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    Re: Bran Mac Born's LME Mod

    would it be possible for Cavalry unit hit points to be increased and infantry ad cav unit movement speed slowed down as well , guess it could greatly

    siberskan Today, 07:35 PM Go to last post

    Re: Bran Mac Born's LME Mod

    would it be possible for Cavalry unit hit points to be increased and unit movement speed slowed down as well , guess it could greatly enhance realistic

    siberskan Today, 07:33 PM Go to last post

    Re: Troubles with Geomod

    delete the old bin file then use bin editor to create a new one. It helps me out a lot with that tool. Let me know if you want better instructions.

    sullivanclan1 Today, 05:40 PM Go to last post

    Re: Hamas attacks southern Israel

    The nazis had killed almost all the jewish people here - by the way, in ww2 the jewish population of Greece massively took part in the war as soldiers,

    Kyriakos Today, 05:16 PM Go to last post

    Re: Lock him up! Former PotUS Trump indicted

    Stop projecting, it's unseemly. It's clear the one coping here is you with this silly post. 12 ordinary citizens he says, from one of the most pro-heavily

    Alastor Today, 04:06 PM Go to last post