSucceeded
    and not Trait BadDenouncer > 0

    Affects GoodDenouncer 1 Chance 100

    So if they are already bad denouncers then it will never clear. If you want this to clear if they successfully denounce someone put a semi-colon in front of the "and not Trait BadDenouncer > 0" line.

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