Downloads: Kingdoms Docudemons

Kingdoms Docudemons

Uploaded by Unspoken Knight - October 21, 2007
Author Author Unknown
File Size File Size 42.7 KB
Downloads Downloads 1,811
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Character Script Labels:

One important change is the use of character script labels. Characters can be created with a unique script label in descr_strat or through the spawn_army/character script commands. These script labels can be used in place of subsequent character names in other script commands to avoid conflict with other identically named characters. In fact, using unique script labels in all script commands that use a character name is highly recommended. Using character names directly in the script when multiple characters of the same name exist has undefined behaviour. Please check the various Kingdoms descr_strat.txt and campaign_script.txt files for usage examples.

Random Charater Names:

Characters created through the script can have 'random_name' specified as their name. This will allocate the spawned character with a random name.




- added 'infighting' as an interrupt type


- optional death type (e.g. DET_POISONED, DET_NATURAL) can be specified


- optional spawn direction can be specified
- optional'famliy' attribute can be specified to make a spawned general a family member
- optional 'label [script_label]' can be specified
- optional 'battle_model [model_name]' can be specified


- optional accept/decline scroll boolean flag to display an accept/decline scroll object and increments a [event]_accepted or [event]_declined counter on selection.
- optional faction filter can be specified to limit which factions receive event


set_faction_banner: Changes a faction’s banner at a certain point in the game in both campaign and battle

set_religion: Changes the religion of a faction.

change_population_religion: Changes the religion distribution of a factions settlements.

add_money: Adds money (negative value subtracts) to a faction's treasury.

destroy_buildings: Destroys all buildings in a chain, can refund money.

destroy_units: Disbands all units in the faction's armies with the specified name or attribute.

retire_characters: Retires all characters in the faction's armies of teh specified type.

set_kings_purse: Changes the money granted by the king's purse.

increment_kings_purse: Increments the amount of money granted by the king's purse.

add_settlement_turmoil: Adds turmoil to the settlement, will decrease per turn.

send_character_off_map: Removes a character from the campaign map, but leaves them in the family tree.

generate_random_counter: Sets the specified counter to a random value between min and max inclusive.

random_counter_inc: Increments the specified counter by a random value between min and max inclusive.

change_settlement_name: Changes a settlement's name to a new one from expanded.txt.

inc_event_counter: Increments the value of an event counter.

set_faction_standing: Changes first faction's standing towards second faction.

faction_emerge: Evaluates the target factions settlements with a settlement level >= min_level_threshold and public order <= max_order_threshold. If the settlement with the lowest order fails, is it turned over to the emerge_faction. The leader_script_label and leader_name are used if a new leader is required. min_num_remain specifies the minimum number of settlements for the target faction to keep. Surrounding regions are also evaluated against the surrounding threshold.

reset_guild_standing: Sets the guild standing for this guild of all factions to 0.

give_everything_to_faction: Gives all assets of source faction to target faction. Flag determines if faction defeated message is shown

set_settlement_founding_conversion_rate: Sets the settlements founding conversion rate.

change_battle_model: Changes the faction's leader/heir's battle model.

set_owner_founding_conversion_rate: Sets the settlements owner conversion rate.




- added 'infighting' as an action status


- added 'infighting' as an action status


PercentageUnitAttribute: Test to see what percentage of the army have a particular attribute

CharacterAge: Test the age of a character

I_IsFactionAIControlled: Check if a faction is controlled by the AI

IsFactionAIControlled: Check if a faction is controlled by the AI

IsSettlementExported: Does this event export a settlement?

IsFortExported: Does this event export a fort?




- now exports target_faction


- may export fort or settlement if target was a garrison residence. (check with IsFortExported/IsSettlementExported)
- now exports success probability.


- may export fort or settlement if target was a garrison residence.


- now exports success probability.


- now exports success probability.


- now exports name of guild


PreFactionTurnStart: A Faction is about to start its turn

UnitDisbanded: A unit has been disbanded

MissionFinished: A mission has finished (failed, succeeded or expired)

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Should you have a valid download yourself or know of an alternative download link, please contact a member of TWC Downloads Staff, or a member of the Hexagon Council.




October 22, 2007 at 06:24 AM
Very cool thanks